AP Biology Practice Test: Unit 3 — Cellular Energetics - High School Test Prep (2024)

Table of Contents
Which of the following environmental conditions does not affect the activity of enzymes? Some enzymes require an effector in order to conform to a substrate. The site to which the effector binds is the: Why will the enzyme sucrase only act on sucrose and not bind to other disaccharides, such as maltose? How do enzymes change the speed of chemical reactions in cells? Which of the following is not an example of a catabolic pathway? A battery being used in a flashlight is an example of: Which statement is true of a cell in chemical equilibrium? Questions 8–9 During the above reaction in glycolysis, which molecule acts as the oxidizing agent? In the same reaction above in glycolysis, which molecule acts as the reducing agent? Which part of photosynthesis takes place in the stroma, uses ATP and NADPH to convert CO2 to the sugar G3P, and returns ADP and NADP+? Which of the following reactions represents photosynthesis? What color of light is least effective in driving photosynthesis? Which type of plants has a unique leaf structure, specifically adapted to hot, dry climates which helps to maintain CO2 concentration in the bundle sheath that favors photosynthesis over photorespiration? Which of the following biological process is not a step in cellular respiration: During which phase of cellular respiration is the most ATP produced? Which metabolic pathway is used by cellular respiration and fermentation? Insulin is secreted by the pancreas, and controls blood sugar levels. When blood sugar level rises, the body responds by secreting insulin into the blood to lower blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar level reaches homeostasis, the pancreas stops releasing insulin. This system is an example of: If a mammal such as an elk migrates from sea level to an area of high altitude, changes occur to accommodate activity at lower oxygen concentrations. These changes include an increased production of red blood cells and an increase in blood flow to the lungs. These changes are an example of: Which type of heat exchange involves the direct transfer of heat between molecules of objects in direct contact with each other? Which types of animals utilize the countercurrent exchange of heat as a means of maintaining homeostasis? Which types of animals would most likely include osmoconformers? How does physical or emotional stress affect blood pressure? When a young seed is germinating, what environmental cue does it use to grow its leaves upward and roots downward when sunlight is not available (as in, when it is buried in the soil)? FAQs

Question 1

Which of the following environmental conditions does not affect the activity of enzymes?




The amount of free energy in the cell




Chemicals in the enzyme’s environment

Question 1 Explanation:

The correct answer is (B). Typically, the rate of enzymatic reactions increases with temperature (up to a point), this is because increased temperature means increased energy means increased motion which makes for more frequent collisions of substrates with active sites. pH can have an impact on the functioning of an enzyme. For example, the stomach enzyme pepsin works best at a pH of about 1.5 and the enzyme trypsin, which acts in the small intestine, works best at a pH of about 8. Because enzymes are sensitive to their environment, certain chemicals can denature the protein, rendering it unable to perform its function. The amount of free energy in the cell does not affect the function of the enzyme.

Question 2

Some enzymes require an effector in order to conform to a substrate. The site to which the effector binds is the:


Active site


Affective site


Allosteric site


Effector site

Question 2 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). The binding of an effector to the allosteric site will change the shape of the active site (the site to which the substrate binds) allowing (or preventing) the substrate to attach.

Question 3

Why will the enzyme sucrase only act on sucrose and not bind to other disaccharides, such as maltose?


Because of sucrose’s molecular formula


Because sucrose has a 1-2 glycosidic linkage and maltose has a 1-4 glycosidic linkage


Because sucrose fits perfectly into sucrase’s active site, and other disaccharides do not


Because sucrose contains fructose

Question 3 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). Enzymes work exclusively on specific substrates, based on their shape.

Question 4

How do enzymes change the speed of chemical reactions in cells?


They increase the heat in the cell, and therefore speed up the reaction by allowing reactants to attain the transition state more often


Enzymes speed up reactions by changing the amount of free energy available in the cell for reactions


Enzymes make endergonic reactions exergonic


Enzymes speed up reactions by bringing substrates together to undergo a chemical reaction

Question 4 Explanation:

The correct answer is (D). Enzymes have a specialized area on the molecules called the active site, which bring substrates together for a chemical reaction to take place.

Question 5

Which of the following is not an example of a catabolic pathway?




Cellular respiration


Citric Acid Cycle



Question 5 Explanation:

The correct answer is (D). Answers (A), (B) & (C) are catabolic because they result in the net release of energy with the end products being simpler than the input. Photosynthesis is an anabolic pathway since it results in the net gain of energy with the end products of the reaction being more complex than the input.

Question 6

A battery being used in a flashlight is an example of:


Rotational Energy


Thermal Energy


Chemical Energy


Solar Energy

Question 6 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). Chemical energy is energy that is stored in chemicals. In the case of the battery, when the positive and negative terminals are connected so that electricity can flow between them, chemical reactions occur at the electrodes. The reactions release excess electrons at the anode which flow to the cathode.

Question 7

Which statement is true of a cell in chemical equilibrium?


Cells in chemical equilibrium can no longer do work, and therefore, will die


Cells are most stable in chemical equilibrium, and able to produce molecules needed for biological processes to continue


Cells in chemical equilibrium are healthy and productive; cells in chemical disequilibrium typically are cancerous


As cells reach chemical equilibrium, the free energy of the mixture of reactants and products increases

Question 7 Explanation:

The correct answer is (A). If chemical reactions occurred in a test tube, they would eventually reach chemical equilibrium. Systems with chemical equilibrium have a minimum amount of free energy, and therefore they cannot do any work, and will eventually die. This is a very important aspect of life: that metabolism as a whole is never at equilibrium.

Question 8

Questions 8–9

AP Biology Practice Test: Unit 3 — Cellular Energetics - High School Test Prep (1)

During the above reaction in glycolysis, which molecule acts as the oxidizing agent?









Question 8 Explanation:

The correct answer is (A). NAD+ is the oxidizing agent because it accepts electrons from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

Question 9

AP Biology Practice Test: Unit 3 — Cellular Energetics - High School Test Prep (2)

In the same reaction above in glycolysis, which molecule acts as the reducing agent?









Question 9 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is the reducing agent because it donates electrons to NAD+.

Question 10

Which part of photosynthesis takes place in the stroma, uses ATP and NADPH to convert CO2 to the sugar G3P, and returns ADP and NADP+?


Calvin Cycle


Light Reactions




Electron Transport Chain

Question 10 Explanation:

The correct answer is (A). The Calvin Cycle can be broken down into 3 steps: (1) Carbon fixation, which incorporates each CO2 molecule by attaching it to a 5-carbon sugar (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate), (2) Reduction, where each molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate receives an additional phosphate group from ATP and hydrogen from NADPH forming glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, and (3) Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate). This all takes place in the stroma.

Question 11

Which of the following reactions represents photosynthesis?


Pyruvate + NADH + H+ Lactate + NAD2


C4H6O5 + NAD+ → C4H4O5 + NADH + H+


C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy


6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Question 11 Explanation:

The correct answer is (D). The summary equation of photosynthesis is the reverse of that of cellular respiration. Carbon dioxide, plus water, plus energy in the form of light are converted to glucose and oxygen inside a chloroplast.

Question 12

What color of light is least effective in driving photosynthesis?









Question 12 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). Most plants appear to be green. This is because green light is reflected and not available to provide energy for photosynthesis.

Question 13

Which type of plants has a unique leaf structure, specifically adapted to hot, dry climates which helps to maintain CO2 concentration in the bundle sheath that favors photosynthesis over photorespiration?


C4 Plants


C3 Plants


CAM Plants


Parasitic Plants

Question 13 Explanation:

The correct answer is (A). C4 plants are given such a name because they preface the Calvin Cycle with an alternate mode of carbon fixation that forms a 4-carbon compound as its first product.

Question 14

Which of the following biological process is not a step in cellular respiration:


Citric Acid Cycle


Oxidative Phosphorylation




Calvin Cycle

Question 14 Explanation:

The correct answer is (D). The Calvin Cycle is a the process by which ATP and NADPH convert CO2 to sugar in photosynthesis.

Question 15

During which phase of cellular respiration is the most ATP produced?




Oxidative Phosphorylation


Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA


Citric Acid Cycle

Question 15 Explanation:

The correct answer is (B). Oxidative phosphorylation uses energy released by the electron transport chain to power ATP synthesis.

Question 16

Which metabolic pathway is used by cellular respiration and fermentation?




Citric Acid Cycle


Electron Transport Chain


Oxidative Phosphorylation

Question 16 Explanation:

The correct answer is (A). Fermentation consists of glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD+.

Question 17

Insulin is secreted by the pancreas, and controls blood sugar levels. When blood sugar level rises, the body responds by secreting insulin into the blood to lower blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar level reaches homeostasis, the pancreas stops releasing insulin. This system is an example of:


Positive feedback


Negative feedback


Allosteric regulation



Question 17 Explanation:

The correct answer is (B). Negative feedback is the most common type of regulation in which the accumulation of the end product slows the process of producing more.

Question 18

If a mammal such as an elk migrates from sea level to an area of high altitude, changes occur to accommodate activity at lower oxygen concentrations. These changes include an increased production of red blood cells and an increase in blood flow to the lungs. These changes are an example of:




Natural selection




Positive feedback

Question 18 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). One way in which an animal adjusts to changes in their external environment within the normal range of homeostasis is known as acclimatization. Acclimatization is a temporary change.

Question 19

Which type of heat exchange involves the direct transfer of heat between molecules of objects in direct contact with each other?









Question 19 Explanation:

The correct answer is (D). Conduction takes place when heat moves between two objects that are touching each other, such as a snake basking on a rock.

Question 20

Which types of animals utilize the countercurrent exchange of heat as a means of maintaining homeostasis?


Terrestrial mammals




Tropical birds



Question 20 Explanation:

The correct answer is (D). Countercurrent exchange reduces heat loss when arteries carrying warm blood down the legs of waterfowl are in close contact with veins returning cold blood from cold lakes or ponds. This allows the heat from the blood in the arteries to warm the cold blood returning in the veins. When the blood from the veins reaches the body core, it is almost as warm as the body.

Question 21

Which types of animals would most likely include osmoconformers?


Sea stars


Marine mammals


Freshwater fish



Question 21 Explanation:

The correct answer is (A). The osmolarity of the body fluids of sea stars (starfish) conforms to that of marine waters in which they are found.

Question 22

How does physical or emotional stress affect blood pressure?


Smooth muscles relax


Blood pressure decreases


Arterioles narrow, increasing blood pressure upstream in the arteries


Arterioles increase in diameter

Question 22 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). When there is physical or emotional stress, nervous and hormonal responses trigger smooth muscles in arteriole walls to contract. This causes the arterioles to narrow, increasing blood pressure in the upstream arteries.

Question 23

When a young seed is germinating, what environmental cue does it use to grow its leaves upward and roots downward when sunlight is not available (as in, when it is buried in the soil)?









Question 23 Explanation:

The correct answer is (C). Gravity provides the environmental cue signaling for the roots display positive gravitropism (growing downward) and the shoots to display negative gravitropism (growing upward). Photomorphogenesis describes the effects of sunlight on plant growth. Photoperiodism is the physiological response to a photoperiod (relative lengths of day and night), such as long-day and short-day plants. Thigmotropism is directional growth in response to touch, such as a vine wrapping its tendrils around another plant’s stem.

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AP Biology Practice Test: Unit 3 — Cellular Energetics - High School Test Prep (2024)


How hard is it to get a 3 on the AP Bio exam? ›

What is the average Score on AP Bio? In 2023, 239,470 students sat for the AP Bio exam. The mean score was 3.04. It is also important to consider the overall score distributions, which show that an encouraging 64.42% of students scored a 3 or higher.

Is 3 a good AP bio score? ›

Receiving a 3, 4, or 5 is generally accepted as scoring well on an AP® exam. According to the College Board a 3 is 'qualified,' a 4 'well qualified,' and a 5 'extremely well qualified. ' Depending on the school you plan to attend, college credits may be offered for scores within the 3-5 range.

What are the hardest units in AP Biology? ›

In AP Biology, the level of difficulty for each unit can vary from student to student, depending on their background and strengths. However, many students often find the cellular processes and molecular biology units to be quite challenging.

How hard is AP Biology in high school? ›

The 8th most difficult AP course is Biology. The difficulty level is 6.5/10, with a success rate of 69%. But it is also the most widely taken AP course.

What is a 75 on the AP exam? ›

Convert Your Composite Score to Your Scaled Score
Composite ScoreScaled Score
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Is a 3 OK on an AP test? ›

The College Board considers a score of 3 or higher a passing grade. That said, some colleges require a 4 or 5 to award credit. Whether a 3 is a good AP score depends on the colleges you're applying to.

What is a 60 on the AP exam? ›

Yes, a 60 is considered a passing grade in AP classes. In AP, the average passing rate is 60-70%.

What percent gets a 5 on AP Bio? ›

2023 Score Distributions‌: Sciences
AP Biology14.3%64.4%
AP Chemistry16%75.1%
AP Environmental Science8.3%53.7%
AP Physics 18.8%45.6%
3 more rows

Is the AP test curved? ›

AP test scores are indeed "curved," but it's more accurate to call it a "scaling process." Instead of a traditional curve that compares your performance to other students' performance, the AP exam scaling process converts your raw score (the number of points you earned through multiple-choice questions and free- ...

Is AP Bio or Chem easier? ›

AP Chemistry is the more difficult exam, making it a better choice for students who have already taken AP science courses and intend to pursue a degree in a related field. If you're still not sure whether these classes are the right choice for you, talk to students who have taken one or both at your school.

Is unit 3 of AP Bio hard? ›

In my experience, the most difficult unit in AP Bio for many students is Cellular Energetics (Unit 3).

Is physics or AP Bio harder? ›

Many students would say that AP Physics is one of the hardest AP classes, while AP Bio is one of the easiest. This is because AP Physics is heavily based on high-level math, while AP Bio is all about writing and memorization. Khan Academy is a great resource to use to prepare for both classes.

Is AP Bio memorization? ›

AP Bio is NOT memorization. In fact, if you just try to memorize terms and concepts, you'll have a much harder time keeping track of everything you need to know. Memorizing as a strategy is not ideal for any AP exam because it is way harder to answer the essays.

How many people fail AP Biology? ›

Pass Rates by AP Test
TestStudents Who Earn a 3 or Higher*
Calculus AB58%
Calculus BC78.5%
34 more rows

What percent is a 3 on the AP Bio exam? ›

29.7 % 32.4 %

What percent correct is a 3 on an AP exam? ›

As a general guide, though, you can consider roughly more than 70% correct as being in the 5 range, 50-69% for a score of 4, 40-49% for a score of 3, 30-39% for a 2, and below 30% would likely be a 1. Again, these ranges are approximations and can vary by subject and by year.

Do colleges accept 3 on AP Bio? ›

Colleges are generally looking for a 4 (“well-qualified”) or 5 (“extremely qualified”) on the AP exam, but some may grant credit for a 3 (“qualified”). These scores mean you have proven yourself capable of doing the work in an introductory-level college course.

What is the hardest AP exam? ›

The hardest AP class is AP Physics 1, covering topics like Newtonian mechanics and electrical charge and force. Students also spend about 25% of their class time performing college-level lab experiments and writing reports.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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