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DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (1)


• • 18/rad 5750


(Onc1<lssificd upon relnoval fr(HYl the basic letter)

SECOND EN])OHSI';MENT on ce, 1st M:trniv Itr 3/nGN/rrs over 57S0 Sf'r: OO]()(I-(I() (ltd Jt1 October lC)6C)

From: Comrnanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Conunanclant of the Marine Corps (Code A03]))

Subj: COJllm,tnd Chronology for periocll-31 August 1969

Encl: ( 1) List of missing documents

1. F'oJ:wal·<1ed. The subject chronology has been reviewed for COID.­

plcteness and the docunwnts listed on enclosure (l ) were found to be missing.

2. By copy hereof, CO))llllal1ding Ccnel'al, First Marilw Division is requested to submit the missing documents to CMC, via the appro­priate chain of conHnand, within 30 days.

Copy to: CCi, 'lot Milrl)iv CCi, III MAl<'

,"" \" :',1'

\ I 1 \,


~5:c::~dri~~ . R. D. WHITE By direction

\ '\, ~i



I' i '

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, 'j


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• • LIST OF MISSING DOCUMENTS -.-----.--------------

1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not included in the materials forwarded to thi"s Headquarters:

A, Days 9,10,11,12,14,26 and 28 of the 3dBn, 5th Marines 1st Marine Division Journal

B. Daily SitRe'ps for the 17 and 18 of August from the 3dRn 7th Marines, 1st: Marine Division


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• • ...... 3K/lis ;;'(50/1 Sera :

.In.T (Unc.lassified upon r'omoval from the

J 9 OCT 1~R9

0011H'i()B basic letter)

F'IHS'I' )1;iJl)(JHSI';I'lJ:;N'l' on CG, lsUlarDiv Itr ~)/DGN/rrs over 5750 Sop: 00166-·69 of' 11.,Oc t69

j,'rOfr1: Commanding General, ITT l1arino Amphibious Porce '1'0: Commandant; of the MfJrjno Corps (Code A03D) Via: COlrllilanding General, P1eet Marine I"oroo, Pacific

Sllbj: Command Chronology

1. Ji'orwal'ded.

~.-,. R.t. RHO BY OlfaCTION

Cop;v to: CG, 1 ntl·:opDiv

~ r I "


J" j " ••

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• • Rr.6.DQtWlT1B8

lat Marine D1v:111an (REIB), FKr FPO. SaD Frlno:1.oo, Cal1torn:1a 96602

3100N/rra 5750 Sera 00166-69 14 OCT 1969

~\ .UII. __ Unclall:1f1ed upon reaoval of enolosure (1)

lI"l'CIIIl' OCllllWld1ni General fo. Oamundant of the H&r:l.De Oorps (Oode "'OlD) V1a. (1) Oa1lJll1D4Un& O ... ll"Il, III Har1ne Mph1biOU roroe

(2) C .... cHns GtA8I'&1., neet Har1n.e rPNe, Paoit1o

SUbj_ CClDlJll.8D.d ObronolOU

Ret. (a> MOO P$7SO.U (b) F.Mr.PacO $7$0.8A

1'Q012 J (1) l.t MArDiv Oaeamand OhrGDo1oQ' £01' .lucut 1969

1. In aoOOl'clanOI with the pl'ovi.ion. o£ retel'enoe. <a> and <b), _cloture (1) !a IUbm1 tted.

DOWNGRADED AT. 3 YEAR rN'1'F.~Wl.t.8i DECL.I\:·;~;JVJEJ) AliTER 12 Yll:Attl:t

OOD DIB 5200.10



'. ·69 3600 COpy l of _5 COPIES



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• •

OClOfANI) OHR<llCZoOOt 1 Auauet to 31 lucust









JEHCLOC"iTynJfi:,i , ~.

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PAR"l' I

ORO.UfmTlOtaL DlT.l




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PAR'l' I


Commanding General MajGen Ormond R. SIYlPSON Assistant Division Commander Assistant Division Commander

BGen Samuel JASKILKA (1-15 August) BGen C. S. ROBER'£SON (16-31 August) BGen Leo J. DU1A.CKI )rAssistant Division Commander

.,I-( 'I'AD to III MAF)


Headquarters Battalion IstHar


7thl1ar llthHar

lstReconBn lstEngrBn 7thEngrUn


lstSPBn lstlVl1'Bn llthNTBn )dAmTracHn lst'l'KBn lstI1edBn 1stHospCo lstDentCo

2. (u) LOCA'l'IPN


Col N. A. CAl~L:ONA Col C. S. ROBERTSON (1-14 August) Col H. L. WILKERSON (15-31 August) Col ~J. J. !?ARD (1-15 August) Col N. L. BECK (16-31 August) Col G. S. CODISPOTI Col C. j~. WALKER (1-8 August) LtCol C. J. JOHNS01~ (9-31 August) LWol R. D. MICKELSON LtCol H. E. sh*tH LtCol T. T. Al~NAS (1-18 August) LtCol W. G. BA'l'ES (19-31 August) LtCol B. F. VISAGE (1-30 August) LtCol E. K. 1'1AXWELL (31 August) LtCol D. L. ANDERSON LtCol B • .I!;.W1LSON LtCol J. A. KIN1J IBURGH l1aj K. D. THATENHUnBT LtCol R. B. }1ARCH Oapt A. J. W. LEA NC USN Capt J. W. HART MC USN Capt p. c. ALEXM~DEH DC USN

1-31 August 1969, Danang, HVt~





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3. (U) S'l'JJ:'F OFF'IC~

Chief of Staff

Staff Secretary Assistant Chief of Staff, G-l Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5


• Col H. g. DICKINSON (1-8 August) Col C. l~. WALKli.:R (9-31 August) Maj R. 13. MILLER Col G. li.:. LAWRENCE Col A. J. SKOTNICKI Col J. B. ORO Jr. Col J. L. SCHWARTZ

Assistru1t Chief of Staff, Comptroller

Col H. f. PAINTli.:R (1-15 August) Col W. J. ZARO (16-31 August) LtCol D. U. DAVIDSON (1-21 August) Capt F. A. PEPE (22-31 August) Capt J. E. HARDAWAY (1-16 August) Maj J. J. HUDSON (17-31 August) Col J. L. HERNDON (1-18 August) Col A. R. PY'rKO (19-31 August)


Air Officer

Artillery Officer

Band Officer Career Plru1ning Officer Chaplain Clubs Officer Conun-Electronics Officer Dental Officer Disbursing Officer Exchange Officer Embarkation Officer Engineer Officer

It'ield Historian Ground Safety Officer Industrial Relations Officer Information Service Officer

Inspector Legal Officer Motor Transport Officer Naval Gunfire Officer Ordnance Officer Photographic Officer Postal Officer Provost Marshal Special Services Officer Reproduction Officer Supply Officer Su:rgeon Tank Officer Food Service Officer


Col C. E.WALKER (1-8 August) LtCol C. J. JOHNson (9-31 August) CWO-4 A. M. OLESAK LtCol J. VANDEHSLUIS Capt ~1. P. SULLIVAN CHC USN Maj H. SCHOFIELD Col C. G. DAHL Capt P. C. ALl~XANDEH. DC USN Maj J. E. THOMAS Capt K. E. JOHNSON Maj J. J. HOU'l'CllliNB LtCol D. H. HILDEBruu~D (1-9 August) 1tCol H. L. LOVEJOY (10-)1 August) Maj D. G. NARGELE VACANT IstLt J. B. THOl1PSON IstLt C. DAVIS (1-7 August) CaptW. H. S'l'UClffiY (8-31 August) Col J. B. SI~ViS

Ltcol R. M. LUCY Maj V. D. SU'l"I'ON LtCdr N. J. CORLETT USN Maj J. E. LEAVITT VACAt'lT lstLt L. RIC~~ Jr. LtCol 'W. P. GORSKI LtCol A. A. LAPORTE Capt D. A. ZEFEHJOHN Col J. L. SC~wARTZ Capt E. F • LATHAN USN LtCol R. B. MARCH Capt C. WATson




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UlfOLlSSIlIED ~GtOSUnF'..( I )


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1. (0) Replacement ~nd Rotation of Personne~

a. 'l'otal 11arine replacements received and Marines rotated during August 1969 were:


Officer En.1isted


Officer Enlisted

121 .. 1755

134 2065

b. There were 19 officers and 708 enlisted medically evacuated from ItVN. One officer and 45 enlisted returned to duty who were previously evacuated from RVN. A total of 28 personnel departed on emergency leave/ permanent change of station orders. A total of 106 personnel departed on emergency leave/TAD orders.

c. A total of five officers and 208 enlisted extended their tour for 30 days special leave. 10 officers and 343 enlisted departed on special leave.

2. (0) Cas~alty and Graves Registration. The following casualties were sustained by units ADCON to 1st Marine Division during August 1969:



Oli'F ENL U"S'fr

106 1098

EI~fI S 68 TOTAL 114 1204 'is




13 1229

7S 13 134>


tNG;l.OSRJ.Ui:" ] I

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• ~!-Injuries which result in absence from duty for more than 24 hours.

1H~DOW figures included in WIA totals and not in horizontal totals.

3. (C) A'I'1ards. 848 awards recommendations were processed and forwarded to higher headquarters for approval. In addition, 1130 Purple Heart Medals were awarded.

LI. (C) DisciE1ine l Law and Order. The following criminal investigations were reported for the month of August 1969:

a. Crimes egain§t Persons and Property

Larceny ($50 and under) Assault Velliele Theft Aggravated AssauU

b. 125 traffic violations were reported.


3 1 1 2

c. 4'(6 military offense reports were issued as follows:


Illegal Possession of Alcohol Disorderly Conduct Drunkenness Non-Narcotics Abuse Drugs Weapons Violation AWOL Off Limits Curfew Violat.ions Wrongful Appropriation of Gvt Vehicle Failure to Obey Lawful Order Other



1 4 4

36 58 39

179 48 10

1 96


5. (0) Industrial Relations. Current utilization totals are:

Authorized On Board --862 810

6. (u) Personn~} and ~E:~le Services

a. Chaplain. At the end of August 1969, the on board strength of Chaplal.ns was:






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Denomination Number

Protestant Catholic ~'otal

19 8


The following services were conducted durir~ the month:

Catholic Sunday Divine Services Catholic Weekday Services Protestant Sunday Divine Services Protestant Weekday Services Memorial Services Religion and Customs of RVN


63 47 92 30 19 23

Number Attending

1,91 727

2964 7,7

2802 182

b. Division Clubs. During the month lihere were 19 Officer, 18 SNCO and 26 Enlisted Clubs in operation. The gross income for the clubs system during August 1969 was ~;240, 772.00.

c. Division Band. The band performed at 12 memorial services, 1, military formations and four concerts during the month of August 1969. In addition, the band was used as a security platoon/reaction force for the Division CPt

d. Divisi5>n Exchapge. Total sales during August 1969 were $841,640.21 from 18 stores.

e. Informational Services. 98 news releases and 4213 Fleet Hometown News Releases were produced during August 1969. 14 feature tapes were pro­duced for release to major radio networks. In addition 1st Marine Division correspondents covered one operation during August 1969; Pipestone Canyon.

f. Postal. 'l'he following figures represent pounds of U. S. Mail received and dispatched during August 1969.

Total Heceived


Financial Transaction Totals:

U. S. Money Orders and Fees U. S. Money Orders Cashed

Total Dispatiched


Stamps, Postage and Insurance Sales

Total Handled

$712,607.96 $34,,80.)6 $36,,00.00


The Main Office and 11 unit post offices were inspected and audited during August 1969. 3h mail rooms were a180 inspected during the month.






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g. Career Plarmins. Career Planning results during August 1969 were:

Reenlistment Percentage~:

First Term (109-167) Career Total

Extensions of Enlistment

First Term Career Total

65.2 98.H 70.0

Career Lel?;Sth

85 3



16 3


'(. (u) 1st Marine Division ARVN Interpreter Program. On 31 August 1969, the number of ARVN Interpreters assigned to this Division was 108.


9 ENCr.OSlJliEC I )



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• # CGf~F~DEr~TIAL




a. This reporting period was characterized by a continuation of the slow tempo of enemy activity reported for the month of July. However, two periods of heightened aotivity served to interrupt the continuity of the "hul lt • The enemy initiated offensive surge of 11 .. 12 August, and the 7th Marines' contacts made upon moving into their new TAOR on 20 August, both provided the Acquisition Unit with the only significant de­mands for intelligenoe support oontrolled by this offioe. These demands increased attention towards locating enemy base camps and staging areas, using all available collect.ion assets. This integrated surveillance effort locaten three large base camps and several staging areas of suspected enemy troop concentrations.

b. Ground Reconnaissance. The Acquisition Unit directed the Division ground reconnaissance effort with two areas receiving primary attention. 'I'he Que Son l10untains and lower Anterma Valley areas were the scene of significa.nt and perSistent enemy movement. Sightlngs of large nu.mbers of enemy were mada almost daily in both areas and confirmed earlier re­ports that these areas contained a highly significant LOC, in addition to major base camps. Reconnaissance patrols in these areas have proven to be a most 1ucrative intelligence collection effort for the G-2 Section.

c. ~o lmageH Intertretation Unit. The major assignment of the PIIU for this repor~ng per od concerned the new TAOR of the 7th Marines and their consequent requirement for aerial surveillanoe data base of the new area. This data base was requested as a priority requirement. As a result of efforts on the part of the supporting units in­volved, the requested data base was provided promptly, and was of the highest quality.

(1) Detector Concealed Personnel (ncp); 3l DCP missions were requested of which three were flown, with a total of 39 indications.

(2) Infra-red CIR); 81 targets were requested of which 69 were flown with a total of 1409 emissions. Definite concentrations of major enemy elements were determined to be on the eastern Ong Thu Slope, Que Son cross-roads, and central Charlie Ridge areas. This information was the basis for extensive supporting arms fi.res delivered on the suspect areas. ~~he ten-fold increase in IR effectiveness when comparing this month's results with those of July can be attributed to a new method of targeting. Beginning the first of August, IR targets were requested on a daily basis versus weakly and emphasis was placed on evaluating in­tellieence reports to discern those areas most likely to be productive for true type of surveillance.




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• ( C~M~FJn'tl, r~J: rIAl j ~", ~.' ,. ~ " ~,! ",j / '" I ..

• ",,,, •. t .. 'it' , CONFIDENTI


• (3) Side Looking Airborne Radar (&.AR); 28 missions were flown

"lith 68 Moving Target Indicators (Mtit*) noted. No pattern was discerned.

(4) Photo; 25 missions were requested and 20 were flown by high performance aircraft sensor systems. Five missions were cancelled due to duplioation of target areas. Additionally,.36 hand held missions were requested and 36 were flown by the AO Unit.

d. Aerial Observation Unit

(1) During the month of August, the AO Unit flew 550 sorties for a total of 1216 hours of visual surveillanoe and supporting arms control in support of the 1st Marine Division.

(2) 'fhe numbers and types of missions conducted are as listed:

Air Strikes TAC(A) Artillery I1issions Naval Gunfire Missions (NGF) Photo (Hand Held) Missions

b73 100

9 36

(3) Damage assessment resulting from missions utilizing supporting arms was as follows:

Killed by Air, Artillery, or NGF 42 struotures damaged/destroyed .329 Bunkers damageQ/destroyed 228 Boats damaged/destroyed 15 Trench/Treeline destroyed (meters) 9100 Caves/Tunnels destroyed 35 Secondar.Y explosions/fires 89 M positions destroyed 16

(b) Additionally, ground fire was received on 27 oocasions with six aircraft hits sustained.

. , (5) Aviation support for the month of August was provided by:

Unit WID-2 (OV-IOA) 1st Plt, 21st Recon Airplane Co (01-0)

Sorties 505 45

Hours rnrr-143

3d 9th

(1) During the reporting period, 257 detainees were interrogated. These detainees were classified as 20 PW'SI 34 civil defendants l eight returnees, and 195 innocent oivilians. There were 115 batohes of doou­ments screened for translation, with a total of 2701 items. A total of




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e < CO~lf~nEf~T~At



83 interrogation reports were sUbmitted.

(2) Significant intelligence obtained during August 1969 from captured documents included cryptographic tables and messages, sketches and descriptions of VO booby traps and fuzes, VC/NVA situation reports and infiltration data.

(3) Significant intelligence obtained from detainees included NVA/VC unit attack and withdrawal routes; staging, rally, and base areas; plans and conduct of attacks; and percentage of casualties from the laclc of food and the effect this had on plans, combat effectiveness and morale. Information was developed on the locations of two NVA Regi­ments, three ~WA Battalions, an NVA hospital, resupply pOints within the TAOR of the 7th Marines, and supply and ammunition caches within the TAOR of the 5th Marines. Conclusive information was also obtained concerning casualties, replacements, key personalities, infrastructure in the 5th Harj n~s TAOR, and future missions. This information was accumulated primarily i'rom three detainee groupines as listed below:

(a) The 31st NYA Regiment ""as the source of nine FW's captured by val'iollo units during the 12 August surge.

(b) 'l"he 36th NYA Regiment was the source of eight, !?W's oap­tured dudng Operation DURHAtvT PEAK.

(c) A Hoi Chanh from the 42d Reconnaissance Battalion~ Group 4!+, who rallied to ~lell'lonts of the Government of Vietnam.


a. I)uring the month of August 1969, Ydt Carson Scout representatives ma:i.nta,inGd liaison with all Division units utilizing KOS's. As of 31 Aueust 1969 115 KOS's were employed by the 1st Marine Divj.sion. These scouts participated in 936 patrols which resulted in eight enemy KIA'sl eie;ht enemy captured and five VO suspeots detained. A total of three weapons wer'e captured and 36 mines/booby traps were destroyed or neu­tralized. Scout personnel additionally participated in 20 Division Operations. During the reporting period the KeS' S sustained four WIA IS.

b. Besides rendering normal OI support in protecting the Division against foreign intelligence collection apparatus, during the month of August 1969, Counterintelligence personnel participated in 13 oombat operations ""hich resulted in the e1iminatton of four Viet Cong Infra­structure members. During this period, a total. of 1287 persons were screened against existing blacklists. Of this num.ber 82 were detained for further inVestigation, nine were turned over to various District Headquarters for further j.nvestigation leaving 1278 determined to be innocent civilians. During the operat.ions conducted by Counterintelligence





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personnel, three wA/ve were IITA, one secret enemy tunnel was destroyed, 1200 pounds of rice, 300 pounds of assorted food stuffs, one sewine rna­chine~ two bicycles along with assortod medical supplies, clothing, doc­uments, equipment and the following ordnance was capturedl three indi­vidual weapons and four grenades.

c. During the month of August 1969, Division units reported expen­ditures for information or ordnance in the amount of 615,690 $VN under the Volunteer Informant Program. There were 351 separate disbursem*nts for the return of ordnanco whioh might have been used against the 1st Earine Division and one disbursem*nt for informat.ion.


a. During the period 4-7 August the Ground Surveillance Officer accompanied Colonel ORR, 1st Marine Aircraft "Wing,Ass1stant Chief of start, G-2, on a visit to Nakon Phanom, Thailand for the purpose of familiari­zation with 7th Air Force sensor programs. A tour was made of the Task Force Alpha installation and a briefing was presented by each section re­lated to sensor acquisition and targeting.

b. Ten personnel were joined to the Headquarters Battalion, Division Ground Surveillance section on 11 August from 2d Battalion, 7th Marines. These personnel are employed as monitors on Hill 41, Mike Tower, and rlill 10. They were assigned to this section to preserve the skill and exper­ience they acquired as monitors since November 1968. This is an interim measure and these personnel will be reassigned to a battalion supporting that portion of the Danang Anti-Infiltration System that iljl)~bT to 1st Narine Division. 26 August saw the start of an OJT program for 10 ARVN personnel that will form the nucleus of a ground surveillance section for tho 51st ARVN Regiment. The group included one lieutenant, two war­rant officers, one master sergeant, three staff sergeants and three NCO's. Classes were conducted on 26 and 27 August on emplacement procedures for HI" sensors. The period 28-31 August 'vas spent visiting readout sites at Hill 10" :lil1 37 and Hill 425.

c. On 11 AUb~st a patrol from 3d Battalion, 7th Marines was accom­panied by lJivision Ground SUrveillanoe personnel for the purpose of in­stalling RF' sensors on a heavily travelled traU on Charlie Ridge. A monitor station was located at Hill 37 to readout sensor activations.

d. The Division Ground Surveillanoe Officor and two ground surveil­lance personnel installed three strings of RF sensors on BA NA, a radio relay site west of Danang. A readout station was established on OP Reno (Hill 390) to monitor sensor activations upon the evacuation of the radio relay site.

e. The Phu Loc Valley sensor fields were reseeded with ADSIDS on 23 August. The monitor station was relooated. on Hill 42, to readout sensor




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DECLASSIFIED e • aotivations from these ADSID strings.

f. In an effort to disrupt enemy resupply efforts and to infliot significant casual ties a new teohnique was developed using the ADSID' s in the Phu Loc Valley. This technique is called the IlAir Ambuahll • It involved the use of sensors along with concentrated employment of Marine attack aviation backed up by field artillery. On 28 August ;~, FAC was positioned on the Hill 425 monitor site and at 1945 he directed fixed wing airoraft on enemy columns passing through the sensor fields. The technique was successful in that a total of 47 lC[A were confirmed as a result of this air ambush.


a. Intelligence material and publications prepared and distributed to subordinate, adjacent and or higher commands by this unit during the month of Aucust were as foll.owsl

(1) Daily intelligence summaries.

(2) Monthly Periodio Intelligenoe Report (15 July - 14 August 1969).

(3) Special stuqy on Cdmmunist lni'iltration and Logistics Routes i.n Quang Nam Province.

(4) Place Name Gazetteer, Quang Nam Province.

(5) Selected Enemy Order of Battle Identifioation Factors" Quang Nam Province.

b. Enemy Order of Battle and geographical orientation of Quang Nam Province and the 1st l1arine Division TAOR was presented to the following:

(1) All officers joining the Division

(2) Two officers, two SNOO , and two NCO Leadership Courses.

(3) Officers of the U. S. S. Cochran

c. Target intelligence during the month of August generated 13 re­quosts for ARCLIGHT missions, eight of which were struck. Other intel­ligence data generated 79 TPQ-10 requests, 25 of which were struck, one TOT was requested and struck; 28 Herbicide requests, 6 of Which were completed; and three special mission air strikes.

(1) 1'nemy initiated activity r8Jnained at a relative low the first

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• 10 days of AUL'1.lSt. Durlne this period of the month, ther€! was a sharp decline in the number of mortar attacks as well as number of rounds ex­pended by the enamy. The most sign:tficant mortar attack occurred two }QJJ southeas t of Hill 52 on the 1st and was directed at K/3/7' s night defensive position. After three rocket-free weeks in Quang Nam Province the An Iloa Combat Base received two l40mm rookets on the 7th and two l22mm rockets on the 9th, preswnably from the 517th Rocket Battalion. A slight increase in Surprise F' DeviceS/Mines incidents was detected, most notably in the Arizona Area where the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines were

operating. The enenw aVOided sienificant contact possibly de­voting his efforts to rice foraging (although no large rice gathering parties were observed as had been the case the previous month). Enenw forces, principally elements of the 36th Regiment, continued to withdraw in a flurry of rampant disorganization from the central Que Son 1,1ountains" moving first south then east and west before the advancing allied forces involved in Operation DURHAM PEAK. The enemy offered little resistance or indication of will to fight as evidenced by the extensive mediotl sup­plies, ordnanol and numerous personnel too sick or badly wounded to tra­vel that were left behind. (Operation DURHAM PEAK was terminated on 13 Aueust resulting in 75 NVA/VC KIA, 19 Ri's and two Hoi Chanhs).

(2) During the first third of August there were no significant contacts reported either in the central .():Ji!i northern portions of the Division TAOR. Sightings consisted of a few small enemy units observed in the mouth of Elephant Valley. Charlie Ridge was quiescent I However, a recon team operating five ID-1 northwest of Hill 52 (vicinity ZC 1859) found evidence of new base camp construction. Terrorism in southeast Rieu Duc District continued.

(3) In the Arizona Area, an unsuccessful ene~ attack was launched n~ainst clements of H&S Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines on the 5th, most likely by units of the 90th NVA Regiment. IR returns, the shootinc out of an attempted recon team insert vicinity (ZC 7945) and a wounded Pil from the 13th Recoilless Rine Co~any, 90th Regiment captured 2 August who indicated that the 90th Regiment was located in the vicinity (ZC 1735) and that the 577th Rocket Battalion was looated sou~h of the Arizona,added further evidence that elements of the 90th were in the hills south of the Arizona and maintaining a presence within striking distance of the southwest part of the An Hca Basin.

(4) Although the enenw activity appeared directed primarily at rice collection and base camp construction in preparation for the on­connne monsoon, evidence pointed to the period 10-20 August as a com­nlUnist tlhieh point" and that the enemy's offensive would take the form of widespread small scale sapper raids and attacks b1 t~ against allied posit:l.ons •



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(5) The surge of ene~ activity heralding the beginning of the long expected "summer offensive" oomms.nced on the night of 11 August. Attacks by fire involving rockets and mortars occurred throughout the province, as well as scattered ground attacks directed primarily at u. S. and AHVN military installations and positions. Shortly before midnight 11 Aucust, a 1st Marine Division recon OF located just south of the Ari­zona Area (Hill 146 vicinity AT 8245) received a substantial grounp probe which d~veloped into a night-long attack and ultimately found the ene~ employing mortars, RPG's, grenades, satchel charges as well as small arras fire against the position. The Division Command Post area, princi­pally the Headquarters Battalion Motor Pool, and Headquarters Battery, 11th l1arines, was the intended target of sappera attacking at approxi­mately 0200 the 12th. The enemy force, later identified by PW's as elements of the 8th (102d) Battalion, 31st NVA Regiment, purportedly entered the area from staging areas on the eastern slopes of BA NA Houn­tain striking from the west and north utilizing grenades" satchel charge[', bangalore torpedoes and RPG's. The attacks continuing until dawn, were repulsed and the enemy withdrew leaving behind nine KIA's and ultimately five R'JI s. As a final gesture, a largely ineffective volley of 121 122JlU1l rocket rounds were received. At approximately the same time as the Sth Battalion, 31st Regiment was attacldng the Division Command Post area, the 9th Battalion (103d)" 31st NVA Regiment launched aitoilar ,-attacks against the 3d l'111itary Police Battalion area, the 44th ARVN Artillery Battalion and the Hoa Cam Training Center south of Hill 327 leaving six NVA lITA and four PW's behind when forced to withdraw.

(6) Ground attacks continued on through the early morning hours of the 12th. Targets of these attacks included the Reconnaissance OP high atop HI\. NA Mountain (ZC 2070). The CAP 2-7-3 position located five RN south of the Cam I,e Bridge (BT 0166) and the F/2/l Conunand Post at the leprosarium located seven 1m south of Ha.rble Mountain (BT 0966). Mortar a.nd rocket attacks were widespread, the most noteworthy being those directed against Hills 55, 37, and 65, An Hoa Combat Base, Harb1e Mountain A:i.r }4'acili ty, and the 1st Hili tary Police Battalion.

(7) The light of d8~m on the morning of the 12th brought no re­spite as hoth the 1st and 2d Battalions, 7th Marines established early morning cont-Rcts. 1st Batta1ionb contact, in the Arizona Area developed into a series of close and bitter battles lasting until the evening of the 13th. During two days of heavy contact, 1st Battalion, 7th ~larines (Rein) accollnted for 224 enemy KIA's with both the 8th and 9th Battalions, 90th NVA Regiment absorbing the brunt of the punishment. In addition to inflicting heavy casualties, lllany weapons and much equipment were captured.

(8) G/2/7 operating west of the Dai La (Vicinity AT 9174) engaged an unidentified enemy force inflicting two KIA's. The enemy force was probably elements of the 31st Regiment withdrawine to the




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west from the action in the vicinity of the Division Command Post area.

(9) By mid-August, the level of enemy activity tapered off con­siderably but not before scattered attacks by fire .. Tere directed against refugee crunps and their associated RF/PF units as well as two small lob bomb attacks against USMC forces on Hill S5 (AT 9762).

(10) Acts of terrorism direoted at the civilian populace in­creased significa.ntly during the first half of August. This increase was particularly noticeable in Danang City and eastern Hieu Duc District.

(11) There was a noticeable increase in the enemy's efforts at LOC interdiction as evidenced by the intensified route mining, destruc­tion of several culverts, and the destruction of the Thanh Quit Bridge on Route //1, four:m1 northwest of Dien Ban.

(12) Considerable ene~ troop movoment was observed principally in the southwestern Que Son Mountains between the 13th and 16th of the month which was interpreted as movement of enemy units returning to base camps they had evacuated during Operation DURHAM P.E:AK.

(13) In the weeks following the summer offensive high point of 11-12 August, enemy activity remained at a level slightly higher than that experienced preceeding the high point. During this period enemy act.ivity was characterized by a series of spasmodic ground probes accompanied by a flurry of widespread and generally ineffective attacks by fire, including eight rocket attacks. The incidence of mines and booby traps encountered, increased.

(1!~) ~'he next significant surge in activity occurred on the 19th. Once again, attacks by fire and sapper attacks characterized the action: A/1/1 located south-southwest of the Cau Do Bridge received 60mm mortar and RPG fire followed by a sapper raid; Marine Aircraft Group-16 received nine to ten l22mm rocket rounds followed by a brief but sharp raid by elements of the 3d Sapper Battalion further followed by 11 x l40mm rocket rounds. During the early evening hours of the 19th, Companies L, M and HiVE, 3d Battalion, 5th ll!larines received approximately 120 mixed rounds of 122mm.rockets, l2Qnm, B2mm, and 60mm mortars plus an unknown number of n.PG rounds in the most intense attack by fire reported since early March. Other 1CfH:> sienificant attacks by fire were scattered throughout the Di­vision rj'AOi~. The level of aotivity ebbed on the 20th and 21st only to rise once aGain on the 22d. The enemy's 2d, but less dramatic round of eround prob~s and rocket and mortar attacks comrr~nced at 220200H when H/2/5 locnted two ]{1-1 east of Hill S2 (AT 80SS) received heavy 60mm mortarJ IU'G and small arms fire. Shortly over two hours later (OliLS), M/3/S op­cratine: in the central Arizona Area received a similar attack and An Hoa Combat BaSEl received its second rocket attack of the week (4:l l~'2mm rockets). Just aftel' (Jm'k (1905) G/2/S located in





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the northeastern Arizona Area sustained heavy small arms and RPG fire from an estimated enemy platoon.

(15) The' enemy strove to maintain the momentum of his faltering offensive on the 23d by initiating ground attacks against elements of 2d Battalion, 7th Marines at Landing Zone ROSS, 2d Battalion, 5th Marines in the northern Arizona Area, 3d Battalion, 26th Marines one and one half la'1 southeast of Hill 190" and the E/2/26 security force operating with the Danang Anti-Infiltration Barrier installation crew two KM southwest of Hill 324.

(16) A marked increase in ene~ sightings occurred during the week of 17-23 August; particularly in the western Arizona Area" Que Son Moun­tains and Phu Loc Valley. With the possible exception of the Que Son sightings" all enemy activity suggested enellliY logistical movement. In the Que Son Mountains muoh of the enemy's movement was assooiated with units returning to base camps hastily evacuated during Operation DURH~l PEAK, as the enemy shifted some of his efforts from offensive activity to logistical associated undertakings. Several series of sightings of enemy rice gathering parties were concentrated in the Phu Loe Valley area and on the east-west trails located both north and south of Antenna Valley: on 24 August, recon team ItTURF CLUB It observed 200 enem;}'" moviilg variously east and west in the Phu Loo Valley (AT 982472 - BT 001476); on the 25th the same movement pattern was observed involving 80-90 and finally on the 28th an IlAir Ambushl! was sprung on 50-60 enellliY moving 'West to east resul­ting in a confirmed 41 enemy KIA.

(17) An attempted pre-dawn sapper attack on the communications facility atop Hill 327 on the 24th by approximately 28 members of the 9th Company, 9th Battalion, 31st Regiment 'Was stopped short of its objeotive by the Division Command Post perimeter at a oost of three NVA KIA and two ~1's captured. Once again, the pattern of terrorist activity established and concentrated in Hieu Duo Distriot continued.

(18) Contact was established with an unknown size enemy force in the southern Que Son Valley by elements of the 7th l1arine Regiment on the 23d. Commencing shortly after midday, companies G and H, 2d Battal­ion, 7th Marines received light to heavy small arms fire while operating approximately eight KM southwest of Landing Zone ROSS (AT 9728). In the early morning hours of the 24th, 1/2/7 received 50 rounds of enemy mortar fire while in a night defensive pOSition three KM west of Landing Zone ROSS and the 2d Battalion, 7th Marines Command Post located on ROSS re­ceivod an estimated 33 ChiCom grenades and an unknown number of RPG rounds. Respondine to the obvious enemy build up in the area west and southwest of Landing Zone ROSS, 2d Battalion (-)J 7th Marines commenced sweeping operations in that direction on the 2,th only to come under in­tense mortar fire upon setting in for the night. In the ensuing three days (26-28 Aur,ust), elements of the 7th Marines were to become bitterly

CUHFmEtfrIAl 18




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engaged with an unknown sized enemw force entrenohed in the Ram Hills (AT 9529 - 9828) and the southern Que Son Mountains bordering the southern Que Son Valley. This enemy force was later identified by PUiS, Hoi Chanhs and captured documents as major elements of the 2d NVA Di­vision in the person of the 1st VC Main Force Regiment, elements of the 31st (Al~: 3d) Regiment and oombat support units of the 2d Division (spacifica1ly the GK 31 (Anti-aircraft> and GK 33 (Artillery) Battalions). Then on the 28th contact with the ene~ ceased as abruptly as it had be­gun on the 23d, with the 1st va Regiment apparently withdrawing to the west and northeast and the 3d Regiment retreating to the south and sou~h­east. The enemy departed leaving only small forces behind to delay and harass USHC forces while the major manuever forces successfully executed their Withdrawal.

(19) The 29thl 30th and 31st were extremely quiet and free of significant ene~ initiated contacts with only minor attacks by fire and ground probes reported throughout the Division TAOR. The lull in the enemy activity lent support to the contention that the enemy was preoc­cupied with repositioning his torces and conducting logistical operations. F~er~ foraging activities continued up to the end of the period with significant reconnaissanoe sightings of ene~ units lightly anned and carrying heavy packs, particularly in the Phu toe Valley, Arizona Terri­tory and the Khe Suoi Noi Valley.

e. vleather and Terrain ..;.;;.;;.;..;.;;=-..-;.. ..... _-----

(1) The maximum and mininmm temperaturos for the month of August 1969 ranGed from 10) degrees to 73 degrees. Total rain durine the month was considored to be a "trace" which was far below the monthly average of h.7 inches. Ot,her weather conditions were considered typical.

(2) Neither the weather nor the terrain had an appreciable effect on ground or air operations.



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1. (S) During August 1969, in addition to nomal. activity, 2 major named operations were oonduoted by the Division. One signifioant unnamed opeZOiticm was carried out and a major realignment of the DiVision TAOR was accomplished.

L In Operation PIPESTONE CANYON, whioh oontinued throughout its fourth month, small un! t oontacts were made and addi tiona! engineer work was performed. The following are the oumulative totals of enemy struotures destroyed, food captured, and SFDS encounte~a 1 command post, 109 tunnels, ll2 bunker oomplexes, 2621 bunkers, 353 fighting holes, 3264 meters of trenchline, 121,954 lbs of rioe, 2032 lbs of com, 60 1bs of salt, 303 SFDS fd, 137 SFDS det, 440 total SFDS enoount. ered.

(1) Cumulative personnel losses as ot 312400H Aug 69 are as follows I



414 WIA(E) 38 WIA(E) 112 va KIA 15 IW'C 96 WIA(M) 171 IlrlC 1CS\YC 81 NBC(E) ROKMC 17 CSWC 10 PW 1 NBC(M) 5 KiA" 15 VC PW 20 DET


1m 631 DE'!' 314 va KIA. 2 WIA(E) NPFF 197 IWC 3 NBC(E) 3 mitE) NPFF 7 cswa

2 -Pw- 19 PW USA KOS 62 1)]."1' 22 DET

1 WIA(E) 1m 1 WlA(E) KCS


b. Operation DURHAM PEAK, was a category II type operation in support of the accelerated pacification campaign and was a natural sequel to Operation PIPESTONE CANYON. It was conducted beoause ot major enelIlY' movements fran the Dodge Oity, Go Noi Island area south­ward into Phu Loo Valley, Antenna Valley and the Que Son Mountains. 'l'he 5th Marines (-) (Rein) in cooperation and ooordination with the 1st ARVN Ranger Group conducted multi-battalion helicopter borne assaults into the objective area to find, fix and destro,r enemy foroes, supplies and installations. Numerous small oontacts and skirmishes oocurred as the enemy was driven fran his base camps. A number of cave; complexes,

20 SE ;'f.t"':llr

""...J/ SEORET

~Q~Q~qBE(' )



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• weapons caches and several hospital sites were uno overed. Due to foul weather conditions and rugged telTain several aircraft were lost, thus accounting for the relatively high rate of noo-battle oasual. ties. Oper­ation D1JRlI.Ak1 PEAK was terminated after the ene~ had been swept olear of the objective areas. 'l'he cumulative totals are listed below.

USMC 1$ Kf.A'" 47 WIA(E) 16WIA(M) 4 NBC(E) 2 NBC(M) 1 KNBO


USN 1 ill 2 WIA(E)




70 rwc 3 CSWC


c. On n, upi,nthe 7th Marines began an unnamed operation in sup .. port of the heavily mgaged 4/31 and 3/21 of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade in the Hiep Due Valley. Enemy forces were elements of the 1st "Ie and 31st NVA Regiments. The 2d Bn, 7th Marines initially entered the operation as a blocking foroe for the 196th, subsequently, 2/7 joined by 3/7 and the 1/51 ARVN successf' dislodged the enEllll1 fran their entren­ched positions and swept them olear of Hiep Due Valley. The enemy fled to the north and east.

2. (0) The controlling headquarters for the operation were as follows:



3. (0) lIhe major operations .. plus small unit operations, extensive patrols, ambushes, and other small unit activities aocounted for a grand total ofa


106 KIA 714 WIA(E) 314 WIA(M) 149 NBC(E)

3 NBO(M) 7 KNoo



665 NVrKIA 145 VO KIA.

1 VC P'tl 15 NVA PW

6$4 DET 6 RET

174 r~o 17 OSWC


SE'ifC'RE '1,,,,.1., T "~",,;.,, ,




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lie (0) The following Naval Gunfire shi,s fired in support of the Dive ision during August.


OOCHRANE(DOO 21) 13 ,-/S4 2217

HENRY W. TUCKER(DD 87$) 4 ,-/38 373

BENJAMIN STODDERT(DDG 22) 2 , .. /S4 892

OKLAHOMA CITY(OLG 5) 6 9'/38 Sl4 6-/47 922




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l.WaII 1. (0) Pre~ _ nbld.tWcl to tbe ca. UI JW' the qart ... lJ Gover aDd DeoepUCID (CMrD) .. port. Tbi. report 1t a ree_ of caD operat1 .. ooDduotAcl b1 the 1A lfarine 111'111_ ... aD _~. ot tlMr .tt8l\1,.. •••

2. (8) a.p:J.etecl urI publ1*ed tlal 1 n II&r1De Dinl1. Operation Plaa 69-69. 'l'hS.e 1. the 1 at JIar!M DI:daiOD ""'___ Plaa UI.Cl proou4ea tor tk. re4eploplnt ot tONlt rr. III 1a np~ of m ... plIIl. aDd cl1reot1w ••

3. (0) PlaD:IM tor an4 s.a .... 4 .rdera to eftect tlw 1'tf,Upwent. of toroea w1th:1a the 1et. Ir&riM Did.l. !lOIl. !ld.e ... d ....... req,uNCl !It. to !It.oorpoJat. 166 adIIlt10111l IqlIIN 1Ill •• ot aoathem QUOG IlK ProY.l ••• (QuI SoD D1nriet) 1IIt.o tile DiY1.ioo !A.CIl .. Ilireot.d bJ the 00, III MAF.

4. (0) ec-oed n-writ1Dc alll1Y1,loa Operatl ...... aacl Ope .... tion Plan. Vbioh 1ft of a pit"'" _VI. rut w •• eq,1d.N4 to a.~t. the 1'IaU., .. at. fit fore .. vitl'Lill the nft DimiOJl TAGR. fta tara_ data tOl' oowpl.tion .. pabl1oatl_ tor theM IlW ordar./plau i. l' Ottoilr 1969.



ISECJttE~r -- ' gjG;L.QSQRE( , )



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1. During the month of August 1969, 15 offioers and 118 enlisted Marines attended formal sohools in and out of country as followsl

2. 1st Engineer Battalion conduoted three-day and one-day courses on demolitions, landmine warfare end booby t~aps. 439 Marines attended the three-day course, B.nd 4/,.3 Marines attended the one-dey course.

3. 11th Harines oonducted one-day courses for nonartillerymen in the adjustment of artillery fires. 327 Hari.nes attended. .

4. Scout Sniper School held refresher training for 15 Marines.

5. Division Embarkation Seotion's Embarkation Contact Team oonducted instruction throughout the Division for 6 officers and 46 enlisted.

6. Division Sohools gre.dusted 39 officers, 33 'itaf'f nonoo~sioned officers, end 126 noncontJrlissioned offieers from the Leadership· .Course.

7. DiVision Schools' Mobile Training Team conduoted instruction through­out the Division for 2413 enlisted Marines and officers.





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1. The below listed un1 ts were inspeoted during the month of August and found to be satisfactory.

2. There were no disorepancies requiring action by this or higher headquarters.


Headquarters 11 til Mar 6.l.ug69





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The logf.at1aa effort dudN the IIlCIlth ot AU8UIt 1969 was high­

l1ghted b7 the Iv.ppon of Opvaticml PIPIS1'ONI OANrON and DtJRHlM

PElK II'ld the :relooatloDIJ of .1It and 7th MIrinI;"!!teg:bterate within

the Db1lion T.A.OR.

Operat100 PIPES'l'ONE CWltCllq.t1mled throushout the month in

the Go, Noi Iallnd area andoontinued to be lupported 1>7 hel1copter

from the IBA. at CIII» Muir wh1ab accolDlted tor the Jll&3or1ti7 ot the 242 l1tta of 802,084 po\1Dd8 ot equ:lpMnt aftd ftpplie. aDd l,~l pusen.

gere lifted frOll the ISA to unite 1n the fttW.

ftle 1,743,6.$0 pounds of luppl1es and equipment and 2,S)2 PUSeD­

gera included SA the S6S lUt. from the An Boa IS1 1I8zoe· pr1ur1q­

sent to units part.1c1patiDg 1n Operation DUlUWt PIAl 1Ih1oh termin­

ated 13 August ]969.

Preparation tor the ftlooa.t1on of the 7th ~ Bepaent and

the subsequent initial est&b11shment of 81). IBA at LZ IW.rttC. OOJIIIJIInoed

on 7 .A.uguat 1969 with the •• tablishment of a torward. logistics 11&1lon

party at LZ B.lL1)t. The RegiMutal 110ft began on 15 AUCQ8t 1969 w:l th

2/7'. move to LZ ROSS. 'lbe relocation by" aotor oonvoy Val o01l;)leted

on 20 August 1969 Without inoident when ]/7 occup1ed ita position on

LZ BALDY with Hea4qu&rters, 7th Marines and 3/7. Improftlll4mte to 11 v1n& areas on r.z BALD! and LZ ROSS, and the l8A looated at LZ BALDr are


lat Marine Regiment orpnilationa and BL'l' 2/26 relocated into the

oantoDMnta vacated b7 the 7th Marines. !he lst Hari.Jle1 ulumed Nlponai­

bUity for ~ c.p MUIR W.

MASS-:3 and Battery A, lit WH Bn ware redeplo7ed troll. RVN du:rlng the

lIIDlltb leaving their oantcm.Dt in the DJ.:ri.aion TACIt unoooupied. !he MASS­

:3 cantcmment ... oocup1ed bJ elellants ot Hq,&, lst MarD1" and Btr,y A, let

LAAIl Bn' a cantomne.nt in the Hai Van Pul oocupied by e~te of 3/26.

S1x ot eave aobeduled eo.and Materiel Management Inapect101l1 and.

7 oommod1ty area re:lnspections were conducted durinS the put, JIIOnth. !he

a...4 Materiel Management Seotion ho8ted. a M4R18/l'ORS'1'A'l' ccmterenoe on 10

August 1969 and pre.ented. !U.RP.8/FORS'l'A'l' instruotion to the s-4 t. and SUpp~

officers of the Uth M'arine. on 12 Auaut 1969. .

?he DiT1aion Blbarka.t1o'l'1 Sect10n coordinated the embarkation ot BL'l'

1/26 and the debarkation ot SL! ,/26, CCiD.duoted three oourteq :lnapect1cu,

and provided abarkat1cm instruction to two orpn1latione.

OonBt:ru.ction ot a new •• 1 hall at Bea.dquarterl, 26th Marin .. wae begun

and should bl collf}leted dur1ng Ootober 1969. ,




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181 oonvoys were conduoted and Division motor transportation unite traveled a total of 16,,893 miles while transporting 63,470 personnel and 22, ~ tone of cargo throughout the Di'Vision TAOR.

The 1st Engineer Battalion continued to provide ol08e combat support to the 1st Har1ne Din.ion. The 7th and 9th lng1near Battalions pro­'Vided engineer lupport of a more deliberate nature to III JW' lncl'Odblg lat Ma.r1ne Dividon unite in the Danang, An Boa and Chu t.1 areas.

During .lugut, 161 mine and surprise firing device incidents were re­ported in the lat Marine Dimion are. which resulted in 11 mts and 274 'WIl.'a. Pour jeeps, five tru.cks, three LVTs, one bulldoser, and three tanlc8 were damaged:ln thes. incidents.




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N arrati vo 8\.11111lUY for the period 1-31 AUlust 1969.

1. (U) Civic Action pre,ral were t_porar1ly di,rupted. durin, the IIOnth of Aua;ust due to the incre .. e of the 1st Marine Divilion' II area of responsibility and the redeployment of battalions. The districtl molt effected Wlrt Hieu Duc, Dia MlC, Dilll Ban, and QUI Sen. The new wd ts in the .. districts are in the proce .. of meetin« the local Viet­namese and reorlanilin, their civic action pro,rams. (Unitsl 7th Marine., 3/1, 2/5, and 2/26).

2. (U) Construction of the Tu Cau (BT 056(52) arIa il accellratin& .. buildine: material. become available. The first incr_ent of tin, (150 sheets) of the 1,000 sheet, allocated by Dien Ban Di.triet, hal be. delivered. Xuan Tra (BT 0(4676) and Hoi All (BT 058677) bave also been improvinl in .elf development and relation. with the OW. The people have initiated a great deal of wrk on their own.

3. (U) Headquarter. Battalion hal Istabliahed excellent relation. with the people of Hoa Khuolll (AT 93(727) and Phouc Thuan (AT 940732) .. a resul t of the recent MedCapl in thi. area. The cleartn& of the land ill WI area for a tea plantation has provided the people with a Tal­uable source of wod. A. soon as tngin .. rin, equipment can be made available to level the cleared ,round, cultivation of tea will begin. Hoa 1\boUJlI! Wal the Bite of the three VIP vilits durin, quat includ­in, the CoJl1lliJldant of the Marine Ocrp ••

4. (U) The prospects for improved cooperation and coordination betwe­en Marine S-5' s, the local village chief., and the MACV advisors appears to be outstandin* due to re,ular meeting. Ich.duled to be held eTery t'«<' lOOnths. Subjects to b, discuued are the status of villaa' self development,civic action, and a plan for a unified effort for coming months. &1phaais will b. placed on lupportinC present procrams and projects rather than duplicatina them.

5. (U) The seabees of MCB-8 completed clo sing the Bau }li t Da on AUl:ust 21. All that remain. is the reinforcin, and hardcappin& of the Dam. 1st Soore Party coati.nuld to lupport the project with an add! tional 400 tons of shotrock. QUIJl, Nam ProviDce allO arranged for 30 Vietnamese laborers to assist in the cementing of the hardcap.

6. (u) 1st Harines are in the procell of asaistinl in the con­solidation of hamletl in the vicini tr of hill 55. The sf te of the consolidated hamlets are Thai Can (3) (AT 985625) and Due Ky (2) (AT 976610). Dien Ban District has initiated the project and i. providing tin, food, rociona! forces for lec1U'ity and RI:O.,dre for supervision. 800 famiUes will be involv.d. The consoUdation will hopefully improve cgordination and thus eliminate non combatant casualties from allied fire power.






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• 1. eU) A(lvo:l't::.~;j.\I!': of tho Voluntccr Inform[ll1'I, PrO{;raJll haG beon diG conti nne:', LUl'L:i.l G-2 [S.iVGS furl,itor Guiclallce on a no\·, pl'ogrUrl.

2. (i I) 1. total of ton Hoj. UllOnh rallied to Divioion 1.U1i ts Llm:inr; tlliG 1'0 lortinc: po~~ioc1.. Pour to the 5th lIariller>; tltr(;e to the 7th Jiu:L'ino8;

tHO to t'le :L:Jt HCCOlllldl.l::l[(llOO Dcttl'.l:ion; 8,nd. ono ':;0 the (26th Herines. Hf.~11iO;.'8 1'01' tho I COl'PU a:::e~." :1.'01' J~U':Uf;t 11)(;9 ·~ot~1.1ea 119. Tu(;nty-till'C;O l'[tlli()l'~ CID:IO fl'Oll\ t;w J.~)t l)i~L;j.on ~l!AOR (nllJll' 19;~).

;:;, (,j) Upi;::."ntlon lllU"lW.Ill POell: -Gcrninc:tQ(l at 1800 13 .A1.1.C;\·LSt 1:-"09. i..orip} lO::.' cll'O:'iJ iiJ1d bronllcQi:J'ts ',T01'O noell ()xtcm:ivcly' t:ll'cJll(;ilO'xt tho Opol'ction. ;.,'Jlroo lei (1 .. 01.1.C1.8)")0[1':or) '1:0[:'],[8 ",ere (U.8i~e:t;chod fro)[) DivL.>ion l', .. :i'::T'l) 011 9 .lm:;uut to GUPJ)ort tho ll(\ll8UVl..:l' el8JIIlm-c,; of OJ,crntion Durll.OJil Pod:.

4. (.) lli:..crlywOl",,: clul'irJ{; tlliEl I'u:;)Or-tillC poriod \[01'0 LJ.ti1izou. DoC follmIB:

() On 16 .t, .. ~(:uct IiI 11.lG? eOll ~uc~e(:_ n l'dYUP 02'iC!lk,ti.0l1 Cl.'urso in lJ;cncng Oi;,\'. I,.'}W COU1",-;[) lll':i. u"l,~r o:"~!)LLino(l 110\01 li'(CI ilol'La. J:he fol­l. 0',:3. ll[; 'C;', :0)[)101 frOLI 'V Ie 1u t l:,:.::':Lno :0iv1 uion Ull:;, ts t:ttclId.ou.:

L~, • L .~~ •

- )1'(\ J. P. }kttrJ.ioll 11th;:. • .lattaLon

1, ~. Ji.J{H!,,; - 'f "ll llnr:i.;wG ),t. (WI; J .. , cr: - lut lhl'inos :::l,t,. '.LJ,I:}Jit - ])ivLiioll 1:'JYC:P

6. (11) A CulLm' ])r(IJnEl. Tom:l \W,s uLilizocl by tho 7tll 1;n incCl'S on 1 U J\UC ;W]t ,1X::! the :;Jrd 1 J. I').! fJ on ;)6 J.U(,ud.

'(. (U) A1.':::o(·;. l'1'O.l)~;,,',HllClu \IO.l.'U utiliz(xl i."~; . .'oI101li3; jr\~ (}I

lIo,·r:i.tzCl' Jlu;t-~ur;y l!lllt lGt Lu.;.·:I,noG on ,; - 5 AU~;; 7'011 lJ;ll':!.il(;<) (Ill 5 - 15 ~\u: :ll[,t i [ll1t.:' '(tll >':n::inGGn) on 28 Jm(}l~Jt.

e. (1\) lJu:dll{; -Llliu rCJ,()r-Lill[; :1)1'io(). 1[)t Bn,rino Diviuion units utj.l:i.zed }[U (LouG.G):icc~:cr) '}oe,llG [Jix tiuoe; allll lO: (i~t1.; TCL'llLS eiUltccn tiuc;u.





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OpCL'vtions by .Lst J3attnEon, 1st l{cril!cs on 12 August al1(l 3r(l Battalion, ~6th IIarilws on 24 ,AuGust.

10. (II) Dnring this l'c,)orting pc:ciod 67,936,000 Eterial lenflcto vl01'O droTJpcd on 0[:3 tar,':cto '.r:i,thin the ~I,st IhU'ille mvi:~;ion '.vj~OR. 20,550 lcd.'1e"Ls './cl'C hitncl distrib:tcd throu[;hout the 1st J:[r.l'ine Division TJ\O;{.

'11. (U) DUl',; I1G thio rcportine podocl 296 H"riDJ 'broud,,:w:tfJ ,FJ'G flcMn avO]' 43:5 targets for u :Jeriod of 56 1 Hlurcl ,md 55 lid llntcs of l)roadoaot time.




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1. During the month of .A1lgu.t 1969 Materiel Readiness Inspections were oondnoted at the following l1Di ta s

a. First Tank Battalion

b. Seventh ElJ8ineer Battalion

c. First Shore larv Battalion

d. First Battal:1on Seventh Mari.nes

•• Firat l!'rlgmeer Battalion

r. First Motor Transport Battalion

g. Eleventh Motor Transport Battalion

h. Eleventh Marines

i. First Medical Battalion

2. Du.r1ng the month of August 1969 no Materiel Assistance V1s1 tl were made.

3. nu-ing the month of .August 1969 Staff Viii tl were conducted at the following units.

a. LZ BALDI, 7th Marines

b. 18t Marines

c. lst Battalion, let Marines

d. 7th Harines

e. 3rd Amphibious Tractor Battalion

f. 3rd 175_ Qun Batter;y

g. 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine.




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h. 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines

1. Sth Marines

j. let Battalion, Sth Marines

k. 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines

1. let Reconna:i.lsance Battal10n

11. 3rd Battal1on, 11th 1far1nes

32 -





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Comptroller Functions Narrative Summary

1. Nine Financial Management Technical Inspections and two staff vis its were conducted.~a:~~,the period.

2. A two day Financial Management School was held for 65 or the Division supply and fiscal 'clerks,

3. An MPC Conversion was accomplished during the period with the Disbursing section convert~ng$1,222,740 for Division personnel,

4. The status of funding support for the Division was as follows:

a, Operation & Maintenance, Marine Corps

(1) Requisitional Authority Authorized to date $7,540,000 Unobligated Balance as of lAug69 5,481,677 Less:' Ob~igations during period 1,821,065 Unobligated Balance as of 3lAug69 $3,660,612

(2) Planning Estimate Authorized to date $700,000 Unobligated Balance as of lAug69 292,865 Less:' Obligations during period 75,946 Unobligated Balance as' of 3lAug69 $216,919

b. Operation & Maintenance, Navy

(1) Requisitional Authority Authorized to date $360,150 Unobligated Balance as of lAug69 ~li99.484 Less:' Ob~1gations dur~ng the' period 68,826 Unob~igated Balance as of 31Aug69 $140,658

c. Assistance in Kind Authorized to date 9,300,000$VN Unobligated Balance as of lAug69 2,876,163 Less: Obligations duri,ng the' period 191,960 UnOb~igated Balance as of 31~ug69 2t6e~,203$VN

5. During the month 17,787 personnel participated in the Savings Bond/Deposit P~ogram for an overall ,0.1 percent of participat'ion within the Division.






i }~,' ~.

)1 ~ '~


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Comptroller Functions Narrative Summary

6. The Disbursing section paid out disbursem*nts of $6,174,096.85 to 25,272 personnel on payrolls and 1,043 travel and public vouchers. A bre~down of disbursem*nts are as follows:

MPC Payroll MPC Converted to U.S. MPC Converted to Piasters Government checks issued

$2,879,439.93 142,845.80

41,254.59 9,854,562.78





, ~

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1. (U) The following distinguished visitors visited the Command during the month of August 1969:

DATE NANE -,5Aug69 Dr. Norman Vincent PEALE

7Aug69 Gen Leonard F. CHAPMAN

BAug69 Mrs. Don PERDUE

12Aug69 LGen John T. LAVELEE

16Aug69 MGen C. T. HAGAN

19Aug69 Honorable P. K. EDWARDS

20Aug69 Honorable John W. WARNER

27Aug69 Honorable A. K. LOWENSTEIN

27Aug69 Gen C. W. ABRAMS

29Aug69 Brigadier S. P. WEIR


President of the Reformed Church of America

Commandant of the Marine Corps

Widow of Sgt Don M. PERDUE for whom Camp PERDUE is named.


On 2 wks AcDuTra Asst Dep Comar FMFPac

New Zealand Ambassador to RVN


U. S. Representative (D) 5th Dist, N. Y.


Commander Elect, 1st Australian Task Force




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• i ,I

02 Aug (e) COl.t MarDlTpulilbl4 CI1"" GDtroop .at • .,. :Sa .. traG •• W. Ollat JI'ci)1y ... 0I0Il. ,., fa. ,

O).lUl (a) <» lAt IW'Dl" .pUbli.1lI4 lr. 8~, (UID ar .... DDG CII) ~~I the b'crIiaicaal Land. , 0l'ar1Da ~ to o&4uot opeo1;1_ iDirb. a4lJtOlHC Iii ........ .. t. OG l.t. IlArDi., u, 0305tOI .""

06.lus (8)

07 .lUi (8)

!lb. 'I .

OQ l.t JlutDl" pro,po •• 4 . OB1IOOIl Aua" u ti,ae tt1.r put ot QPOCIl BLf 1/26. W. OQ l.t .. Diy u, 06J.3571 A.q69 ... fDa , .

OIl lit. ",»1" .,reed. to 10l2. Aq6, U oMp tiM of Sf 2/16 an4 o~dpOllt1 .... hON. !tit a Gll.\ Jll,rD1., u. 07lJU1 A.' 'aba 'I

07 Me (a) t» 1.1; HarDiy .pro'f'icltd. UOl11h' eftl.t1. t. _ _28Jul-JAq6, • • t. 00 1.t Hu01Y '" 071J451 A_ 1'a1t. ,

08 4111 (0) OG lit HarDt., "mu.uel pidlao. GIl. 1izta1n iD. of IF IIld. PI malta. Ret. OJ let .. my ... 0806l$1 ,.., lab I .,

OP.lq (8) CCt 1.1; KarDi., pu •• d OJOQ{; of 1L".1/I6 to em 79.4 .tt _UOOH Aq6,. . ...

OP Aua (8)

let, 00 l.t .... Dty ... 09Ol.hSl .lq6, :rab. ,

OG 1.t KarD1" ,.1i.bed ·rraao 82-69 (ft1W'.I(JJlMDfT 0' '.WJl) ct1reotiJII pa. tt o.PO<If of 2/7 to _til Kar, uaaptlCID of OPOCIl of Itt 2/16(.) and phaaed 1'8l1e1' or VI in TAOR. Bel. GG 1.t "DiY •• , 0914501 '.' T8a ,

37 ...




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U.lUi (8) 0(1 lit HarDl.,. "I\BAId GPO" of m,'12/26 .tt 1012008 A.ur!9. kt.1 00 11' MarDi.,. as, UOJ$1I", '1'Ut .,

12.llll (8) CO l.t .. m.,. ,.u. .... l'JIIaco 81.-69 (IIALIGaarr or 'Q.<Il) d1Natl.Da a -.101' "111 .... ' otdlnl10D 1'.lOI. ltlfa OG lit krtJ..,. u,l201201 .... , Tab. ,

13 .lUi (8) • l.t 1luD1"'~t.ecl Operaott. IRJIUJI PIAl eft 1)18001 .,. ..

let. OG l.t ..,m.,. ., 1)0,,"1 .. , '1'u. :r

14.lUl (8)

21 .lUI (8)

0(1 l.t JIari)1v prOndeclaNl= 'YI.\uatiCll t. k-10 AuF'. leta Q) lit .. Di.,. .,1Ial . ""9 !a1u p

CX\ l.t ..... .,. I*ltll.h4Ml ~';'8'-" (LAJID OLIIRING OJII) di:"ot1q t, •• C~'ar.I.a& OjItratiCIDI ill DocIp 01 t7 &Ha. let. OG 1.t"'])1.,. ., 1Ia1$tTZ ., '1'u, .,

lS.lug (8) OG 1.t'!larDi.,. , ... tel "001 of 24 ., '1. Har (RIll) to OG •• noal »1"..1. itt lJll1fB ... ,. ' W. 00 1.tICarDJ:y .. , 1$1)1U Avt,6, Tab, , " '

17.l\J1 (8) OG l.t ... Diy ,...eclOPOCII 0...,- X, MBa, 7th Bar to OG _neal .tt 11l4l0ll .. ,. W. ()3 1.t ..... Di.,. u, 1108191 ... , Tab, ., .

18 (8) 00 1.tlla:fDiy , .... cl.QPOOI .t 7thllu'(-) (biD) to 00 ... 10&1 m.,. .• ~ 18J.6008 Aua69.., . . W, OJ 1.tHarDi •• , 18114l1A.q&, 'lab. r ' ,

19.1Ul (8) OG l.t .. m. 8PorW CID ptlUMllt !loa bou.1Idl7 ohace wi. til .&aerioal.: . . . ' Itt. Q) 1.t _Diy ... 1~3IaZ A..,p, '1'U. r

23.lUl (0) 0(1 lit .... .,. pllbUIhecl pldao. CD bndp ltom •• Itt. co lit _J)1YaI, 2)09Jal1 ... , Tab. r





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ISE(;"P • . .fl.BT SECRET

24 Aug (S) OG lat JIlrD1y rlPorted artUle17 looationa. Ret. CG lIt iW'D.1.y IIIg 2lII32C8 Auc69 'tab I F

27 Aua (s) CO lat MarDiv publ1ahed !'ragO 84-89 (RICI DENI.&.t OPNS) direotina lit Jf&rDly to provide eeourltr and assilt Vietll ... e during rioe harvelt, ckmT food to tbe enelq' and. aggravate lIlelV lop.tioal problems. Reta CG 1st MarDiv mas 270112Z 1ua69 Tabs lI'

29 Aug (8) CG lit MarDiy outL1Decl reclu.ot1C1l ot the LYm-6 IUPPort leotial v1 th 24 ROIHC Bnc •• Ret. CG l.t MarDiy II8B 2910061 Aua69 'tab a F

29 AUC (8) CG 1st MarDiy publi.hed FrqO 8S-69 (1st JU1)fr as) directing 5th Har to OCllduct op8l"atiClll8 in ooordination and oooperatic with let .tJtVH luler Group (-). Ret. OG 1st Mll'D1Y u, 291002Z &uF9 Tabs F

29 Aic (8) CG 1st MarDl" published Frag086-69 (l.t !WWIV OfNS) directing 7tD. Mar w1 tb. torcee ... iped to OCllt1nue ottens1ve opera't1C1l. 1D AO to t1x and de.tzooT the:~tfC Regiment and other enan;y t01'Oel in the.coe. Ret, 00 1st HarDi.,. mag 291006Z Aua69 Tab. F

30 Aug (8) CG 1.t HarDi" pub118hec1 rraao 88-69 ((.at KUlDIV OPN8) dirac tina NSDC to ... 1118 OPeO, at cal I"ifle OCllpaDT fran ;th Mar and ocmduct operations in vioini. at 11II1or Vall.,. ~I OG 1.t HarDiy -,.,)Ol4)4Z A.9 .I.-.u' 1





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1-10 Aug 1969

7 "ug 1969

8.10 Aug 1969

10 Aug 1969

12 .lug 1969

14 Aug 1969

20.lug 1969

29 Aug 1969



Division Imbarkation. Seotion coordinated the debarkation of BLT 2/26.

Commenced relooation 7th Marine Regiment to northern portion Allleneal Div:I.Bion (USA) TAOR.

DJ:rision lIIbarkation Seotion coordinated the embarkation of BLT 1/26.

Division Materisl Managaent Section hosted a HARES/FORSTAT oooterence •

Division. Materiel Management Section presented MARES/FORSTAT instruotion to the S-4'8 and 8Up~ Qft10ers or the Uth Marine Regiment.

Operation DURHAM PEAK logistical support from An Hoa 1& was complete.

Relooation of the 7th Marine Reg1mant completed.

Relocation of 1st Marines.




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1. (U) On 7Aug69 completed 1 church at AT 980648 (1st Mar).

2. (u) On aAug69 completed 3 dwellings at AT 872482 (5th Mar).

3. (U) On 16Aug69 completed 3 dwellings at AT 872482 (5th Mar).

4. (u) On 17Aug69 completed 8 culverts at AT 953717 (3rd MP).

5. (U) On 18Aug69 completed 4 fences at AT 953717 (3rd MP).

6. (U) On 19Aug69 completed 1 dwelling at AT 953717 (,rd MP).

7. (U) Projects currently underway within the 1 at Marm. Division CAAOR includes 1 school, 1 pig-project, 4 wells, 4 dwellings.

8. (U) Assistance rendered within the 1 at Marine Division OMOR dur­ing the month of August was as follows:

Services MedCaps DentCaps MedEvac Assistance English Language Classes

Commodities Lumber truck loads) Cement bae;s) Soap (bars) Foodstuffs Clothing Sewing Kits Tin (sheets)

Financial Assistance Contributions (piasters) General Walt Scholarship Assistance in Kind

9,502 240 209 11/207

10 40

706 10,795

610 2


21,358 $VN

° 312,086 $VN



ENetoSUIlli( f )


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1. Sequcntio.1 li8tilIg of Psychological Operations in support of 1st Hnrinc Division uni ts for tho ~)eriod 1-31 AUf,'Ust 1969.

IJeaflo·~s Air Date Dropp£.c! .• _

1 1, '/36,0:0 2 1,986,000 3 1,465, ',)JO 4 2,147,000 5 1,:;52,<.1)) 6 ~~, 029, COO 7 1,617,((:0 8 1,514,OCO 9 2,336,000 10 1, 'f7?, (Xx)

11 2, 13'{ ,000 12 3,311,000 13 1,354,000 1~ 2, 423,OCO 15 1,077,000 16 --_._._----17 ~~,O)O,CX)O

10 2, 3~)C,OOO 19 2, ()2~, 0(:0

20 l, 7n1, (fl()

21 2,2>:0,0)0 22 2, !154,OJO 23 ~),G02,CX)O

24- :. , '12 1), ()))

25 1, C~1 , ((I() 26 ~', 2! 1 , (yO 27 :),010,0.10 20 J., .j 25, mo 29 ~, 15 rj,OJU 30 :), ~Y:' ,000 31 1,9?7,0()

1. ltn11y Instructiorw 2. Chiou Hoi 3. P. '1u'.

4·. h'o-GVJf 5. Anti -ve jJiVJ\ 6. ~;o.n Tin Jre\lspnper '( • nC'.wrdn o.

IJeaflots H['nd Aorial :ilro[ Cc.uts C.hO\~r.:U --, -

Ground ]roDd CGsts (ll.ow~s)

1,()()J 150

4,()()J 2Cx) ;'50 250 150 150


/15 500 100

2CO 350 leX) 200 100


150 1:·,0 ISU 3m



1:35 1105 1:20 1:45 3150 2100 1130 1'50 lUO 1:00 1 :15

155 1:30 2130 1 :20

1:/.-O 1 :45 1:10 11J5 1120

:/~5 1:30 1:00 1:30 l:O(l

:50 :~.:) 1)0

9. ,)/:,i'o Conduct }'a,DS

21)0 5:(X) 5:00 9:00 0,00 6:00

14:00 3 :00 2:00 1:00 9:30




1:00 2:00


10. JIeal th cn(1 S ~:ni ta'cion 11. VO Inrr~cstrucL;ure

12. lU.lied 1"ireT10'.ior 13. Report va /,'tl'oci ty




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1 August 1969

4 AU8U8t 1969



Maj GLElM, Maj NICOL, and OWO-4 CLEMONS held a reinspeotion of 7th En81noer Battalion.

Maj GLEIM, Ma.j NICOL, and CW0-4 CLEMONS held a reinspection of 1st Battalion, 7th Marines.

6 August 1969 Maj McNELIS made a Staff Visit to the 7th Marines LZ BALDY.

6 Aueust 1969 Maj GLEIM, Maj NICOL, CWO-4 CLliNONS, MGYSGT LYLES, and MSGT RICHART made an Inspection Visi t to Shore Party Battalion.

7 August 1969 Maj GLEIM, Ma.j NICOL, CWO-4 CLEMONS, and MGYSGT LYLES made an reinspection or 1 at Tank Battalion.

11 August 1969 Maj GLEIM, Maj NICOL, CWO-4 ClEMONS, and MGYSGT LYLES made: an Inspection Viei t to 1 st Engineer Ba.ttalion •

. 11 Aueust 1969 Col DAHL made a swr Visit to 7th Marines,

1st Ma.rines, and 1st, Battalion, 1st Marinese

13 August 1969 Ma,j GLElM, CWO-4 CLEMONS, and MGYSGT LYLES made· a staff Visit to 7th Marines.

13 August 1969 Briofing / Orientation for Colonel James W. Tl1MA, USMC enroute to the 3m Marine Division. was given by Maj McNELIS.

15 August 1969 Maj GLEDl, CWO-4 CLEMONS, and MGYSG'r LYLES made a. Staff Visit to 3rd. Amphibious Tractor Battalion.

16 August 1969 Maj GLElM, and CWO-4 CLEMONS made a Stat! Visit to 3rd 175mm GWl Battery.

20 August 1969 Maj NICOL, CWO-4 CratONS, and MGYSGT LYLES made an Inspoction Visit to 1st Motor T~sport Ba.ttalion,




.,,~ .... ~


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21 August 1969

22 August 1969

23 August1969

24 August 1969


Maj GLEIM, Maj NICOL, CWO-4 CLI!l10NS, and MGSGT LYLES mado a Courtosy Visit to "B" Company, 1st Tank Battalion.

Col DAHL mado a. Sta.ff Visit to 7th Marines, 3rd Battalion 7th Marines, and 2nd. Battalion 7th Marino 8.

MSGT LEWIS made a Staff Visit to 3rd Amphibious Tractor Battalion.

Col DAHL made a Staff Visit to 5th Marinos, 1st Battalion, 5th Marinos, 2nd Battalion 1st Marinos, and 1st Marines.

24-25 August 1969 Maj GLEIM mado a Saff Visit to 7th Marinos, and 3rd Battalion, 11 th Marines.

25 August 1969

26 August 1969

28 August 1969

Maj NICOL, CWO-4 CLEMONS and HGYSGT LYLES made an Inspection Visit To 11th Motor Transport Battalion.

Maj GLEIM, CWO-4 CLEMONS, and MGSGT LYIES made a Staff Visit to First Reconnaissance Battalion and to tho 1st Marine B •

Maj GLED1, Maj tiICOL, CWO-4 CLEMONS, and MGYSGT LYLES made an reinspoction Visit of tho 11th Marinos.

CWO-4 CLEMONS, and MGYSGT LYLES made an Inspeotion Visit to 1st Medioal Battalion.





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• e UNCLASSIFIED Comptroller Funotions

Sequential Listing of Events

6-12 Aug ~Sgt DeCARLI made a staff visit to 3d FSR Okinawa.

11 Aug

15 Aug

15 Aug

The Division accomplished conversion f~om one series MPC to another.

Capt PEPE. MSgt DeCARLI, GySgt SAVAGO and PFC LITTLE conducted a Financial Management Technical Inspection of 1st 175 Gun Battet'y. '

Capt PEPE. MSgt DeCARLI, GySgt SAVAGO and PFC LITTLE conducted a Financial Man.gement Technical Inspection of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company.'

2i-22 Aug Capt PEPE and M,lgt DeCARLI conducted the fourth--;quarterly

25 Aug

25 Aug

26 Aug

26 Aug

27 Aug

27 Aug

29 Aug

29 Aug

Fiscal Clerk School. .

Capt PEPE. KSgt DeCARLI, GySgt SAVAGO and PFC SCHEFFLER conducted a Financial Management Teohnical Inspection of "th Battalion, 11th Marin'es.

Capt PEPE made a staff visit to FLC for conference On proposed b~dget restraints.

Capt PEPE, MSgt DeCARLI and GySgt SAVAGO conducted a Financial Management Technical Inspection of Headquarters Battery, 11th' Marines.

Capt PEPE, Migt DeCARLI and GySgt SAVAGO conducted a Financial Management Technical Inspection of Headquarters Battalion. '

Capt PEPE. ",Sgt DeCARLI,;,~y,Sgt SAVAGO and PFC SCHEFFLER conducted a Financial Management Technical Inspection of 3d 8" Howitzer Battery. .

Capt PEPE, MSgt DeCARLI, GySgt SAVAGO and PFC SCHEFFLER conducted a Financial Management Technical Inspection of 3d 175 Gun Battery. .

Capt PEPE, MSgt DeCARLI and GySgt SAVAGO conducted a Financial Management Technical Inspection of 1st Medical Battalion .

Capt PEPE, MSgt DeCARLI and GySgt SAVAGO conducted a Financial Management Technical Inspection of 1st Hospital Company. .





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.UPMl'tDD .~





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DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (53)





DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (54)

-.-AB!DS,I 51f!l NR1K!l .." ........... ~

~Otl'J.oc 001 v. J. ZJ80 _70 ~95,6 DI1'lSlDI<_ _ D. a. SlJP.IIm ~ """"T 6206 62IJ6

~1 ... OfX'1Ctr 1&001 M. C. &SmItt 3r. IIIF'J _T95'5 AU. e. c.p .... 1l.B.~ _70 latnlrDiy .fi21.} 6123

~ .... G. v. DUo! ""'ff1O _m1 A1~ l8tl.t 11'. L. lIB!IDUJS ~ latIIuDiT &a., 6 • ., ... __ r _3.H.1I!IIlCK RQO J..aUIIIId)1T 61l'O 6G64

lSI' aftALD',1 5!H JWUIIE _orr..." L1I:01 V. B.. IlJlKf Jr. a.,69 ~Db 95, l/}-6 ~

JJ11S_DrYIS_~ __ s • .J.ISDJU

~ ~.6209 6109

~i_Of'fian' IIaJ P. B. otOOLE ~ _ .. 95, 1/~' .u.d a CaIp J.st1,t J'. IJ. SI!"D!2FIIL1J III _9 ~ .. 6209 6109

... .jatd lstLt: E. v. 1WJX.US AoIE'lO la_. 953 1/5-1 1/5-1 CBJEP' OF flrUF CDl.C.L~ ....,., btllrrD!. .. 62015 61<l5

2D BI1"".rILJ)J'. 5'1'H JWlIDS storr ......... tor>" IIaJ R. B. IID.Ja _9 l.s'tMIIrDiT 6238 6123

e::.-.«ti..I!s Ofr!.ol!r Ltcol. :r. IL HICD:E !Iop6!l -'9532/~ 2/~ ~l"ftOUi.oer IIaJ R. g. UIIIB 0e<69 -'9532/5-5 >/5-5

~ CotS, Q..1 Co1e ••• ~ geJ69 lIItMm."i)iT 6101 646' ~ 2dlIt J. H.., SflBHL AoIE'lO 1IrtaO!oOl1 .. 953 2/5-1 2/5-1

_G-1 LtcD1 3. B. 1tABBILL ~ J.ut5aZ'Di T 6201 -J,ast ~l Capt C. G. POI. _70 J.s'tIIIa:I:01y 6401 6453 ,., "...,. .. ~ _!WIDIIS -..0 ...... L. IL JmlIClIIS _10 b1RUDlT 6,!Dl 6442 ~otn.oer LtCol J. }II. 'I!Bl! Jr. AJX70 -'953~ }/'j..6 ~1ft Oft1cer IIaJ ... 11. SIIIClIII 0e<69 _·953 ~

ASS'!' Cof'S, G-2 C))1A. J.~aa: geJ69 _.6202 6461

~ 2dI.t 1". o. S'r8.B JIJl10 la_. 953 3/5-1 _G-2 LtCo1 y. F. ~ 0CI69 J..s'IIIJBd)1y 62.02: 6595 """"ioDO Ltcol 'P. c. mR:DrI'IKf geJ69 ~T6155 6595

1IWKIJ..&Rl'1BS. 7'1"H l'WlIE AcqUisiU""" ...., R. P. SCXI"l"r ;fr. 001£9 _.6402 6600

~orr""", Col C. S. CODlSPO'l"I'I Jm«TO _T9526 _ Suneil.lalx>e _10 MaJ R. E. 'lBD3. .... 10 ~T6lD2 6598

~""Oft'iOl!lE' LtCol ll. P. IXIMWI' 1D¥fi9 _9525 SCI Otf'icer Copt C. :1. IIISIE! _10 """""""y 649> 6445

~ Capt V. A. PIT'IS AJX70 l.a1:I!a:d)iT 952 1 JlmI Interpreter Cont-rolO Copt B. D. 'l'IIJoIJV. ""10 htJlka!)1T 6154 Chief .AU' ObBerver ...... T. J. IIJUL&lWI 1D¥fi9 ~.~95)..'~

JST' 1JAT9LlDll,l 7'l!l XIRllIIS _lst IT CaRt B. D.!'IJlWKI.L .. 10.,., lstlm'DlT 6154-

o:.->dhlg ~fi.oor Ltocl J. A. DOWJ) J>ec69 _'952 1/J"(; 1/7..(; ~7thB Capt M. R. 0Z'Sl:! !Iop6!l - rrr B:laeCUtini 01'fiaer If&J "H. F. lDBltIHJ' JIJl10 ",-.. 952 1/7-5 1/7-5 """""',.. ".,.

Capt :D. ~. O«lRlml 0../;9 l5I~T6492

... .jatd Capt 3. F. C!Il!IWI 001£9 la_Diy 952 1(7·1 1/7-1

I ~9thl'l'r ~ c. L. H)HW'tf _9 7UI<ar = '!'IICIIdr 1,th I'M' Cqt R. II. IWlCOJIlELL .... .,., ~T649>

2D ~. ~!IUIllDB 01'1' Capt R. C. smJIK ~ lsII!£Di..6492 __ om.cer

~ll!. R. maaR JJq70 18tl'1m'Di.T 6512 6 _34= ~C.J. _ "-40 _.649> 6445

a-cri'lft 01'f'iom" !raj R. B. KImIIXZ 0Gt69 la_T6512 5 M.Jatd 2dI.t J .. L. JU.!'LAC( .. b1O lstlrerDi ... 6512 1 I$ifr Cors, ~~ eo1. ~. :B .. (ltD :Jr. _9 lsIJ!m:Di .. 6205 "m

A.Bst a-, Col J. X. TMOHl'IR _9 latI(ad)iT 620} 64Tl

0 ,. Ul"l'1LlDI. T.I'II!WIlIIIS Current PlansO :Ltcol R. F. l)Jl£1' 1D¥fi9 latlleDiT 669} 6600

...-1ngCJf:t<.oer lotcol. J.O. J.t.LlOOlf .. ,,69 ho_'9523/7..(; ,/7..(; I .... Pl....o LtCol G. SQQOB]) Oct69 l.s'tIIau'J)1T 669} (6)0

t'I'j Jl:l:ecutlw O.tr1oer .., A. A. SARJX) 1lec69 ho_. 952 3/7·5 ,/7·5 o~ UOol V. P. lICEI!!! 00169 lstJ(arDiT 61~ 6581 0 C""l - lstLt J. o. TAIJGBI Apr70 "'_T 952 '/7.1 '/7·1

1 .... 0pu00 JIIaJ::> .. c. 'IO'tIISIIIm Jol7O ~.~ 65", t'I'j ore coo >I&j 3.. S. COIoISSARD -" l.stIIar1J1T 61:56 6500

r !IM:D<IJ.ARrmS:f U'1'H MARIJIIIS A8Bt oro COO/_ea1 l!ptsO Ma.1 D .. G .. nRCBI.E J¥IO ~T61'" 6544 C""l

Oo-..n.di.tlg Otr:1oer ~ c.~ . .mBBt& 1IoT67 laUfarDi T G179 6 6 lIanS/.!'tU"Stat RptsO A. B. llftBISOU, Jr. So}I69 J..atIIad)iT 6230 6666

> RI::ectrt1~ Officer LtOol 'f. S .. mc::BII)LZ -ro _61795 5 'l'nI!O JllaJv.ll.~nI 1D¥fi9 ls1tial:MT 662} (,6)0 r \Fl ... ~ .. pt \/. P. ELLIS Doc69 ~T655Bl 1 -- !raJ I.. A. ncmor NCfO _662, (6)0 > \Fl

lJirector lJ:iT Soola Ma,j •• T_

1D¥fi9 1st'II9rD::I..T 6~ 63?4

"""" 1m' BI:!'l'1LlOJi, :um: lWUl.'f]S I A8Bt D1.rectoT DiT Sools l'I&J B. 3. IIBIIWI -" _.6J54 63~ \Fl

i"'I"j -..rotr ...... Ltco1 1'.. .AlDIULIUliAS sep69 _MT 6575 1/11-6 1/lJ.6 J.dmi.nistrative O!t1oer CaPt :1:. :B. IDl£Al'O,) _9 ~T6}O, 6660 \Fl "CIlHl'II Off'1Dez' !raJ lI. P. 1!lLt.III """'" ho_T 6575 1/11-, 1/11-5 t I.! ldLt H. B. 01EEr1OJl 0Gt69

-~"" 'lDC

"""" """" ~ latJ.t J. T. lWll'

lICK L1a:1scm Officer 1faJ R. P. cmJmlID'I _9 ~. 6138/6403 i"'I"j t'I'j <>vt69 "'_MT 6575 1/11.1 1/11-1

I Ole J'SCC LtOol. lJ • .1. BSADI geJ69 _ .. 6268/626'] 6598

"""" 0 :2D :Bl4"'l!ILlDI'., ll.!'B KAItDIm Asat orc pscc IIaJ Ir. ". PIlJLS)!I ~ _. 6268/6269 6," t'I'j

-""Ofi<.oer lotCo1 K. L. SllIm -9 la_T 6575 >111..(; 2/11-6 raz.set In.f'~ 011'1.08%' Capt J. J. JJIIIIS .. P;9 ,---. 6268/626']

0 _o=car 1IItJ!:.P.~ """'"

_ 6575 2/11·5 2/~5 ~ latLt v. POI: 0a169 laU\arM. 6575 2(1),,1 2/11-1 JSflf Cof'S, G-4 COl ;1. 1.. SCBJ.IlftZ 001;69 IatltaJti.T 6204 646B

_"-4 J,tco1 R. D. JAIIi:SOI .. P;9 ls111arDb 6204 6520 }D lI.&f'TALlDI'., lUH l'IAB.IlUiB

p,..,/~ HaJ D. 'f". DAtE In "-40 UtfIarDj.. 6!i04 6538 (b-.lIJ>g 01'fi.0er J;tCo1 R. 11. IllQU11llO - "'....,Il1.6575 ,/11-6 ~(11-6 ~

_ Pl.andJ/O]mo 1.., '1'. Q.. lIOPIO hl..,., ~.6104 65",

BIceoa.ti.w Officer ...., ... Ir.1IlUIIT !IOp69 '--"'i. 6575 3/11-' 5/11-5 A8Bt OpftoO .... 11. l!.. PIIIIBlILl seP;9 ~y6j04 6565

~ 2dLt R. R. lIBSWICE: .. "rro }"t-'>iT 6575 3/11-1 ,/11-1 t - 0pu00 Capt L. J).""" Oct69 brtJIarD:l.:r 6104 6553 __ 0>1-.......u> lItCo1 s. c. J.IESDIA. 001£9 1at:JIaz!li.T6694 6500

4TII El."I'"I'ALlDlJt 1.HH MB.D1S l __ 1-'0

!raJ ... L .......... ""'ff1O "'-...:r66~ 6525 -....OHi.aer LtCoIJ.lI.~ -9 hol>!arDi. 6575 4/11-6 4/u..6 ...-- IIaJ D. V. IIJIIIID -, _,,64<l4 65,. ~ .. otticer ...., B. H. YlXLBII 50,,69 la_Diy 6575 4/11·5 4/1]...5 , IIlPIGO 2dlot 1>. li. :DII'mBn """'" ~64<l4 6565 ~ ., R. PI. HASSBr 0Gt69 la_Diy 6575 4/11-1 4/~1 ~ eors, c..5 Col H. PO. pAIftIIL Sao69 la_,,6Z46 6463

_G-5 Lt:oDl. 11. A. Pi!IS b .. !Iop6!l ~"6Z46 6595 CJD Captv. B. ~ _10 ~"6Z46 6626

4 I ... t CJO lstI.t p. It. BI!ft'I'" 00I£~ "'-6Z46 6500 ..... ...,.ta.oliat latLt: ~ .. P.. .JlRE = _,,6~ 65~ -- ~ ~. J. LASABIB he _65046 6552 PSlDl'Il !lII,j B. B. D.a.lllIDf - _,,6165 6549 _l'S!!ll'll lstLt; c. 1<. GRAY .... 10 -,,~ 6644

MiST' eors, o:JIIPmOlL1Il LtCol. D. '0' .. DA,YIIQ)J( SoJ69 Jaala:d)iY' 6],50 6468 _,nn_ capt F. A. PeF'B - la1i!lu:ti .. 61.~ 6398


:ne1.4 1t1%ector ll. V. JIa1'BII .. ,69 _6263/'''' 6588 , After __ »>al ....-, __ mm

c.pI: I.. !'. <LISODW ~ _,,6579

t 1 ., ... ~"

,;'C~f,alio 1'P'1l~~ .. _< "-';-"-';'};'-<

DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (55)

---~ ~~ -.... ......, --sac ft.looO c:-1ioII ----_ 0IrI!a ---=-_own:.

..-0JnCIa 1!lOD~ __ Oft'll3l

CIW'WDI .... CborpWa

CJmB 0WlI:II. _ II.-: 0JPlt3l ---~ -~ ---Wt ° _0WBl8I --0 ~_O~

t'I'l __

C""l _Ol'PIClll

r > -.n>IIo~ ..... .. "..0 \FJ. \FJ. _own:. --"""" --i"'!"j

--~ """" Di .. IIotod-'O t'I'l 0 _Oll'tCS --JICOI) Sl:RflCD 0II'Ma


~_o ..... __ lIEnS 0WtaII


e.q,t ~. D. _.t.Y -..69 C&pt"'L.~ ~ CWJ .... .J • .AJI):IS -""* D. C. DIBIlIIII 00169 ~&.3.~ .".,., lftlA:c.~ -l.tLt P. B. CMIWIIIR -'!I Copt~.D. _ -btoWP.c._ ~ 2dIot:V. L. ~ -Oo13.J.. __ ....., '" G. G. BrJD -'!I

IOo,jI.JI._ .... ....., _C.'.-.r -" C'«) .A.. III. ot.ISB: ~

~13.P.Y~ ....., Copt ... P. S8U.1Y-. -. _ -a.Jr 3. D. CIDIJ.a .oo1'lO

1Oo,j1l ............ .".,.,

aa1c ...... ... 1Oo,j.1 ••• _ -'!I ....,""D._ ..." ...., .. C._ ... a..t t'. L JIl1'JS -C!IC) v. cr.-.~. -~P.C.~"'_ -lAta).1·L-,_ -IOo,j .1. S. !BJIIIS -_V.e._In -10

lBUI.- G. B. 1IIIIIIIa' -....,.1 • .1._ ~ lIrUt J. a.:.m ""'" L_1D.L~ --L1Col. II. L. LOnUOT ~ 1Oo,j.1.o._ ~ lStI.t V. J. seIIIID!! ....r;, C..,t II. L._ -_LII • ..-a 110169 lstLt c. p • .- 110169 Copt C. D. _ ~. JIIl10

lstU c. YO. v.oro;m h. SIoJ'9

2dI."t J.~. 'IIIIII"II:. -lorU4 o. IIIDI -, Cbl J. B. S1JIl: -,

'--1T62aT 66" ~6"" = ~T6I;17/6m ~T~~ 6644 1o_ .. ~/6647 6442 ~6&!2 6650 _6622 66", -~ 6442 === 666C


-62l4 64i5 _ .. 6214 6600

-~-~~ _617!1 617!1 _ .. 655'5

"" _,,64!/1 6501

-"~"",,, _ .. 62lS/6570 6472 6525

_M51 .,. -'- 6472 -- e» -",.. e» -~ /ii5IIl _$l. ""' _ 61,.,

6Ci' _640 "'" _640 "'" lo_6273 62'/3 _,,6273 6m

_6586 6650

-"~,,, """ -uyjl'", 6577

~~/6,t5 -_ft15J6,15 6600 _6215 6558 _015 656S lo_,,1SopS -_66» _66» _6609 6442

-"'''' 6666

~6446 6.M6

-~ 6644

_6232 "'"


I r

! I

J I I ~ t

i ,

, , r

IomIJ. OW1lllllt Ltcol R .. J.!. WC!' Jvl.70 utMarDiT6211 6.l!i>1 .... '-' Otricer/K1ll~ J\5ticeO LtCo1'. P. D!IG "'<flO L~T6217 ,·'j01

CId8f' T.rial ~l Capt D. H. lJiiiDi!I "'b70 ~T6m 66.l> QI1.eC Dltt'a. Coabae1 C&pt R. It .. D-AYlS k. ""';9 ls1>lozj)iT 6369/6417 6006 __ ~/c~

Capt &. _: .. 'I'lJ'K)e:D ""';9 b_T 6369/6417 660>6 a.n.v Ol'f'ioeJ: M. G. MCGUlIII" Jr. Od;(,9 l.atHnrOi.y 6jSJ b644 JdlWUstl.st1w ott1oer 0'.0 ... ,. llAlRll _70 ~:>iy6217 6(,66

.vJOR ftdSlIOlI!' OPPDa *JT. D. SU"'!"taI Auo'/O ~Ui:!.ZD1Y u::'}5/6»5 6549' .a-"t JIatar ~ Outoer 2c1.Lt ll. R. lJDCQ&J" .l!r70;-::.:~;J1Y v23'J/63:ri 6453

nYllo CIIIrlRE OJI'ICII. I.O:lrR. J. OJiJI.tft. USD -, l.zW~JiYG409 6549

O ..... O"'lI8. IIo;j J. Eo J£Afm ",,069 "'_" 6cOOj(ffi: (,581

POSBL OWIcl*t latLt 1.' Jr .. Feb70 l$tlt1.u 52)1 lst: .. tJ 'JlJ1

_lUISlW. 1tQ)1 ..,. P. mIISXI """'9 lstRorl>I." 6456 6619

IIICO~ CI'FlCi1l LtCoIK.iJ.~ """'9 l.stH:IrD1T 6294 6294

RPtI:IAl. .nr:m OIl'JCi2 Ltcol :. • .\. l.AJIII)Hr.; - ........,." (,<j;T/"<jU, o..wu.._,- Z&t. H. c. ~.l3AIIII _70 la1>W:D1" G531

s:JWJ.Y owu-. Co1 J. L. SCIIWla"P.Ir: 0<:169 latIloz!>1y 6= 6468 ..... ~ LtCol d.. 11. Hi:JZJIl - l.:J:tnarl)1T~"''''1. b544 0_ ...., J. II. IUZCB 00169 ~622116321 65.4f

PleoO IIaj B. L. IIlWIII9Ill - lsVIorDi" 6221/6321 66~ __

IOo,j C. E. llCIIAJW. J!aT7O """'"""'" 6221/G321 6544 -- ClFS.P. -._ ~ _6216 --..oa _ car v. Il. D'f.AIB, ISC, 1Inl k#4'/O ~T6~ 6525 ___ -.s..o lot C. A. JlKItZ, lJSlI _70 """""''''Gm

'I'JIIl"OPI"DB. LtOol R. ll. !WlC!! SOJ69 l..-iI'IorDi" 6535!65)£, 6535

0 •• ncp..,.. BmAtr~ ..-"" 0tr1Dm:

Col. 11. A. CAJI'IiIJH4 k#4'/O ~6234 646( t'I'l _Otrlcor Ltcol. R. B .. BOC:r: Ilet69 L<tIOorlli"G'34 6549 C""l -- CI() II.. s. RA1£ """'9 ~"''''T638l/'3t11 6660 r ~MftE, IS'!" lIIIJlIIB

~"""6l1Uf6J82,..,; 6 > "-iIrc Ofl1am! Col C. S. IIJBRR!'SOIJ -:IDcuti.'ft Otft-oc LtCol '\I. A. fE1BR 0e169 ls_" 6181/(."",,"5 5 \FJ. ~

_ E. D. SdIO!III J..,7D lsiY"",1l1" 6lBl/6l82..1 1 \FJ.

"""" ISt' B&!tiLD.. lS'!' JUIlI!B: i"'!"j _Otrtoer Ltcol .i. P. C. ~ Jr. ocrt6!J "'-.. 6JB1/'6182 1/J..6 1/},06

"""" -.cats. Ofl'Uft Il0;l-. H. - lstT.arDiT 6lBl/6182 1/'1..5 1f1..5 t'I'l ~ l.tLt1f.R.~ ... 70 lc~Io.rD1T 6181/6182 1/1.-1 1/l.-l

0 211 Baft.t.LD, l8f IUIlDJB _orn.... liI:Col ]f. C .. CLASmV .-69 ~,,6lSl/6'a2 ~ 2/1-6 _otnoer ....,L .. """" _70 _ .. 6l8J/Q82 i/J..5 2/1-5 - 2dLt :r... J. I£DUC "'b7D

_ 61S1/6lC! i/J..l. 2/1.-1

JD ~, lS'f'llUfXtlB _ o~ _1'1.1'. _ Jv17Q ....-.. 61B1l_ ;fJ.(, VloO _Of ..... ., ll.. v. SlIM _7D ~y 6181/6_ 3/l-5 ~5 - l.t:Lto.A. 3. A. 1m:: -9 ~ 6lBl/6JB2 3/1-1 }/l-1

... ~~~ . ,~-~: '::."}

DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (56)





_L_ Jlst Marine Division Association (U)

~ 3. _ / Local National Oi vilian Seour! t1 Clearanoe. (U)

_:to ./ VieU1amese !warda (U)

1:;. I, 1st Mar1ne Division Exchange Physioal --.,.-~ Inv~ tory (u)

&. vdcaputat10n ot Leadt1Jae (U)

_7. v,8erv~art RequidlitioniDi and Shopping Procedures (U)

t. 1/ JUJlile Hammocks lSI 646.$-782..6723 (U)

,9.:.. 'v/ Ii t Carson Scout Orientation Course (U)

1,.., V"'megal ,oBsession ot Government Property .. ..LJI..- and Oontraband (U)

/1, / Standing Operating Prooedures tor Po.tal ----. Servioes and Handling of 11. S. KaU (U)

I),.. /Promotion to Corporal and Lanoe Corporal (U)


DivBul1700 Uua69 D1'90 4400.22 Uu&69 DiTBul 12000 Uua69

DiVO 16.$0.12 )J.ua69

D:l:vBul 4066 6Aug69

DhBul 4400 7Aug69

])ivB\1l 4400 71utP9

D1vO 4400.23 SAua69

])i vBul 3410 9AUf,69

DiVO 4340.1 9Aug69

D1vO P27oo.40 121ug69

BriBul1418 1.$Aua69

) 3, \/Po110y for General WALT Vietnamese Scholarships (U) Div<r,080.60 16,Lug69

jff! v Report of Personal. Ittects Handling (U)


DiTBvl 40.$0 16.A.ug69




DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (57)



~I/ Reenli.1ment Report for July 1969 (u) v4'hases I and II Stooks of J.nti-BW/mf Materials J Division-Wide inventory of (U)



• DivBul U33 2Uugdi9

DivBul 6710 2S1.ug69




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HEADQUARTERS .lst Marine Division (Rein), FMF

FPO, San FranciscoJ Cal1!'ornia 96602

DIVISION BULLETIN 1700 , . From: Commanding General To: Distribution List

Subj: 1st Marine Division Association

Ene1: J (1) Status of Memberships By Unit

DivBul 1700 1/GMM/1lk 1 Aug 1%9

1. is£Pose. To publish the current status of memberships by unit for the s Marine Division Association.

2. ~~

a. Enclosure (1) provides a tabulation of previous and new mem .. berships in the 1st Mar1rie Division Association for the month of July.

b. Membership in the Association is by the calendar year, however, all those membership applications received by the Association trom last month until the end of the year will be good for the rest of this year and through calendar year 1970.

o. It mamers have been why they haven't received their membership cards yet it is because the personnel at the Association's Headquarters have been busy getting ready tor the reunions. Members will be getting their membership cards as soon as the membership applications can be processed.

d •. Two displays showing accessories that the Association has tar sale are available to the units and may be cheeked out trom the Division Chairman at the Division Education Office.

S. Action. Organizational commanders will ensure that all non-JII8mbers and incomIng personnel are afforded an opportunity to join the Association and/or contribute to the Scholarship Fund.

4. Selt-cancellation. 15 ~iepte!T\b(~r 1969.


~..I~ .. -~ (7.t((~

Ohief of Staft


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e nivBul 1700 1.9 .lU& :196 9


Unit Membership! previous new total

Headquarters Battalion 209 91 SOO

1st Marines Headquarters Companr 74 0 74 1st Battalion, 1st Marines 48 0 48 2d Battalion, 1st P~ines 527 0 527

'J 3d Ba.ttallon, 1st Marines ·32 141 175 rl" ~, '\ '


5th Marines " .. '!

Headquarters Company 172 ~2 204 1st Battalion, 5th Maripes 175 74 249 2rl Battalion, 5th Marines 1~8 232 370 Sd Battalion, 5th Marines 207 10 217

7th Imines Headquarters Companr 8 a 14 1st Battalion, 7th }1arines 56 112 168 2d Battalion, 7th Marines 272 100 372 3d Battalion, 7th Marines 147 97 244

11th Ma'rines Headquarters Battery 42 0 42 1st Battalion, 11th Marines 55 18 73 , 2d Battalion, 11th Marines 50 106 156 3d Battalion, 11th Marines 159 72 231 4th Ba.ttalion, 11th Marines 99 78 177 1st 175 Guns 15 100 115 3d 175 Guns 98 S 101 3d 8" Howitzers B4 70 154

1st Recon/lst Force Recon 69 24 93

1st Motor Transport Battalion 214 0 214

1st Tank Battalion 106 0 106

1st Engineer Battalion 61 3 85

ENC~UU (1)



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DivBul l'10r)

19 Aug-1~69

Unit -



Memberships previous new total

1st Shore Party Battalion

1st Medical Battalion

1st Hospital Company

3d Amphibian Tractor Battalion

7th Engineer Battalion

9th Engineer Battalion

11th Motor Transport Battalion












0 71

0 :3

0 0

72 144

176 183

24 161

1 20

l,6:U S,OOS)



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ID:L'iD;~'\JAH9'm:1 'Ir:fi.lroxinc D:I.v1.sion (Hoin), PE"'

F:t'O_ Gen ?rpncii.1CO, Colifol~iD. 96602

]',r'om, Comrnmding Goncr~'l To. Diotribution I~ist

r:ubj I Honthly Armot status RepoI't

nofa (1'1.) NCO P4400.84

Enel, ,1.(1) ~onthly _Moot Status :Report, ;) Jnntl.'Uc{;1ons ~I (2) iJDmplo LClJsago Forma.t

Dive 4400.22 2'I/nwjt':ffG J A ... ~ 1969

Report Required. Honthly .A,oset StatuD Report (Report Symbol HC~4400~"9)

1. ~~;pos('). To issue instructions for theproparation of a r:lonthly aocot status report.

2. Infor,mn,tiol\' Uefercnce (a) requires that all lmi to oubrait a mnthJy assot ctr.ttun report on th~ iOB,ouing i tomss

a. All requisitioning units 'Till subrdt tho subject rC.r)ort to refleat assets an of the las"b doy of each month.

b. Subm1 t reports in request release message forma.t an per cncloc1ll'c (2).


.. ~.,


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Dive 4400.22 '1 Sl~' 19:69


o. Reports are to reach this lieE¥lquat'ters f'or release not later than the seoond dq of' the month following the end of' the reporting period.

d. The report will be released. by this Headquarters to reach the Commanding General, MaXine Corps Supply Aot1vi ty by the 5th of' the month.


~~~ . //" ~,(.-?,t..aA.,,~· "

r/ ... H. E. DICKINSON Chief' of Statf



'J e



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DiTO 4400.22 1 jgJ.g 1969

MONTHLY ASSET STATUS mOR'!' Da.ta. Instruotions

flU. Document Identifier Code (DIC)

Routing Identifier Code (mc)

Federal Stook Number· (FSN)




Enter WAA

Enter MP.B

Enter the FSN of the item being reported:

Enter th9 TO'l'Alt quantity on hand. on the date of this report (inohldes in stook, in use, and in repair).

Enter a looally assigned doaument number that will reflect the acoount­able organization, julian date, and serial number. Use different serial for eaoh FSN;

Enter the total 'quantity due to inolude issued or shipped status.




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rom RRR



A. MOO p4400~·84


DIO RIO FSN !it{ DOC NR - - . p

VB MP.B 8340-54'·1181 6 M11154921:50001

WAA MP.B 8340-543-1188 2 M11'15492130002

WAA MP.B 8410-516-4193 50 M1115492'1,OOO,

WAA: MP.B 8470-576-41'94 120 M11154921,OOO4

WAA MPB 8410-576-4195 40 M11154921,OOO5




DUE -, 0




DivO 4400.22 1 Aug 1969



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~1JAR'1'BRS 1st Karine Dirtlion (Rein), JI'Mlf'

FPO, San Franc1aco, California 96602



From. General '1'01 Dbtrlbut.ion

SUbj I 1.JOcal. Uational Civilian Secllri t1 Olearanees

Ret a (a' DiVO Pl2000.lA

DiTBul 12000 2/AJS/rttl


1. id¥0se. To reiterate policies established in Nferel'!ce (~) ad to prov additional g1J1danca on s8;,;w'ity requirements for Local Naticmal Civilian (rnc) aritployeea. '

2. !JacS,round

a. Reference (a' states that allLNC employees working f\board oanton­MntB of thia Division 'wUl have a Milit8.r1 SecuritY' Service (MSS) clearance prior to their employment. A waiver to thil!l requirement mal be granted. when emerseD$f'conditionB make "it impractical or inadvisable to obtain the MSS clearance prior to b1ri.ic.

b. A recent Surv8)" of the Division indicated that efforts to complY' with clearance requirements were being fulfilled til most instance8. How­ever, it was noted that approx1m.ately seventl LNC employees were working on cantollJ18nts without the necessBl'7 clearance. This:t1gure see_ inord-1Datell high under the elll8rgenc1 condi.tions criteria establ18hed b7 ref­erence (a).

o. ,Several other d1acrepancie8 and violations of existing regUlatioDS were noted during the survey, 88 follows I

(1) tNO employees without the requisite clearance weH not under the continual 8U1'T8illance of armd. personnel while on the cantoDll8nt.

(2) LHC employees of properl7' cleared concession onere and retuBe truck operator8 did not have the required MSS clearance. All personnel on the cantolllll8nt require MSS clearance, not just the emplo1H in chaJle.


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FOR OFFlCAL USE ONLY D1vBul 12000 1 Aug 1969


(3) Five separate instances of LNC en~loyees remaining overnight on cantonments were noted. III MAF message 290540Z May 1969 states that a positive system should be established to ensure employees are off caDtaD­menta during evening hours.

d. There appeared to be an excessive number of LNC' employees in some units. In several instances~ the minor tasks assignea to such personnel could be handled by Marines without detracting from their combat roles.

e. There was a general apathy on the part of individual Marines to the inherent espionage threat posed by LNC employees having access to varied areas on cantonments.

3. Action. Commanders will conduct a review of the LNC employee situation aboard the'il' caHtonlllents to insure:

a. Compliance with current regulations.

b. Marines are briefed concerning the opportunities for intelligence collection on the part of LNC employees and advised to report any suspicious activities.

c. That defensive informant programs are established utilizing Division ~ counterintelligence personnel. ~

4. Self-cancellation. 31 January 1910.

~:i~ Chief of Staff

l)ISTRIBUTION: itA It & "Bit





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HEADQUARTERS 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF

FPO, San Francisco, California 96602


From: Commanding General. To: Distribution List

Subj: Vietnamese Awards

Ref: (a) DivO P1650.8

DivO 1650.12 l/GEL/mdu ' 3 Aug 1969 ,

1. Purpose. To provide guidanoe governing the submission, pro­cedures and acceptance of decorations from the Government of Vietnam. '

2. Information. Often after noteworthy combined U. S./Vietnam­ese operatIons, certain individuals are singled out as recipients for Vietnamese awards. On occasions in the past, units of this command have submitt,ed rec.ommendations for Vietnamese awards di­rectly to the commander of the Army of the Republic of'Vietnam unit who requested the recommendations. Additionally, there have been improper procedures followed in the processing and handling of these awards.

3. Policy. The procedures to be followed in the processing of these awards are set forth below.

a. Under no circ*mstances will awards be solicited fz:om the Vietnamese Government (either unit or individual) nor will solioited reoommendations be submitted to Vietnamese offioials for any awards (for individuals or units) prior to review by this Headquarters.

b. All recommendations for Vietnamese awards will be for· warded to'this Headquarters (Division Awards) for review.' Upon review, the recommendations will be returned to the appr~priat. cOmmanding officer for submission to the Vietnamese organiza-tion concerned. .

c. In oertain instanoes, commanders of organizations of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam an4/or Vietnamese'Govern­ment officials may present a Vietnamese decoration ,to an indi­vidual without a citation. In this event, the commandinq·. offi­cer of the individual decorated will comply with.the' provisions as set forth in paragraph 401 of reference (a).


: ~


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DivO 1650.~, 3 "AUg 1969


4. Aotion. Commandinq offioers will ens~r. complianoe',with the ,polley instructions stated in para9ra~h 3 above.

~~.~ Acting Chief of St~ff




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rroml Qommanding General. Tot Distribution List


Subj.. 1st Marme Division Exohange Physioal Inventory

Ref'. (.a.) J&AFES 1tr VREllNG-OR of 25 July 1969

1. kpoae. To· promulgaite informa.tion relative to a physioal inventory of the 1st &.rine l)ivision ixohange ret&11 merchandise and oash on hand at the oloae of business on Frida.3,. 9 September 1969_

2. Action

a. In aooordanoe with referenoe (a), the subject inventory will be held on 11 fieptember 1%9- ~e inventory period will extend from the olose o! busineaa on 9 September 1969 until the oompletion of the inventory on 11 Sep­tambe. 1969-

b. The Commanding O.ffioer, Headquarters Battalion (Rein), is directed to appoint ~ writing a Chief Inventory Inspector. In addition, he will appoint one .Offioer Inventory Inspeotor, and six (6) inventory oheck teams of two enlisted personnel each for the main store and warehouse in the Headquarters Battalion area.

". o. The Chief Inventory Inspeotor will deliver the completed inventory sheets to'the Senior Inventory Inspector, DaNang Area Exchange Officer.

d. Commanding Officers of units indioated below will appoint in writing personnel as inspeotors and inventory oheck teams for stores in their re­speotive &rEHWh

7th Marines let Battalion, 7th Marines 2d Battalion, 7th Narines 3d. Battalion, 7th l'la.rines 5th Marines lBt Battalion, 5th Marines 1st Marines

OFFICg 1 l 1 2 1 1 1


lllNLIaTED 4 2 2 4 4 2 4


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11yJul. 4066 6 Aug 1969

,. BattalIon, let Marines 24. i&tt&llon, lat Muine. at Ibginaar Battalion 7th Ingineer Battalion 9th Ibcinear B .. ttalion let Tank Battalion 3Cl Amphibian ~raotor kttalion 26th Hal'inee lIItBaoon Battalion



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2

e. All personnel aonduotin, this inventory wlll bEl cuided in the per­to~o. ot their duties by instruotions published by the Commander, Vietnam Begional Ixchance. • oopy of these instruotions is 8.va1la.ble in the main ottioe ot the J)ivialon ixohange. .

t. • brietin, tor inventory inspeoto~, offioers only, is soheduled tor 7 September 1969 from 1330 - 1500 at the offioe of the Division Ixohallge. Alttendance is mandatory.

g. Commanding Offioers will forward an origina.l and six oO'pies of all &.i'~inting orders to the J)ivision Exohange Offioer not later than 1 September 1969.

3. 'elt -oIAOIllat ion• 30 8.e.ptemblr 1969.

DISTRIBUTIONt "A", 'B" & "1"" '. Copy tOI: ca, 9th MAB

At LC&~J,··, .. ~ G. E. LAltIRENCE I

Acting Chief of staff




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HEADQ,UARTERS 1st 1m-ine Division (Rein), Fl,m'

Fl~O, San Francisco, Oalifornia 96602


hom: To:



Coml coming General Distribution List

computation of Leodtime

iaj FNFPACO ~"OOO.2t w/Ch.1 b HCO 4400.112 c DivO P4000.1D

])iv:B.ll 4400 21/RlJ3/dal 7' AllB~"1 969.)

1. PurPOS(h To promulc:ate instructions for the oomputation of leadtime for certain Ga.t'rison operating stocks.

2. Information

a. Reference (a.) authorizes III rloAF using units to utilize order and shipping time (OST) up to 45 d~s for computing leadtime for items that six or more movemento in six months.

b. Reference (b) provides a more detailed definition of OST. It should be noted that CST does not incluc1e that ":-ime in i-Thioh an item is in an out-of-stock position at the supply souroe. This includes all periods in l'l!1ioh ED, DD, DV, 131-1 and 115 status .is in effect.

o. Reference (b) does provide for computing CST on a hom*ogeneous group basis rather than an individual item basis. However, items must be considered in groups that exhibit similar CST habits.

3. Action

a. All requisitioning u.."1J.its will compute leadtime for Hems ,dth six or more"movements in a six month :)eriod in accordance "rith referenoes ell.) and (b).

b. Leadtime for all other Hens, (those hllvine only t,vo hits in six months) will continue to be COtllluted in accordl1l1ce Hi th reference (c).

4. Self-cancella.tion. ~1 January 1910•

~~ G .. E", LAWRENCE" .Acting Chief of st aft






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U~ADQ.UAR'mRS 1st Mr. ~, ,. Division (Rein), PMF

Fl?O, San It':ranoisoo, California 96602


Prom. Commanding a.nere.l To. Distribution List

Subj I Serv-Mart Requisitioning am Shopping Prooedures

Div'Bul 4400 21/Itm/SWI 7 Aua 1969

Ret. (a) NRA DaNang Supply Depot Serv-Ma1-t Shopping Guide

Encla Requisitioning instructions Shopping end chaok out prooedures

1. Punoa,.. To'y instructions oontained in referenoe (e.) resC'ding preparation of' requisitions end oheck out procedures.

2; ;eoekground~ Numerous unit representa.tives have been going to the Sel'V'­Mart and have been refused servioe for improper requiei tiona I 1. e., not signed by supply offioer/ supply ohief, no dooument number, monetary val WI not stipula.ted, re qui si tion made out to Me 100 (FUl), tJ1ld/ or appropriate oost oode not indioa.ted~

3. Agbion. Units utilizing USA Sen-Mart Facilities will ensure that req­uisi tiona are prepared in acoordance with the provisions of referenoe (a) and as amplified by enolosures (11) and (2) of' this bulletin.

4: Self-oenoelle.tion~ 31" Deoember 1969.


~'E Lt2~J ~.{.,~.e.-­G. E. LAWRENCE Aotlng Chief' of' statr


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DivBul 4400 7 Au8 1.969



The requisition to be used will be a money 'Value only DD Form 1~48 (6 part). it. separate requisition is required tor each different Fund Oode. !'he DD 1348 should be typai and must contpin the following information a

Field Legend

Send to Requisition From

Dooument Identifier Routing Identifier Stook Number Dooumen~ Number


Data Block

A 13

1 2





N6511'O NSA Serr-Mart ss 999 Enter Acoounting Number or Requisitioner, Department or Activity. Also unit Desig­nation (in the clear) . Enter ''.87 A" Enter ''N26'' Enter "Sen-Mart"

Enter ''M'' for Marine Corps




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Div:Bul 4400 7 Au& 1969

Apld pege;4

Requ1si Date

aerial Number,:J. Supplementary Address

Servioe Signal Oode FImd Code

Cost Code .


arcLOSURE (1)


pat,. i,ool1j BplRil1on1Instrugt1oa 10 Enter Activity Code 11 Lege 13,lap,k - as date must be

d8iY prooessed at Serv-Mert. Fill in ~on arrival at Serv-lta"t-t. W 4 digit julian date~

1'2 Enter A. digit serial number assigned by requisitioning activity.

1, Enter ''R'' , 14 Enter"Y" 16 Enter "0" 17 Enter applioel>le Fund Code fISH"~

tor 1st }1ar. Div. units tor FY-70. .

23 Enter applioable Cost Code - last ! dig! ts must be 1004.

Enter ''l-lonetary Value Not To Exceed $_" and fill in the amount. ReClUisitions with an urilimi ted. value are not at)oepted. Signature of Supply Offioer or Supply Chief' is required.



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Di v:Bul 4400 7 Aug 1969

1; The NSA. Servr-Mart has a limita.tion boaxd whioh identifies items and &1.1CMable issue quantities tor those items whioh are in a low stook posit­ion: Abide by Sel"'J'ooI-Sart desires on these items and quantities as they are more aware of the oyerall stookage/proourement status ot these items than the using units are.

2~- In oertain instanoes "lII!m. these quanti ties will not SlJ!tio9', inquire' or the store manager if exoess quanti ties maur be purchased. li' the item is s:vailable and the stook pioture looks good (new reoeipt/low ",eekly expend­iture) permission to purohase the required amo1m.t will most likely be auth­orized;

3: \-Then purohase haa been oompleted the original of the DD-1348 must be signed: indioating that matecrial in tM ''Monetary Value" has been reoeived. This reoeipt is retained by SerY'-l-tart personnel and. a oopy given to the purchaser tor the units tiles. Failure to leave the reoeipted oopy at the Serv.Mart results in suspenSion of shopping privileges until suoh monetary value is reoeipted tor.'



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e l mu:D~tTART.I!lRS

1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF P'PO, Ban Franoisoo, C·aJitornia 96602

Fram." Oommanding General' To t JJ1stribution Iiilt

8ub~ I Jungl ... Hammocks F8N 8465-782-6723'

1: fu£pol'; To ~ounoe the- establishment of a speoial allowanoe pool tor jungle hammooks.

2: W2ljl!\Ation~' Jung:!e hammooks have been staged at Battalion Supply, Headquarter. Battalion. These heJmnooks are available to Bll Division unitlf on a temporUt'Y loan/specifiO purpose basis. Using units will be required to exert striri oontrol over the item to ensure that they arEt returnec1 to the pool after each use.

3.- Iptim

a:.; Subm1 t requtlsts != thEt subjeot 1 tem to thi8 Headqu«rters (Attn. Gl-4Y: Request must inolude quantity desired, a brier statement ot purpose, and' dat. ot return.

b; Upon ~roval, the requesting unit Will provide' the personnel and' transportation required tor thepiok-up;

~ ,The reqU8'eting unit will prepare a'DD 1'48 tor the quantity desired and present 1 t to the Supply orfioer, Headquarters Battalion. The DD 1348 will serve alii e; temporary loan doo'UJDent and w.l.ll indioate date or return~

d; Upon returning the hammooq. the requesting unit will provide the transportation _ personnel required to deliver and replace them in storag.~

e~ The Commanding Offioer, 1st Reoonnaiss'anoe Battalion is hereby authorized to draw quantity 250 of the SIlbjeot item for indefinite reten­tion; Headquarters Battalion will invoice aoool.'dingly;




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../ 1JIHS.IlUJJtm&2

, I . '.l """'" I' . I

I I'roal Cot ... dl .. OeDeral !.I D1atri.but.ioD u.t

8labJI I1t canon So"' OrledatioD COVM


I j"''''".,.,.

L ! .:~:! ""'- .. ,

• •• "':j ..

1. _. '0 pabllah 1wp1eMDU, _tNOt,O. ooaaemiDc 1ihe lit. ~t MeatatS,_ eo... _ tM 1I08t1L 01 A18Ut 1969.

2.!I~" ... Ilt. Cuwoa Soou\ OrMntatloa Coune wU1 be 0_-dIIotr aooordaJlC8 with Nterene. (a) dIaI'1III tit. period 28-30 AlIpat 1969. !be cov •• w1ll be oondllcW at t.he nt Canon fra1D1nc CeIlWI' .itute4 at fto1ld.t,. (A! 91&4781). '

3. Aotiop

a. student. at WI· oriaut.atiOll GDV .. _, .. .:u..w4 lIIri •• in tile ..... ot Sarput aDd below 1M wort nth Bt caneD fooate 1D • COU"II. of" tb!t~ ~ .\M ••

b. ec..udI aN .aipd tbl''be1ar qaotu t. th18 ocnarae.

3 4 ) 2

C.. QuotaI aUocat.e4 to W-Z7 NgiMnta .hoal4 H ~ cU. •• tr.lbuted "DC the iDtentl7 batWiou ap1071nl aooatl.


d. CJomMMI tt111 18.,. ~1.17 addlt1ou.1 ., OrMr. cI1NotlDc l.cIInt. to report to __ 11' C ... on Soout ho.1eot Ott1cU' at the nt Can. Scout !AIiD1. Oanter ao 1atw tbUl 1600, 27 .&ucut 1969.





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D1~ 3410 , .... t 1969


•• 8tu~ vU1 report with __ , ~t, and. clcth1q ntt1c1eDt to 1lIIt&iD t ... tor tbe duration ot the. cow.e. IUl,t­iDe ad ".iIIB tMlUt:l.e. wUl be •• ,h1e tor .tudenta.

I. Mar to 2$ Auaut 1969 ... _ will report WaphoD1aallT .. b7 .... to the nt Can_ &eoat Pro.1'~ otftoel' (DiYlollon 6.1.89) .......... of pereoane1 Who wlU atteD4 thta cowel.

II. §dt"1!~,:.)1 '-t 1969.~~

, C. B. WAtlat ~.t of Statt

DISmBU'rIOlh .,- IDCl •• le •• 12/16/19/37/kO/k9ISO/S4IS'VS1/S8/6J.

Cow tot 11' CAB (1) 2d OA.G (l)



e .. -,


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ltlJJSmI 'lUll &YD.' halt 00aman41!t& to. ])1str1butioa. List.


Ia.b.1' IUega1. lW .. 11.· of·~ bopaty _ O~

let. (a> OG III MQ' It:r '2/380 OftI' 5800 of 19~69 .. '"

1. J'vpqa.. To ~t. pollcT of peri~o Sll8peot1cms tor excea • ...... 1'IU7l8Ilt prOlMt!i;y _ con_Aba _terial. ~. n=te=",. B11'efel"8DCe (a.). the O.-Y't!'4r Qeaeftl III 1Ul . mtClDeel ~or IlUbOl'd1Date oomm __ or a noent b1Uet1lag .. ~ aft. _,..lee drIrtftg wtneh a gNat aDIOImt at gm'81'1D1lent JmOp81'ty .

. - oCllltrabac1 'uter1al was .100ated.· All 11&3= ocw""a- ~e be_ directed ~o .. lee pe1.'iodio il18peotlo.nfJ an M1e by subortiaate unita.

3 •. tnrr":r'CIle' Repeate4l.y .taU ottlC8ft 1114 ftPP~ ·oftice. 1ft . . iat.-4 e~1P*1t abortas- :1n nelel UD1ta t ,..t vbeD. blpeo1;l ..

haw. be8Jl II8de eD.a equipYlli: hal :blva:d.ab11 been looateci Sa nrpriaiq CJ,U.atlt1es. In ODe o .. e tOGJ: exo ... veapGDI vera looated in a.t.rlgIe . apace. leek of atnct eqa.1paent oonvol IDd aoccut~ ~ • .,1; ~ 1e_ to tll1l tr 4emada OIl the .1og18t10 ayat_ bllt ~her permits aDd ~ the tol1~1

... Illegal ablJDmt or got"ermJI8Jlt proper1;y to the Ualte4 SW.. bJ peftOimel. Recent apot iDspeot101'lS by pgetal. a.thorlt1es .... tamd.· ~.1Dg .-mta or gcwe:mm.ent propert,' be~ Int to hcmee tor tu.iIare praClD&l .e.

b. Betention bf mdlT1dual- or 1U1S1thar1aed oaptm:ed we .... aa4 equ1}118nt. DiT1alcm Direotlyea prescribe the lIBmler ill ... captured -apoal aDd eCl'21pment VUl be h8Jl4led.1 RetantlOJl of fOl."8~ made _apca8 by 1nd1T1duala have caused....,. acCidents cble to UDfam1l1aft\7 vith operat1~ IIld 8are~.;

o. Poeaeaaion of ordn.ance ite_ to lDobtde exploa1-,e c1ertoee 1n . pe1'llCll'lal. effeota. ABam. the retelltlon ofaxplceift ~ ill 11"~ . apace. createa III extreme dmlgel' to all p8ftODnel 1n tba area. . . "Deactivated" ordnance b.a8 killed and i!l.jare4 seftral MarmeR 4ur1Dg t. past 8ix months. .




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ti..o 4540.1 , -.19'" 4. -' •. "


a. o_a«!1:as otticerll wUl oODdnct 1DI:pectlO1J1 il*'io41oallT OIl _ .-cbt4Dl.ed bM18. !u ftWrn of exc_a perma_t pro)8riJ of &11 t)"pd, ~e, .a,.., toolll, and 1ntliTidual equi]lll8Jlt, to aooeuntabU:lty .taha by 1Dl1t auppq .ectiODll ill IllaDdatcr." !he otIItuo&tion at it- aDd i:aIIIe41ate 4ilo:l,l~ . ..,'1& :lI "~4 to reduce accidents.

bi CCWllDdfng ott1oen vU1 &4V1ll8 th1B BeI4qu.riara (lta. Dbia1& :r.peotor) of ncll 1DBpeetiODl aDd CIt 8tsnUioant coY8:mM1lt .operty or oontrabad. 80 recovered. _~ r800f'eze4 win be l:eparlea. in acoe»:daftce with at-aam po1tciaa.

rf:1.f/1p Chief of Statf




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1st ~'~ni nc .c)~1 v:i fr.lot) (Pc:ln), FHF 11;;')0, San rJ. ... Dno:i.~:co,· Ga.J.ifo):'ltl.a 96602


From: Commanding General TOl Distribution List

DivOP2700.4c .20/tR!jgm . 12 .lUg 1969

Sul;>j t Standing Oper-ating Procedures for Postal Services' and Handling of U. S. Mail

Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 2700.14 , Uo S. Naval Postal Instructions (b) MCO 2700.6, Mail and Postal Affairs (c) FMFPac Order 2700.3_, SOP for Postal Affeirs

Enc1: )(1) LOCATOR SHEEr

Reports Required: I. Report of Inspection of Postal Clerkts Accounts, par. 102.1e

II. Quarterly Statistical Report of Navy Postal Oper­ations (Report Symbol OPNAV 2700-1), par-l02.1h

III. Quarterly Report of Domestic Registered, Insured, COD Business, par-I02.lh

IV Q Military Post Office (MPO) Report of Money Order Business, par. 40,.2

1. Purpose. To define the responsibilities of personnel concerned with handling UO S. Mail~ providing mail service within this Division and to publish general information concerning the handling of such mail in ac­cordance with references (8) through (c).

2. Cancellation. Division Order p:nOO.4B.

3. General. The postal service and mail handling functions wi thin this command operate a8 part of the U. S. Navy Postal Service. The Navy Postal Service is part o£~ and complements, the U. S. Postal Service, and must conform to the mail handling procedures established by the Postal Manual, and such Bupplementar,y instructions as may be published by proper authority~ Efficiency in the handling of mail depends upon active command supervision of mail handling functions, with particular emphasis on supervision of the services rendered by unit mail orderlies.

4 ... Action. Commanding officers shall be guided by the provisions of this Order in the conduct of U. S. Mail procedures within their organ­bations.


... . ,



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D1vO P2700.40 12 AUC 1969


s. ReooJlll18Ddat1ons. ReooJlll\endations oonoernirg the oontents of this directive are iiivited. Subndt via appropriate chain of cOlllll8nd for evaluation.

6. Q.b!!lSe Notation. Signifioant changes oontained in the revised page. are aenoted bY an asterisk (*).

7. Oertif'ioa tion. Reviewed and approved this cia te.



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• DjvO P2700.uC 12 Aug 1969

Subj: Stendin£ OperaHne Procedures for Postal Services end Handlin[ of U. S I }!ail

LocEl.tion: (Jnc1ic~te thE' 1,'Ci'CSTIonrsY'or" the"'copY{1es) of t.his publication.)





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Log completed change action as indicated.

Change Date of Date Dote Signature of Person lJumber Change Received Entered Entering Change

I ,



! I

- I

_. -

, 1



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General Division Postal Officer Commandinf Officer Organizational/Unit Postal Officer Ms.rine Corps Postal Clerk/Assistant Msrine Corps

Postal Clerks Mail Orderlies


101 102 103 104

105 106

1-1 1-1 1-2 1-4

1-5 1-5 .

GENERAL INFORMATION REI/EVAN! TO THE MARINE CORPS POSTAl, CLF..RK - ~.~ ..... ---.~---~.--.-----.- •. ------.-.~ -... --- --- .. ---_ ... _-_._----, ASSJ S'l'ANI' MARINE CORPS POSTAL CLERK AND MAIL ORDERUES

Marine Corps Postal Clerk Assirrtment Desifntd;:i on Rnd Helj ef Postal Funds, Effects and Duties Primary Jnstruct:ions of Mail Orderlies Mail Orderly Appointment Card


INSTRUC'!'IONS FOR OPERATJON Olr MAILROOMS ----.... ~ ...................... ,' ... --... ,. .. ' .. ~ ...... ., ... .,. ........... .. , . .., .. ' ..... -..

General Postin(, of DirecUves and Appointments Space UtUhation end Admittance


201 202 203 20h 205 206

301 302 303

GENEfi[l.L l~~L1h!!QB_9.QY9IqtNlNP POS1Itf.._9m.1t;£]' 9N~

Man Read.dressal u. S. Mail Received or Opened by Mistake Registered, Certif~ed and Insured Mail Main Post Office and Unit Post vffice Hours of

Oneration Issuance of Domestic Mon6,Y Orders Payment of Money Qrders/U. S. Treasury Checks Mobile! l10ney Order Unit Non-mailable Matter Postal Zoninr. Improvement Plan (Zip Code)


401 402 403

404 405 406 407 408 409


2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1

3-1 3-1 .3-1

4 .. 1 4 ... 3 4-3

4-4 4-l~ 4-8 4-8 4 .. 9 4-10



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- e Par Page

Use of Penalty Indicia/Postage Paid Envelopes 410 4-10 Transportation Provided Military Man 4n 4-11 Marine Corps Institute Mail 412 4-11 Special Deli very Ma11 413 4-11 COD Mail 414 4-12 Veterans Administration Chance of Address 415 4-12


Time and Methods of Distributi ne 1 ncoming Mail 416 4-12 Mtsuse of Postal. Equipment 417 4-12


POSTAL VIOLATIONS ------General ,01 5-1 Mail I rregulari Mes or Suspected Irregularities 502 5-1 "1 Cooperation with Postal !napectors 503 5-1 'I ;~' ,1£ 11,

'~';: '



General 601 6-1 Man Routing Requests 602 6-1 Excessive Delay After Movement 603 6-1


FREE MAILING PRIVILEGE _ ... Conditions of Entitlement 701 7-1



General 801 8-1 Non-mailable Matter 802 8-2 Customs 803 B-3



General 901 9-1



General 1001 10-1



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SliC'l'10N Xl _ .. _ .. _ ... , ... -....

EM.FIICFNCY lJES'l'HUC'i'ION --- ... -.,---........ ~ ........ ,--...... . I ssuance of ] ncend:!.e.ry Crene.des De!3truction Procedures Wi tnea a1·nr and Reportirl€


nOl 1102 1103

ll-l 11-1 11-1



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101. General. In order that postal service wi thin this Division may be administered efficiently and expeditiously, the duties and responsibili­ties of those personnel concerned are defined and explained in the fol­lowing paragraphs.

102 • Division Postal Officer

1. The Division Postal Officer is responsible for the supervision, operation and administration of postal servioe within this Command to include, but not limited to, the following:

a. Organization of the Division Postal Section.

b. Proper handling and security of U. S. Mail.

o. FunctioninE' as Custodial Officer for custody" control and dis­tribution of money order forma.

d. Functioning as Custodial Officer for all Post Office Department and Marine Corps eq~ipment issued for use in the 1st Marine Division Post Office and the postal units assi€ned thereto.

e. Inspections and audits of the Division Post Office and postal units thereof, in accordance with current directives and submission of Report of Inspection of Postal Clerk's Accounts (POD Form 6019-1 (NPO» upon completion of the inspection.

f. Monthly inspections of mail orderlies and organizational/unit mail handling facilitieQ, reporting ~ unsatisfactory inspeotions to the Commanding General (Attn: Division Inspector). A copy of all com­pleted inspection check lists (NAVMC l0487-PD) will be Bent to the . Commanding Officer concerned.

g. Keeping the Division Adjutant informed of requirements and con­ditions of the Division Postal Section.

h. Submission of the Quarterly Statistical Report of Navy Postal Operations (OPNAV Report Symbol 2700-1), the Quarterly Report of Domes­tie Registered, Insured" C.O.D. Business, and a~ other statistieal re­ports which may be required from time to time.

i. Effecting desifnation, detail to duty, relief from duty and, when necessary, revocation of designatton of postal clerks.

j. Main:taining liaison with civilian postal officials and other




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corrunBIlds conccI'n:in[ poc;tol matters.

k. Conductinr: or assistinf, in the conduct, of i nvC&tir Dtions involv­ing U. S. Man depr'edations and irreguhri ties .

1. Schedulinr and expedi tin!, postal service by ensuring that ade­quate personnel, -transportation .. security and storage facilities are

103 • Officer

1. Commanding Off'icers are responsible for administration and oper­ation of postal services within their commands to include, but not Umi ted to the follow:lnr:

a. ASEi1eninf an offi (~(:;:r, in 'l-Jri Unr, add1.tional duty es postal officer.

b. Ensuring that chanres of postal oi'ficeI's and man orderlies an~ kept to a min:i.mum.

c. a man handlinE' order in accordance with references (b) and (c).

d. Establishing mailrooms when deemed necessary.

e. Expeditinr i,he handling of U. S. Man by providing the serving post office with adequate security for the mail, postal funds and ef­fects, adequate livinr and workjnr fflcilities for efficient operatlons, and transportcL:ion fo)' t,he d:tspn1.,ch B,nd receipt of lJ. S. Mail for the on anj 2'atJ on. Vehicles Elssirned for O. S. Mail will not be uti) hed for any othf1r purpose an long 8<.S mall :i s ab08.1'd the vehicle.

*f • Appointin~ a minimum of two mail orderlies in accordance with reference (b). At least one mail orderly nill be appointed. on a full time basis if a mailroom has been established. Mail Orderly Appoint. ment I,Of s will be maintained.. utilizing NA VMC Form 10$ 94-PD.. by all orfan:i2at50ns, staff sections and other activities who may appoint mail orderlies. Logs of appointments issued will be retained for a period of two years from date of last revocation and appoint,ment forms will be des .. troyed upon revocation. Mail Orderly Appointment Logs and blank mail orderly appointment cards will be retained in the custody of the unit postal officer and not in the mailroom or servinf post office.

€ • Ensuring all aPPOinted mail orderlies (primary and alter-nate Elt all echelons) are thorourhly indoctrj.nllted in their assirllf~d mail handl­ine duties prior to such appointment I and that mai.l orderlies read and understand applic eblemail h8ndl:i nf directives from this BIld hiEher he~d­quarters.




,,, \(




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h. Providing mail orderlies with the necessary current information to permit proper delivery or forwfU;'din€ of mail. Suoh informatiQn shall include copies of leave papers, orders~ daily casualty reports~ and cop-ies of Personnel Act10n ~eports (PAR's). •

i. Req~ir1nf mail orderlies operat1n( mailrooms to maintain a com­plete and current directory~ to include personnel transferred or dis-oharged during the preceeding six months. .

. j. Furnishinr one legible copy of the P~rsonnel Action Report (PAR) (Sheet Format) to the post office servicing the organization as soon as possible after preparation. Copies of the PAR (Sheet Format) should normally be delivered not later than the day fo11o~ng the date of prep­aration. Units not serviced by Division Post Offices will submit copies of the PAR (Sheet Format) directly to the Division Postal Officer, via U. S. Mail.

*k. Ensuring that OPNAV Form 2700-, (New 6-61) (Notioe of Change of AddrE'ss) cards and MACV Forms 29MC III MAF Looato%' Cards are available to individuals and are properly utilized as required by current directives.

1. Ensurillf that, upon revocation of a mail orderly appointment~ the serving mai1room or post office is promptly notified of the revooation.

m. Keeping the DiviSion Postal Officer informed, as f&r in advance as praoticab1e, of all matters which will affect the timely delivery, or routing of U. S. Mail. '

*no Submittinf a report of corrective action taken on all discrep­ancies noted on the DiviSion Monthly Mailroom Inspection Check-list when such check-list contains an "Unsatisfactory" marking, to the Conunanding General, 1st Marine D:t v:l.sion (A t t~ Division Inspector) not later than ten workill€~ days after the date of' rece1pt of the i,nfipectj on check-11 at. Forward one co~ of the check-list directly to the Division Postal Officer, via U. S. Mail, for informatjon.

·0. Retaining the duplicate key(s) to the mailroom. Duplicate keys will be sealed in an envelope, endors~d to show the contents, and re­tained by the Officer. Flaps of the envelope will be endorsed by the mail orderly and unit postal officer after sealing.

p. RequiSitioning ~d maintaining a 30 day supply of:

(1) DD Form 28$ (Mail Orderly Appointment Card)

(2) OPNAV Form 2700-5 (New 6-61) (Notice of Change of Address)

(3) MACV Form 29MC (Ill MAF Locator Card)




, ... " '.i

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(4) NAVMO l0487-PD (Unit,oom Inspection Check-list)

(5) NAVMC lOS72-Pn (Mail Directorr File Card)

(6) NAVMC 10594-PD (Mail Orderly Appointment Log)

2. In add~tion to the above, the Commanding Officer, Headquarters Battalion will furnish the Division Postal Officer or his authorized representative daily transportation to conduct surprise inspectionn of unit post offices and mallrooms. Commanding Officers will also p:r'ov:lde sufticient daily transportation to adequately meet all incomi nf: (md out­going mail schedules.

104 • OrEam zat10nal/Uni tPostal Officers

1. Unit Postal Oftioer Will. advise and assist the Commanding Officer in the detailed supervision of postal matters within the command to inolude, but not be limited to, the followings

a. lruttruoting mail orderlies in the proper procedures for pro .. ceseill€ and safeguarding U. S. Mail.

*b. Inspecting mail orderlies, ma11rooms and mail handling prooedures once weekly to ensure compliance with existing directives and regulations. NAVMC 10487-PD (Unit Mailroom Inspection Check-list) will be prepared on each inspeotion conducted and maintained on tile in themailroom.This inspection will not be conducted on the same d~ each week, and will be made without prior notice to mail orderlies.

c. Retention and accountability ot the NAVMC l0594-PD (Mail Orderly Appointment LOf) and all blank DD Form 285 (Mail Orderly Appointment Card). Ensure that all completed appointment cards are serialized for strict accountability and that they correspond with the serial number assirned in the appointment log.

d. i. (,(>I':' ~'lr j \Ie I)-i v·j niOH Po~d;n~ Officer informed of complaints, in­qU:i:tiN; ~ltl1~1.(,)uUl;et;~.~9tw l.cirth;c to man 8frvica.

.~,.'1; ... e. Ensur1ll€ immediate corrective action is taken on all discrep- .

ancie~!noted during inspections conducted by the Division Postal Officer or his representative, and those inspectors representing higher head­quarters.

2. Upon deployment of a unit, to which a Division Postal Unit is ~6sign­ed, and when directed by the Commanding General, the unit postal offioer will conduct the monthly inspection and audit ot the postal unit, in accordance with paragraph 6105 of reference (a) .. submitting original and .~ tour copie~ of the inspection report to the Commanding General, (Attn: ~ Division Postal Otficer). .





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~I 06.1b

105 • ~~£o..rI?~~"?9.~.~.~ .. .c.I~eT~/!l~.Mar:tne, C2!'Pl'. _ POl:tnl Gl,wki;

1. The Merine Corps Postal Clerk and Assistant Marine Corps Postal Clerks assifned to the Division Postal Section will perform" but not be linrlted to, the following 'duties:

a. Expeditiously process a.ll incomin(, a.nd o~troinf mail matter.

b. Conduct postal finance business in a(~cordance with current post­a;L regulations.

c. Report to the Division Postal OfHcer tmmediately all inquiries and claims concerninr loss, rininr, deley and damage of mail matter.

d. Mainta-j n in the Post Offi.ce an up-to-date postal di­rectory of ell personnel essirned and attached to the 1st Marine Division. The postal directory wHl include the nemes of all personnel transferred or seperated during the precedinr six months, The directory will be kept up-to-date from lnformatjon obtained from PAR (Sheet Format), trans­fer orders and Notice of Chan{,e of Address cards (OPNAV Form 2700-5 (New 6-61»).

e. Mainta.1n daily statj stical information as may be desired.

f. Ensure prompt preparation and submission of Military Post Office (MFO) Report of Money Order Business, by the money order clerk, as re­quired by 6104 of reference (a), and in accordance with the instructions contained in paraeraphs 405.1 and 405.2 of this Order.

*2. Assistant Marine Corps Postal Clerks in Charge of unit post offices wJ 11 conduct weekly surprise audits of Assistant Marine Corps Postal Clerk's accounts assifned to their units, usin€ POD Form 3294 (Stamp Stock Inventory). Assistant Marine Corps Postal Clerks will verify the audit BS to its correctness by initialinr POD Form 3308 (Fixed Credit Inventory Hecord) after proper entries have been made. Whenever the over are or does not fall w:i thin the tolerance limits as pre­scribed in Section 1125.412, u. S. Postal Manual, the entire stock will be recounted. If the overare or shortare still exists~ immediately notify the Division Postal Ort'icer for further instrucMons.

106. Man Orderlies .-... , .... -_._-1. Mail orderlies maintaininr meHrooms shall:

a. Maintain a lo£: showing the dRte and time mail has been received by authorired mail orderlies servieed by the mailroom.

b. Maintain a. current B.nd corl'sct postal dj rectory of personnel





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1 "X ,',I C

SOlV" ((~d by the J11flilroom, utiliz:l.n( NAV1'1C' l:)$72-PLJ (Mail Directory FiJ,e Call'). J<~,'; lr'oom d~ rectory cards shall be filed alphabeti,cally re€ard·· Ieee of ncrvice, (,rade, component or physical locat.j on of the ind:tvldlwl and shalJ. bo retatned in file for a period of six months after the in­di yi dual h~J:) beon "Lx [lnsf'erred from the orfani 2,Clt:l on/unit.

'i:'C .'.lpon rEcojpt of fJ :=d.£ned OPNAV rioI'm 2700-5 (Notlce of Chance of Addl'c;;[;) from 1m .ind5vidunl that des:irf's his l'Joc\t'css to be other than the I.l(\(lrN;~: r:ho .. ,n on tbe NAVNC 10572~PD (Mail Di,rectory File Card), staple thE: ~,;l{ned (T~Wl form 2700-5 (Chfmg8 of' Address Card) on the front of' , iT ] r/n-:':.l (II ail Directory File Cnrd). ' l'he orif) nal discard date t>li01W on the NAVMC 10572-PD will be recorded on the new OPNAV r'onn 2700-,.

d. Advise personnel completing OPNAV 2700-5 (Notice of Change of Address) card, that the label should be removed on magaz'ines l newspapers, etc., and ~t-tach to the card in order to provide publishers the pub11.­cation key nll."'Tlber and letters. 'l'hj s will assist publishers in correct­inr their address plates.

e. lnuncd1ately backstamp ell mail upon receipt by, stampin£ the date of receipt on the reverse side with the line dater. 'I'his may be hand­wrH'Len H no line dater is available.

f. J nstruct all newly arrived pE'rs onnel to check with the servine po~;t offlce for any Itholdl! mail whi ch may have been forwarded from their. 1 tlst maU1-nf address. .

{~( • Surrender mail only to addressees or authorized mail orderlies, dE:1si~nated :i.n writine on DD Form 28,.

h. Return all mail for whi ch a forwarding address is not readily available to the serving post office forirnmediate directory service.

i~j.. Feturn all completed, MACV-29MC Locator Cards to serving post office daily.

j • Provide· adeq'.lEl'Le secur! ty for mail durin! Urnes of transit. L\.lrinf transportation of mail by vehicles, mail orderlies will maintain vi sua:t surveilla.nce of the mail at all tj mes.


, I

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201. Hm"'i ne CO):'DS PostaT Ch 1·k. On]:} (ll")C B[;~:i rH-: ':;0)"01' :")It nl :::1 (,1'k ---,--_ ...... , .. ', ................ , ... ' ... "-,'.,., .... , .. ' .......... ~.

w5.11 be m:::dl,ncr.'1 'Lo the lJiv:if.;:lOn POf;tD.l :.(c'\;,·;on. '11,(: (;Ci,J,nl,t,ec'i. t;,<,)::;no CorpH Por::t.cll Clf'l'k shnll ASSUl~e l'HSpons:i bj.1H,y .f:w tl.le funct.:i on of t.hE' flpecH:ic offi.c~ for wideh cles:irneteci, :includinf: 6.11. flnancial tl'ans­lieU om·: connectpd 'l!:<e!'Endt,h.

202. Ar1 fd €'nr~{;nt. the numb 0 , of' Aflsi st,ant, Horine Corps Postel Chrks ShDll hf:ji;£l·C·('~)Y'c1ance '\Ili'l.h Ule Cllrl'en1.. cLfecUve 'lable of Orf:snization.

')~203 . Dcs:i f' !Vl'Li on am; Hr·1if'f. thE'. !;ar:ine (;Ol'p~i i.'0I'i1,1l1 Olelk fwd as-6i si.ant,-ifni-·l ne' (~c;i'r)~,· 'l?"o't,tai." C1erks Hha.J.l be deE;} rl1(!1.,ecl, (1(!taHed, rf~­voked lInd reHeved f:rom cluty in -wHh r-E-'fel'ence (oJ, F'orm l02tlh-PD (Hari no Corps Post a1 Clerk !pontlf:iret:i on Cflrd) she.n bE!

issued ~!l'\d accounted for by the Division Postal CifT} ('flY'.

201.,. PNital ~'U!lds Fffectt:l and Duties •• , ....... III,".> II •• , ."j', ... , • • 1 .... , .. • ~,., .. '_ow·, .".,.,. .... " ... '." ...... , .....

1. Desj ~ nated D1 vision Postsl Off'j c~)rs I '. Harine COI'PS Postal Cl(~rk I and Assistant Corps Postal Clerks are the only personnel authorized to handle postsl .f'unds and effects in the Divis~on Postal Section.

2 • Postal Cle:cks will not be reqmred to handle funds other than stamp or money order funds.

) • De8j rnsted postal cler'ks shall not be assl. f ned to duti as other than postel.

L. Enlisted personnel desj.rnated and/or deta:tled to duty r,:s Ha:rine Corps Postal Clerk and Assistant Marine Corps Postal Clerks w111 be car'1'1 ad on the ;:roles .of HellclquSl'ters Compeny, lleadquarters Batt ali on, 1st Marine Divisjon.

20,. !)!l.!!lfJrY .. l~!l!!.!;l~t? o~ of ~#l Ord~!'ll~!. All newly e.ppointed mail orderlies who wUl be performing duties in mailrooms will report to the Assistant Marine Corps Postal. Clerk in Charfe of the servinr post office for bssJc indoetr:i.nBt:i on and i.nstruct1on on proper' mail handlinE pro­cedures.

*206 .~l ~r.!l..lEl)?in~~~nt £&£. DD M~orm 28, (Man Orderly Appoint­ment Card}shall be carrjed by the mail orderlywhencollect:ln{ima.i1. A s1t:ned copy cf the appointment card will be on file Ett the post. off'ice or mailroom from which he :receives the mail.





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INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATION'OF MAILROOMS "t ". It, ",I _.k ~ l ;. '. c' ;, 't \ '.) ~:, , .

*301. General. Mailrooms' mq be'established as deem~d nee&e~ary. b)"., c~. msnd:1ni officers. A· rO'oni' constI'Uc.ted of heavy wire niee~;.·: the" doors ~ ot· .' may be looked, is considelied the miidmwil aC'geptab+e . security re-' '. quirements for storage of U. S. Mail. Windows shall be reinforced. with .' bera or heavy wire mesne , When in a combat zl'ne, 8 +ocke~ field desk ()r foot locker,. etc., secur~d ,in a tent , is' acceptableae. minilnuil!, 'seouri tl '. for store.€:e of U. S. M~.l ~ The D1viaion Postal Officer will be notified. prior to the establishment of unit mailrooms. '

302. Postine of pireoti ves~~ Am>!m!'!pts I. , .

*1. :1'he following' orders, directives and appointments Will be lliaintuned 'refieotinr all c~anees thereto, in each mailroom. These orders and di­reotives will be filed, preferably b,y seniority, to the inside front cover of OPNAVlNST 2700.14_.

a. .Cop,y of this order.

b. Organization and/or unit mail handling order.

c. Cop,y of FMFPao Order P2700 • .3_, Standing OperatinE: Prooedures for Postal Affairs.

d. OPNAVlNST 2700.14 , U~ S. Navy Postal Instructions. (Will be furnished b.r commanding officer.)

''''' e. Meo 2tt;iO.6 (Will be furnished by o.ommandine offioer). 'If.~ ,.

f. Applicable instructions and memoranda periodically published by the Division Postal Officer or higher authority.

g. A properly cOmpleted and s:i.~d DD 26$ for each mail orderly . authorized to receive mail from the mailroom.

h. Unit p08tal officer's appointment.

1. Oop,y of each NAVMC 10467-PD (Unit Mailroom Inspection Check­list) completed during the precedinr six months.

j. POD F'orm 38$0 or DD Form 434 (Record of Accountable Mail )

k. It applicable, a letter of authorization for personnel to re­ceipt for offioial registered, certified and insured mail for the com­mandinp officer.

30.3. Space Utiliza~ion eM,I'dm1.ttanoe. Mailrooms must provide suf-




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e. • 303.1

tioleat lpac. toro PrOC.ldag tbe volUIII ot uil handled. Wall locker., tl,let delkl, .to., are not oOIll~dtrecl ldequate tor proper ,tor.,e or eecnlritJ except .. noted in par~apb 301. Tbne hUDarecl titt1 USO) . oubic teet 111 \b SO IqlW'I, (SilO) aoor Ipace, 18 ooneidered the ...s.m.. '1*' nCUNMat.

1. Ma1l.I'OOIU IWl not be utWIecl lor I'ltI other purpoee thaD the pro­ ... ot u. S. JIaU. Q1W'd..u vit1 DOt be Pl"ooe •• ed or 1nternd.nglecl with U. S. Mall.

*2. I. ~ ptl'loDntl authoriNCl to enter Iiallroc.e are t~ ~CIIIIlaDdiae of ticer, .-cQt1~ oftioll', poltl1otfteer,aa1l OI'Cler11 •• , alii off10erl, at ..... poatl1'lIIIpectol'l oa ott10111 1upeot10 .. ot the UDit.



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401. ~a.~~L~~!9-9F~;E!:;,!lt

1. Matl for personnel who ere tempora:r:1.1y aboont, ij,i,;) i:_1 l j(.. U\ ,; ;' ,~i11,::I') their unit will be forwarded in accordance with 1 (';i'€J1'('BCt': (b) 11TlCi supple·· mentary instructions contai,ned herein.

2. The words IIBrif"l "Confi,nedrt, "Deserter", "Deceased", "MIA" or othel"

derogatory notations will NO'!' be entered on any mail matter or used BS

pa:rt of en address. - ,

3. Mail from the President of the UnUed States, or members of Congress will not be readdressed I returned to sender or forw8,rded, but will be returned to the s( rvinf post office with all information as to the status and lONltion of the j_ndj vidual to whom the mail is addressed, on a sheet of paper attached to the letters.

4. The follow:tng instructions apply to the disposition of all undeliver­ablemail by mail orderlies:

a. Mail orderlies who do not maintain mailrooms are required to re­turn all undeliverable mail, in their possesion at the end of the day, to the post office or Mailroom from which obtained. 'lhst mail which can be delivered at a 1 ater date will be retained in the Mailroom until de­livery can be accomplished. In cases of widely deployed companies where undeUverable man cannot be returned to the servine mail room because of safety reasons, such mail may be retained overn1f'ht in the Commanding Officer's safe, or other euch locked receptacle, for safekeepine:. All mail returned from the section man orderlies shall immediately be back­stamped on the reverse side.

b. Man for deceased personnel, deserters, and those in action shall not be endoreed in any manner but shall be promptly returned to the servin'fPost office under seperate cover with a notation indicat­inf the status of the individual. Verification by the commanding offjcer will be obta:lned before man in this category is returned.

c. Mail for personnel on unauthorized absence shall NO'.!' be endorsed in any manner but shall be retained in the mailroom until the individual has returned, been declared a deserter J or until further information j_s recej ved whi ch will provide a suitable address.

*d. Mail for casualties who have been evacuated out of the Republic of Vietnnm wUl be readdressed as follows:

)j •. J


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Casualty Mail Section III MAF Master Postal. Directory FPO San Franc:i.sco 96602

*e. Mail for casualties who have been admjtted to the !ISS m'POS1'~, USS SANC'J:UARY, Naval Support Activity Hospital, 6th Convrl(scent Center, Cam Rahn Bay or the 12tb USAF Hospital, Cam Rahn Buy, Or otber tncountry medical facilities will be delivered by ljaison persormel making Bssist. ance calls to these faciUties. When this cannot be a.ccomplisbed wj:lJ-d n 48 hours after receipt, mail will be readdressed to the Casualty Man C;P(·U em, TlJ MJ.F Directory and returned to the servin£, post office :in:n(ci~ 'lwly •.

f. Ma.H for personnel who ere confined in the brig at Camp Butler will be readdressed and forwarded to:

Box 10 Marine Corps Base, Camp S. D. BUTLER FPO Seattle 98773

g. Mail for personnel who are confined in the III MAr Brig at Danang, RVN, will be readdressed and forwarded to:

Box A, 3rd MP Bn Force tOfistic Command FPC San j<'rancisco 96602

h. Man for personnel temporarily absent will be handled in accord­ance with the instructions contained in reference (b). '}'o preclude the return of such mail to the sender, commandinr officers will ensure that all personnel who will be absent in the linE:. of duty for a period of ten days or more, check out wit.h the unit maH ordf'rly prtor to depv.rture, for the purpose of intl.i c:1 .~ nr desired disposition of personal mail during their absence. !:,; i Ji -lalized personnel are not considered in this category and mall for such persorulel shall be forwarded promptly as out­lined in subpara[raph d or e above.

1. Mail addressed to personnel for whom there is no record in the mail directory file shall be endorsed, on the reverse side of the cover, to indj.cate the activity at which directory service was rendered, the injtjals of the mail orderly endorsinE the mail, and the current date.

*j. In the ('vent reflstered, certjfjed or insured mail is undeliver­able as addressed, the :Hail Arrival Notice (POD F'orm 3849) will be suit­ably endorsed and processed in accordance with reference (b).

5. Maj I :1'01' a forwardj nr address is BV8J labl€! will be forwarded w:lthout de]ay. 'l'he name of the adciressee will not be wri.tten, mar-ked, or stamped over. If the name, crade, or servj cs number of the addressee is not complete, the om-a ted parts must be furnished to aid later



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delivery. A sin(le line will be drawn through the incorrect portion of th.e address, so as not to obliterate itg and the complete forwarding address, date of transfer, UD/PAR number and the mail­itials in the lower left hand corner, if space permits. Subsequent en­dorsem*nts, whenever possible, will be placeQ above previous endorse­ments. When no space on the front ie available the word "over" will be written on the front and additional endorsem*nts will be written on the reverse side of the dire~tor.Y mail. Abbreviations shall not be used as part of the forwardinf' address, except those which are normally used in civilian addresses. For example, CLNC will not be used for Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; PISC will not be used for Parris Island, South Carolina, etc.

if6 All endorsem*nts on U 0 S. Mail shall be l1l8de with ball point pen or pencil and must be initialed by the mail orderly making the endorsem*nt. Grease pencils or crayon type pencils will not be used to endorse mail matter.

7. Mail which has received directory service shall be returned to the serving post office separately from uncancelled (raw) mail.

402. U. S. Mail Received or Opened bZ Mistake

1. A person or office receiving mail not intended for them will immed­iately return such mail, unopened, to the mail orderly or servin€, post office for proper deliver,y to the addressee.

2. A person opening mail by mistake will immediately reseal and endorse Buch mail on the face of the cover, as indicated below, and return it to the mail orderly or servin€ post officeo

Opened by mistake (Date) (Full name and lef1b1e sit'nature) (Grade and service number) ( Organiz8.tion)

a. Personnel shall not examine the contents of mail opened by mis­take, but will treat it a8 though it were sealed.

b. Theservine. post office will affix the gummed label "OffiCially Sealed" provided by the Post Office Department, and stamp the letter or parcel with that office's all-purpose chop. The postal clerk will then place his initials on the seal and immediately forward to the proper addressee.


40). Reeistered, Cert!fied and_~~~ed Mail

1. Handling of registered, certified and insured mail by Marine Corps Postal personnel will be in accordance with the instructions contained

~ . 4-3



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in reference (a) and current postal re€ulations.

2. The delivery of all persQnal registered, certified and insured mail will be made at the servint poet office to the addressee or his agent, as applicable. .

*3. Mail orderlies are not authorhed to handle personal regi.stered, certified and insured mail except when specifically authorized by the addressee in writin€ in each specific case.

4. Official reristered, certified and insured mail may be handled by mail orderlies, at the discretion of the commanding/responeible officer. Accountable type mail addressed to the commanding officer may be de­livered by the mail orderly to an authorized afent of the commanding officer. The authori2ed aeent shall be desitnated in writing, by title; e.g., Adjutant, Executive Officer, SgtMaj, Supply Officer, etc., and a copy of such designation posted in the servin£, mailroom.

5. When mail orderlies are authorized to receipt for accountable type mail, they will be required to·maintBin a log, of receipts in accordance with instructions contaj ned in paragraph 8108 of reference (a).

404. MaJ!,-PO~~_Q!!19~_Ml2- Unit Po~!-_QIf:l.·ce HOUrLQLQJ?el'atio!}

1. Hours of operation of the Division Po~t Office will be as prescribed by the Di vi.sion Postal Officer.

*2. Hours of operation of unit post offices will be prescribed by the Division Postal Officer, in coordination with the area commander of the area in wM ch the unit is located.

hOS • Issuance of Domestic Money Orders

1. 'l'he daily audit of money order busi.ness transacted by the Division Post Offj,ce and unit post offices shall be conduoted by disbursing officers or their deputies in accordance with paragraph 7406 of ref­erence (a) and NAVCOMPTMAN, paragraphs 041411 and 141412.

2, 'l'hepreporation of M1.litBry Port Off:i.ce Report of Money Order BUB~ :i llCbS w:IJ.l bo. j n f:l('co)'c1.aneo ,·rjth the. :lnntruct i om~ cont,l(;n(~d :i n pal'a-­

t;:c'aph .'(l~\))i·il)t.~:'i;'~.~91·GhUQ (a) (f,~W·;.a6 ;1;\Jl\pll£i~~ '1)9+0\-1 : ","., j \' .,"'),' {,,: ',,' .')',.'1' . .1, -', "')',1" ,r ", •

a. At the close of money order business each day the NeOle of each unit will supervise the preparation of Report of Daily Money Order Bus­j ness on POD l"orm 6019 MPO. Upon completion of said report the POD Forn (m9 J1PO, together with all funds derived from that days bUSiness, money order stubs, cashed U. S. Treasury checks, paid money orders and related addinr machine tape of the money orders sold will be registered to the appropriate Dlsbursinr Officer, (units havinr no disbursinr office will




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rerj r,te.! th~ "E'por'L t.o tbc j';,;:r< ne Corp£; I'octr.l Cler,(, 1st He.r})'j( :.. ~ .... , .... sion Ctc:l:h);., r:i;.l;,· jJ;~(>·Ci~~'Ji.~lar.,ci$eo . ~<X;(I?) . t'Cir. ~.1J.;9tJ<)r.d:~,et;l..:liic;.;~ .. i:.i4'~~ -1., .. undo!' no d.rc*mstances w:!.ll money order funds, stubs, etc., be retained OVGl'nirht by un:its without beinr properly registered and w,itnessed.

3 . '1'he c,t.1stody J control and di,stribution of blank money order forms wlll be regulated in accordance with references (a) and (b), except that As­sistant Corps Postal Clerks in Charge of outlyinl? unit post offices m.ey be authorized to retain custody of reserve blank money order forms that have been i.ssued as authorhed by reference (b).

4. The follOwing procedures will be followed for the purchase of money orders:

a. United States domestic money ordera will be iasued only in ex­change for militar,y p~ent certificates, and/or United States Treasur,y checks.

b. 'l'he total dollar value of U. S. currency or dollar instruments (postal money orders U. S. 'l'reasury checks, bankiIlf paper, .mili tery payment orders, etc.) purchased with cash and cash deposits made to Mil­itary Bank1nr Faoilities (MBF) or Uniformed Services Savings Deposits to the USSDP in any one month will not exceed $200.00. (Cash deposits to the USSDP made simultaneously with receipt of pay allowances or bon~ses wnl not be' subject to the $200.00 monthly limitation.) Postal clerks will examine 'each MACV Form 385 (Currency Control Form) prior to issuing postal money orders to the patron. He will not know1n£ly sell postal money orders to anyone if the amount of the sale would result in the cash purchase of dollars, dollar instruments and cash deposits to MBF or USSDP totaling more than $200.00 durine a single month. Specifically, the dollar amount of transacti on descri,bed above will be taken into con­sideration in reachine the $200.00 monthly limitation. l.'he combination ofsuoh transaotions, inoludinp postal money orders, shall not exceed $200.00 during al\Y' one month. .

c. Under excepti.onal cirC'Ul'llstances the unit commander or commis­sioned or war'rant oi'ncer supervisor of the individual may authorh'e ~ :l( pun:hnnc of' addi.tional quantities of postal money orders and ·W))-:.(.,: :. ': " ,;r1ting that the excess money was legitimately acquired by~l;tin-ti'·,,;r),ID1. 1n the case of non-vOD U. S. citizen civilians, the letter of fi)'Lho:< ~,ntion will be execut,ed by a commissioned officer or civilian supervIsor of the trade FSO/R-5, FSS.,3, OS-ll or above. Such certifi­cation must be appended to the MACV Form 38$ (Currency Control Form).

d. Personnel are proMbited from usinr postal money orders as an instrum.ent or currency exchanre within the Republic of Vietnam.

e. Postal clerks will not issue U. S. Postal Money Orders for p~­ment in any other country except the. United States (to include APO'S/FPO'S)



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S. Individual purchaser will:



a. Complete MACV Jl'orm 38, (three part form) for postal money orders JIlade payable to each individual or agency. Upon issuance of embossed MACV Currency Control Plates, the personal data will be mechanically im­printed on the form. Until the embossed plates are issued the form will; be filled out entirely b~ hand (IlJ,egible forms will not be accepted for .,( JIlone,y order transactions).

b. Present his identification card to the postal clerk for compar­ison with the information on the MACVForm 385 (see MACV Directive 6S-6).

c. Present his MACV Currency Control Plate to the postal clerk, when issued, for preparation of the personal data on NACV Form 3BS.

d. Not purchase money orders for others except as authorized in pararraph 6.a, below.

6. Orranizational/Unit Man Clerks:

a. When it i8 impracticable or unreasonable to require individuals personally to make purchases of money orders, organizational/unit mail clerks are authorized to purchase money orders for members of their organizations. The organizational/unit mail clerk JIlust present the fol­lowing documents to the postal clerk before being permitted to purchase JIloney orders.

(I) A letter of authorization signed by the 'unit ~ommander or his officer desirn«te. The letter of ~uthorization will include the name, erade, service number, and total amount of money orders for each purchase. Lef1ble handwritten letters of authorization are acceptable •

(2) A cOJllpleted MACV Form 385 for postal money orders made p~­able to each ind.i vidual. Each MACV Form 38$ must be signed by the pri­JIlar,y purchaser. (For the purpose of money order control, each person whoee name appeare on the letter of authorization is the pr1mar.y purchaser.)





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l-lJ~,l~) 7. 'I'he postal clerk wi1l:

a. Hequest the purchaser to present his identifJcation card for comparison name, sif'nature and serial nwnber, ID or sucial sec uri ty card numbel' as reflected 'on the MACV Form 385.

b. Enter the name of the payee i.n the IIpny to" block on the money order.

e. Enter the nu.mbers of the money orders on the MACV Form 385.

d. Enter the "1" in the commander'(, cert:Lfie~lte box on MACV Form 385 (if applicable), legibly j,n:iUa.l the form, and stamp or write the faoili ty code desi.( nation in the spe.ce provided.

e, Enter 1,h8 code transaction number "01" in the box designated for thllt purpose on MItCV ,[.'orm 3Ei5 •

f. Ensure the.t aU data is dearly leej-ble on the third copy of the form.

g. Return the money order to the purchaser for completion.

h. Hle the orir:t.nal copy of' MACV Form 38, in date sequence to per­mit ready reference In the event subsequent lnvesti€ation of the trans­action requlres access to the origi.nal sirnature. 'l'he duplicate copy may be furnl.shed the individual as a receipt of the transaction.

::I, '.lhr;- pod.r;). of'f:i ceY'~J; J1 f(\l~wrc:'l tbl tr.i . .pJ:5 C[Ji.,c cClpy ('buff' c<rd) of HI;C'l'~Oi:ml>i{~,b~'~:.,by',. :'Cl'V;l ce Cl:ltqOl':i c:;, "tio 'l'he eompoJ'lent cm:tllr:nde:r <if) )?,:l" (,':('::"1.(;1: l;<!O~I.'J:i.,(', enr..::'.,· \(1:'.1:,(; fOYWf'xdcd on;l (il'~: .. l;Y;)<lu'::: 1'1:.,0', JaciLl-1t.1"".';'~·r~~(:h OJ' ('!x.c(H3d 10,'/ trnll.':lctJ0';"}' pel ('IDY, ii'[.,().iLi.Uo:::; l,l':vjnt .... le~"j::J "LiJDl1 100 -1.1 ens .. ~~c:tJ. OIlS dt.d .. l:;l" fO!W(~I'd t}·,p enrdc on [; 'wcc~·:·1.,:.r bns:i ~:~ t.o:


b. Letters of a.uthorizat:i.on win be reta:i.ned in the post offlce files at the Hatn Office. These letten.::wHl be forwarded wUh YJJ.CV Form 305 to the postal oii'iecl' with the dB.iJ.y report of money order bu.Binesf':.

*9. All blank money order forms will be strictly accounted for at all t:i.rnes • DD Form fJ8~ (Money Order Control Form) .. 'ill be used for this pur­pose. 'Ihe exch8nre of blank money order forms between units is pro­hibited.

10. Individuals who refuse to complete a MACV Form 385 for money orders desired, or refuse to show their j.dentifj.cation card, will not be per­m:i.tted to purchase a money or·der.



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406. P!Ymcnt of Money Orders/a. S. Treasury Checks

1. :.1. f,. l'ost.Bl Money 0rdere may be cashed during the money order b,'f". nn: ,,',' cash on hand is available in the money order account. ,:, l ' I"~ lable to pay U. S. Postal Money Orders will depend on the amount 01 money orders issued. No money order reserve is provided the Division Post Office or unit post ot1'1oes, and money order aoc,ounte are closed out daily.

2. u. S. Treasury checks issued by disbursing officers in Vietnam will NOT be cashed. Other U. S. Treasury checks may be cashed, provided funds are available. The check must be drawn in favor of the person who presents it for payment. Second Endorsem*nt checks will not be honored.

3. Military Postal Clerks are not. authorized to pay money orders issued by banks, express, or telegraph companies. '

*407. Mobile Money Order Unit

1. A mobile money order unit is available to service those units not located near a etationar,r unit post offioe. Commanding officers of battalion size units, or larger, desiring this service may make reser­vations by contacting the Division Postal Officer. It is desired this contact be made by phone whenever possible, and at least seven (7) d~s prior to the date desired. This is necessitated to avoid receiving more than one request for the same period which will allow sufficient time for notification ,if reschedulin€ is needed. This mobile money order unit will be cOmmitted on a first come, first serve hasie and will not be scheduled tram month to month.

2. The conditions for obtaining a mobile money order unit are set forth as follows:

a. 'i'ransportation will be furnished by the using organization.

b. 'l'he mobile money order unit will be picked up not later than 0900 at the Diviston Post Office, and returned no ls.ter tha.n 1600, un­less prior arranfements have been made with the Division Postal Officer, or the Marine Corps Postal Clerk.

e. Rations will be provided to the Assistant Marine Corps Postal Clerk operating the mobile money order unit by the usin~ organization.

d. Armed security will be provided to the mobile money order unit during transit and at the 8~te where the unit is open for businC'ss.

e. 'l'he vehicle transportinr the mobile money order unit will not be util1!ed for other purposes, such fS liberty parties, PX runs, etc.



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3. Stanp sales and other financial services will be furnished along with the mobile money order unit if requested.

*408. Non-mailable Matter

1. Mili tary postal clerks shall inquire as to the nature of contents of all parcels offered for mailing to avoid acceptance of anything that is non-mailable. Addjtionally, the Division Postal Officer will inspect packages in accordance with references (a) and (c), reportinr any dls­ to the appropriate organizational/unit commander.

2. Non-mailable matter includes all matter which is by law, regulation or treaty stipulation prohibited flom being sent in the mails or which cannot be forwarded to its destination because of illegible, incorrect or insufficient address.

3. Some of the most common jtems classified as non-mailable are:

a. All kinds of poison or matter containing poison.

b. Exp1osi.ves including arnmuni t10n of all types, flammable material, infernal machines, and mechanical, chemical, or other or com­positions which may i€nite or explode.

c. Firearms. The only weapons mailable by individuals under current regulations are:

(l) Bolt action type rifles or weapons that are classified by Federal Law as sporting arms.

(2) Shotguns of all types which conform to Federal Firearm reg­ulations" in regards to sporting firearms, (Shotguns with barrels less than eighteen (18) inches in length are illegal and non-mailable).

(3) For specific information and instructions pertaining to the mailing of firearms, contact your serving post office.

d. lntoxicatinr liquors or illicit drugs to include marijuana and LSD.

e. Obscene and indecent matter.

f. Lotteries, i'rauds and libelous matter.

e. Disloyalty and threats to the President.

h. Copyri f ht viole.tions.

i. Certain forei(n communications.




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j. Although not specifically listed in the U. S. Post Otfice Depart­ment Manual, for the purpose of this order the below listed items are non-mailable:

(1) Ore-anizational Property. Items issued by a command or unit for an individual's use durinr, his tour of duty with that unit and in­tended for return to that unit prior to his transfer therefrom.

(2) (,overnment Property. Items belonging to a particular Gov·· erninr body J may be issued to an individual for his use while as­sociated with that particular government. Regardless of who has custody of the items, title never passes from the government.

(3) War 1'rophy. Any items of enelltY' public or private property utilized as war material, acquired in a combat area or zone within a prescribed period of time, and authorized by the co~mander to be re­tained under the provisions of current regulations.

(4) War Trophy Firearm. All pistols, hand guns, automatic rifles and machine guns. For information on weapons which can be mailed consult your servinr post office for specific information.

4. Severe penalties, by fine or imprisonment, or both, are provided for persons who knowingly mail, or callse to be mailed any matter which has been declared non-mailable under law. Serving post offices will provide patrons with information on specific cases.

409. Postal ZEE.!!L!mI'rov~m~n~_~ g.!P..f2E-.!)

1. The Zip Code is an expansion of the outmoded postal delivery zone system. It has been desifnnted by the Post Offi ce Depm··tment to pro-vide a uniform codinf fin anre:ment. by ~fn.· cY na:ll t:n:", 00 no ehnnlc;}Jl;y )H.'o.Jol't.ed and more speedily handled by poctal (J>::>" (;, : •

2. All personnel and orfan:i.~atj.ons/uni ts of the 1st l'7arine Di vl"sion will use the Zip Code 96602 as part of their maninr address. This Zip Code will be included as part of the printed address when stationary, envelopes and forms are ordered by Marine Corps ties.

4~O. Use..2!.!~E!1-~"l.f~ic.i!p'p~~~£~.~E~ Fee~ PaiE_~!lY~!2P~!i,

1. Envelopes, labels and endorsem*nts with the penalty indicia/postage and Fees Paid affixed are to be 'used for official business only. Private use of these envelopes, labels or endorsem*nts to avoid p~ent of post­age or reristry fees is in violati.on of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

2. The crosstnr out, or otherwise of the printed penalty indic:l.a/PoGtar,e and Fens Paid statement J :i n ordm to fnd J ~ hte prlvate




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use is a v:l ol~Uon of the Un:U.!,or.m. Ood.e~Q.f' i(t1'ttru~'ilf~'~~;:

.3 • Penalty indicia/Posts-fe and Fees Pa:.i.d envelopes. will not beutiH zed for items hensferred "rUhin the Division Guard Nail sect:ion.

~ll. rrrM!'E9rtat~2E_f!'2Y~de~~il:tta!1: ~&l··

1. Air Mail, Air Parcel Post is normally provided cOJIIlIlercial air transportation over the entire route of travelo

2. First Class Mail, including letter mail and parcels marked "First Class" is provided air transportation to CONUS by commercial air carriers at approximately one-half the cost of Air Mail or by MACS at a further reduced r8te. Upon arrival at the port of entry, trds mail is provided rapid surfsce transportation wi thin the continental United· States,

:3. Official fourth class mail marked ItSpeoial Ht.ndlint" is provided the same handlinF and transportation as first class mail.

4. The above informaM.on :5 s provided c{)mmanding officers of this Di v ... : iaion in order that the most economical class of mail may be used consis­tent with delivery requirements"

412. Marine Corps lnsti~u~e. ~~l

1. Marine Corps Institute mail, addressed to "Commanding Officer" or nCommandinr Offj.cer of II ahall be delivered to the authorized re-presentative of the Commandinr Officer indicated in the address for opening and processinr as "Official Mail'!.

2. In the event the individual to whom the correspondence pertains has been reassiFned to another organization (except to a separation section), the correspondence will be immediately readdressed by written endorse­ment, enc10sed under new cover, and forwarded to .the individuals new commanding officer9

a. Post cards addr·essed to "Commending Officer (of) " will not be forwarded by endorsem*nt, but "Returned to Writer". ---

3. If the individual Marine to whom the correspondence pertains has been declared a deserter, is deceased, pending discharge, retired or releesed from acti,ve duty, the correspondence will be appropr:l ately endorsed and returned to orie:inator.

1. Special delivery mail is handled and transported in the same manner and with the seme expedition as first class mail. No special delivery




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~'(lr'v:icc wHl be f hen to l1!.E1il delivered through Marine Corps Post Offj ces 1))"Ll I/ltdl ordel'ly system. Although such mail is tiven immed1.8t(., (IC'i:t,V-

0:1;",'" :d 1.1 dviHan office" or address, this special handlin/; :l s not IJ~<I­\,:\('lcd. by military activiUes. Personnel are reminder that payment of a Speclal Delivery fee does not insure safety o~ delivery or provide for th~ peyment of indemnity.

41L. COD Mail

1. Collection on Delivery (COD) service is not authorized in this com­mand. COD mail which :tnadvertently is forwarded to th:1.s command by the .!t'leet Post Off:1ce will be returned to the sender as undel1.versble. In accordance with current regulations, no attempt will be made by the Division Postal Section to deli.ver COD mail wi thin this command.

*41S. Veteran's Adm1n1s~ion ffiJ!I1.Ee of A~9,re8s NO!-i!,e

1. Policy holders of National Service Life Insurance (NSLI) m;ddnH.E~d States Covernment Life Insurance (USCLJ) complete and for'ward a notice of chan£e of address cerd ~o the Veterans I Administr8.t:lon, Jnsurance Center, P. O. Box 8079, Philadelphill, Pal J.nOl, Ll,)On tr'f1nsf€)r or l'()­

lease from acUv9 duty. '1'1-,(:: poll cy Il<llllh'J' I \.10.1]0 ',~n j nd':er:Lr'd .;1' "l'!Ci·m

and read}))' F'I" 1./.',1):1 C I

2. PoUcy \:()ldc.'):'f: or ;'!,:I Ydrri rc:.;:nL, j l'H'q;W'[J, '~od()n 2/:;er)'i:.f):nbc)~ 196!:i, do not fOl'1-1f.1rd ne)Uce of dlEJncc e)f edc'lc'Lf' (',rds to tll(]Vetel'E)l1';:; J'.d­m:\ n:i r:trllt5 on.

1. milD. wHl be p:ickod up, d1strlbatec,1 Elnd/or d(;:]~vn(r: •. ,::~ H:d ~l(;.t.y ~, .:.,~ :'.::vJf>l"t./'c,Pofital Offj c~r and/,n' the local Ol'{8n:i ni.:i om,.L/un:i. t <:omr'wr;u(':! •

*1:17. !21,F.:~l::'~~~\!.,,;~~:tal !.9:.~1.E..~

1. Mail bats (pouches and sacks) are furnished by the Post Office De­partment for use exclusively in the transportation of U. S. Mail. Mail bs£s will not be used for storing records, as containers for waste paper or similar uses, nor for personal convenience in the storare or trans­portation of matter other than U. S. Mail. Mail bags may be used to de­liver mail to desf fnated mail orderlies. Mail orderlies wUl promptly return these mail bat'S to the point from wlrlch the mt..U ",lElS !'C'ceived.

2. All postal clerkE! and df?sirnated mail orderl:1es, upon observ:in[ a vlolat:lon of pera[raph 1~17.1 above, wi.ll confiscate subject mail ba{s, obtain ire violfl"Lor' s name, rank, servj ce number end ore anj v.,ation, end report Uln:o to his orfanization/untt commander for appropriate Bction.



",.t "


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501. g~!.I~'!,!i].rl'he protectionend proper USl:lfe')fpo~1nJ, f.u.nde, nn:)!~J.i.f':lf), Mu~ pmE:nt \~~ rt,h~~:(~~'e(;t;~,ti!v",~i).q,. ,(;xped:i t:i OUO,', 't.l;' ll.nH'I),i '~i;;; fbil . oJ" :.IM~j;\· mntter :in or pl':lme importllilce. An,y tnc.jdcnt, report, (1l' flllep.tion of loss, theft, or el11bert.7.lement of postal flll1ds, blank money order forms, stamps or stamped pe,per, postmarking devices, Or other postal properties of the U. S. Marine Corps, or of the U. S. Post Office Department, charged to the care of the U. S. Marine Corps; the altering, forgine, and fraudulent passing of money orderB~]and other postal papers; the mailing of obscene and other prohibitedmatterJ and the loee, theft, rifling, wron£' deli veJ7, delq, or d,emage'Of mail while under the juri~diction or in the custoqy of· the U. S. Marine CorPs, shall be investigated in the most vigorous and expeditious manner.

S02. Mail Irre or SUB ected Irre arities. Mail irregular­ities or suepec ed irreg arit es sod e reported by the commanding officer immediately to the Division Postal Officer only. Command1~· officers should inform personnel of their units 'not to report suspected incidents of non-receipt or tampering with persorial mail directly to the orgam zational/uni t mail orderly or serving unit post office as this procedure may forewarn the ind:hiduals responsible {or the di.s­crepanc1es end hinder any subsequent investiration.


S03. ~ooperation with Postal Inspectors

1. Postal matters requidng investieation will be referred, without delBY, by the command concerned, to the DiVision Postal Off:1cer who will make a determllWtion whether investifative assistance is required, or investi€ative action should be initiated by the organization concerned. If investigative assistance is required, an immediate request will be l118de to the Agent in Charee, Naval Illtellieence Field Office by the Divis~on Postal Officer.

2. 'l'he services of the U.S. Postal Inspector will be requested when in a location where such services are availablte.




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• 601. General. When any unit is scheduled for deployment from its usual camp confines, the Division Postal Officer will be notified as soon as possible prior to the move to properly process mail routing instructions.

602. Mail Routi!l£ Regues:t!l

1. All mail requests for mail routing from organizations of this com­mend will be submitted to this office (Attn: Postal Officer) by an appropriately classified message, or letter. 1£0 avoi.d errors and to rninim1~e del~ in effecting mail routing changes, the followine in­formation is required when submitting requests for mail routine:

a. Effective date.

b. Organi2Btion title.

c • Mail deli very point.

d. Classes or types.

e. Date new routing should be terminated, if necessary.

Example: Effective immediately route all mail for 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines to Danang.

2. A mail routinr request must be received at the Division Post Office in sufficient time to preclude mail continuin€ to the old delivery point after the unit departs. At least 10 days lead time is required prior to the effeotive date in rerouting of Air and First Class mail.

603. Excess! ve Delay after Movement. Any un1 t ,that deploys from its usual camp confines and does not receive mail within a reasonable length of time upon reachinr its final destination will notify this Headquarters (Attn, Postal Off:icer) immediately by message.




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• . II I


FREE MAILINC PRIVILEGE -- ------_ .......... ,.-'I!'

1. Upon arrival :Ln Vietnam or its contiguous waters~ personnel may util­ize the free mailint privilege, providing the below listed requirements are met:

a. In the upper left hand corner of the address side of the enve­lope, the sender uses his complete mailing address including his name, rank, service number and service.

b. The sender writes the word "Free" in the upper right hand cor­ner on the address side of the envelope.

c. Letter mail addressed to foreign countries will not bear the notation "Free". 'J.'he endorsem*nt "Postage Paid" and "Post Paye" must be machine or rubbers tamped in the upper right hand corner. It will not be handwritten or typewritten. If stamp or machine is not avail­able, ind1.vidual letters will be delivered to the serving post office for necessary endorsem*nt.

d. Only personal letters, including post cards and personal magnetic tapes, in the usual and generally accepted form, will be sent free.

e. Any person hoepi tali zed in a fecil1:ty under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces of the United States as a result of disease or injury incurred as a result of military service or operation in Vietnam or con­tiguous waters and air space there over may uti11ze the free mailing privilege.

f. Matter mailed free may not be registered, insured or certified. It May be accepted as Special Delivery mail upon p~ent of the required fee. .

g. Personnel away from Vietnam may not utilize the free mailing privilege except as indicated in subparagraph e above.




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CUS'l'OllIS --...-.. ... _, 801. General. COl!lp11 anc(J ;~i th cUbt,ems l~!ws :i.e the l'(;spomd b:i.1H.y of' the inffiTd'U9J. concern0d. per-sonnel will ass:! st. personnel t.o tho extent of ensul'inf that the apPl'Opl'iate cUf'torns deelar'ation forms at.t.ached 1:.0 pI'reels prNH.'m1·,ed for InB1linr.

1. An personal men, except 1 m,ail D.nd vo:l.ce tape,s :1 n tbc:ir usual and f enflrlllJ y 8c(' form.. must, be8r (I. c:uf;toms cleel nrati on. Postal personnel vd 11 enS'lre t.rmt the l(PPl'Opd.t:t.o cl).lJt()~ns eke] llretj Dn is pre­pared in accord.ance with current. cust,oros l'el'ulaUons.

2. Cust,oms (;r::scr..sment of dut:l s.ble arM cles :is l!lode by the custOl1lS Bpent at pOl't of lmtry end j.B paid by the Elddreflsee. Customs duty is collected at the CONUS pObt offtee servicinr the addressee.

3. Guctoms declnr'll.tiOl1fl ~;re not l'E'qlljrcd on officj oJ. l'ta:iJ. :)ej nr tl'fnS­m:i.tted Dct1-rC0n 'd.J.:ltc:r:·y :X.l~t. oJT:i(;nH CP{11:c lin:i1C'ri ~·i.['t('f; l\l'(V,~(i(:(. the Hor'ds 1I0ffic:i llJ hw:\ nr f: ::11 i\!J;'(fIY' on 1.; ,( pt'l'e (;] i' • C i).d,O·'f, . ((,', t :t: t 'l ~~ ()I]r:

rJ"E) r('c'.r):r'('c' on ::i'r~c~t~" ~,'ln:i~l ~\f:['re{J!]C~ ·l·~) (co[l'r::.':}:ic '()r'::l~\.:.I_J:. 1(1 .I:.::~ •.

(' ~"j: ' I: ... ~ ... ( (" 'I". ,," .. rr .. ~ -l L :~ I}L"Lr ~~.ct:l Ol'!b c ()yd r j rJcc: \ I "l ( (:-1 .... -· 1 (;t~JJ:/ (;'j.' J ,':ltOtl'llVL',;)[l(~l ;\;al:\.

a. 1;0111:1':1<'18 /:!t''ls fj()t exceeding J;50.00 in value. Pl'l'C'C)S l·d]J be cmdc!'[:cd "i'!o:nr.fjd() G:lft', $,0.00 Fxemption CJai.rncc1 unOE'er. Puhl:ic I'DW". rho en l'E1fDtE' of ()l"tj cle~ l'ecelved by one person on on(' d!:lY, and. E'X£)!ltp't from t.he:' p~~llnent of du.ty, ",:ill not exceed {)~:o.oo. Bonefhlc (UtE:

(\0 not Incluoe H~~il!El w!Jeh l!re:



(1) Purc!'llwed w:it~1 funds prov:i.ded by persons other tha.n the

(2) Purchased as an accommodation for others.

(3) To be held in the United States for future use of the

(4) Heturned to the United States for repa:i.r.

($) Not purchased in, or throufh, 8.uthorj zed ElE.encies of the Armed Forces of the Urdted States.

(6) Returned U. S. merchandise.

b. Personal and household effects of individuals returnin£ to CONUS upon terrninati on of extended duty overseas. '1'his does not include effects of ind.:iv1dualB on tempol'lll7 duty for less than 140 days duration, employ­ees of the A.merican ned Crosa, contr[ctors employed by the U. S. Govern-




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ment, technical representatives, missionaries, employees of military banks, and persons in comparable cateeories which are not considered to be in the service of the United States within the meamne of Public Law 126. The address side of the parcel will be endorsed "Free Entr.y Claim­ed under Public Law 126: ,Movement Orders enclosed/Attached". A copy of the orders must be enclosed in, or attached to, the parcel.

c. Returned Un! ted States Merchandise. Un! ted States merchandise taken out of the countr.y or purchased through mail order is allowed duty free entry. Perce1s mailed to the United States from military post offices overseas consisting entirely of merchandise of United States oririn which have not advanced in value or improved in condition no lone:er require a POD Form 2966 and 2967. A rubberstamp "Articles of U. S. Origin" may be used instead of Form 2966 and 2967. If the item was purchased through an armed forces exchange, advise the mailer to en­close the sales slip in the parcel. There is no change in pouching .. eackill€ and labelin~' instructions as these parcels are subject to customs examination.

5. Items normally imported b.Y military personnel are appraised at the wholesale price within the country of origin. This is generally the export price. When wholesale appraisal cannot be determined, the ari­ieles would then be appraised at (1) U. S. value, (2) constructed value, or (3) American selling price. Postal personnel are in no pod tion to advise patrons of the amount of duty they may be assessed on items mailed.

802. Non-mailable Matter

1. Non-mailable matter includes all matter which is by law, regulations or treaty stipulations prohibited from being sent in the mails, Or which cannot be forwarded to its destination because of illegible, incorrect or insufficient address. A detailed list may be found in part 124 of the U.s. Post Office Department Manual. Some of the most common items are listed in paracraph 408.3 of this Order.

80.3 • Customs

1. To ensure compliance with the provisions of this Order, to prevent the circumvention of customs laws and regulations, and to prevent the introduction of non-mailable matter into the U.s. Mail .. all commanders will take the following action:

a. Implement a broad and comprehensive educational program outlininr the provisions of this Order .. the danger to those persons handling the packa£;,es, threatened disaster to oOlnMroial and. military carriers, and

., the tragedy that could be brought to the families and friends to whom the parcels are addressed.

b. Require that all customs declarations show "complete and accurate




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description of contents", as specified by Section 231.4 of the U. S. Post Office Department Manual.

c. Refuse to accept parcels for mBilin€ from individuals who are va€ue or evasive about the contents.

'.'W", d. Ensure that each parcel accfpted bears the complete l'ftlll"(1 W;:.·' dref;~, of sender.

e. FstabHsh procedures to require that the contents of all par­ccls presented for mailjnr arE' inspected by an off:icer or staff non­comrnissi.oned officer prior to sucl! parcels being BCcepted into the U. S. Mail. 'Jhese inspectors should be other than designated postal officers or military postal clerks. (Officers and Staff Non-commissioned Officers may certify their own parcels). All certifications will reflect the following: payroll signature, rank and date signed I

*(1) The certification that the contents of the parcel have been inspected will be placed in a conspicious place on the address side of the parcel and not on customs tag, by means of a rubberstamp or hand­written statement.

(2) 'l'his certification should read, "I certify that the contents of this parcel have been inspected by the undersigned prior to mailing and none of the non-ma,1lable items outlined in DivO P2700.4 are con­tained therein", followed by the sngnature and rank of the inspectinr officer/staff non-commissioned ofncer, and the dElte.

f. Merchandise purchased through military exchange facilities that is prepared for mailinE: by the manufacturer, and are easily recognizable as Buch, are exempt from this inspection, except when the pe.rcel appears to have been 'opened by the mailer. Examples of merchandise in this cat­eroryare, but not limited to: sete of china, glassware, tape recorders, etc.

€ • Registration of War Trophies. Instructions for the control and reristration of war trophies and war trophy firearms within Fleet Marine Force, Pacific end Marine Corps Bases, Pacific commands are contained in FMFPacO 3460.1.

2. Violations and seizures: i '1,,<_ ' ..... :t,l

a. JIll non-mailable articles (including war trophy firearms), (Ill f.ll:~:.' ·~'~t:,'i\1\:j!~I,ft!:1a\/li>iOVt'nWnent property, or other non-mailable matter mailed t i n'Co '(lie Uni.ted States or its territories/possessions are subject to f'ej ~U1'e by ctwtoms officials.

b. Customs authorities have advised that upon discovering such non­mailable matter, they will initiate a criminal investigation and forward




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• 803.2b

the report thereot, with non-mailable items removed, to the appropriate command. Violators are subject to prosecution.




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PERSONAL MAILINO ADDRESS .. . - -901. General. Commandin£ off:icers operatine established mailrooms will ensure th8.t"a pel'Bonal mail i nf" address is published in their mail handl­ing order. Mailing address will be verified for accuracy with the Div­ision Postal Officer prior to being published.

1. The structure of the address will be four lines as follows:

let Line ••••••••• Pvt John D. nOR 1231'l567 USl1C

2nd Line ••••••••• Cr;II(' II ll,t!'n., 'It', "'.·r 1 I'1r./: or (C/l/7)

3rd Line ••••••.•• 1st, Pl()tonn " .


1st Line ••••••••• Rank, Name) Service Number and Component in all cases.

2nd Line ••••••••• The lonE or short title of the unit may be used. 'l'his title signifies the ultimate mailroom or post office is responsible for final deliv­ery to company, section~ etc. This title is thE kpy factor in the mailing address. Sorting and routing is determined by this title, particularly by FPO, San Francisco •

.3rd Line •••••• t •• Use abbreviations in this title. rL'his title sig­nines the section or office within the ultimate mailroom/post office distribution scheme. Units or individuals of one unit who are attached to another unit, should show the unit to which at­tached in the 2nd line 1 and their parent unit in the 3rd line.

4th Line ••••••••• "J:t'PO, San Francisco 96602" in all cflses.


Artillery Batteries: Battery A~ lstBn~ 12th Marines or (A-1-12) Ammo Section Ii'PO.\ San Francisco 96602




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Batter,y M, 4thBn, 12th Marines or (M-4-12) Supply Section FPO San Francisco 96602

Infantry COt'" 'anies: Compan;y A, lstBn, 7th Marines or (A-1-7) 1st Platoon FPO San Francisco 96602

2 • 'ilhe ti tl e "1st Mari ne Division" will not be inc1 uded as part of the mailing address, except in the case of personnel 8ssiEned to Headquar­ters Battalion. In this instance, the title 1st Marine Division will appear on the 2nd line after the words "HqBn".

a. Personnel assif?ned to Headquarters Battalion will indicate their appropriate Division or Battalion Staff Section, on the 3rd line, or if assi[ned to a company section, the company section will be shown thereon;


SS[t Joe DOE 1074076 USMC Htn 1st Marine Division D vision Adjutant Section FPO San Francisco 96602

HqBn 1st Nerine Division Hqco Supply Section FPO San Francisco 96602

Pvt Joe DOE 2h63754 USMC ~Bn_l~j;_ tI.a!'~!l:~ Division

-2 Section FPO San Francisco 96602

Col Joe DOE 054321 USMC HgBn 1st Marine Division G-.3 Section FPO San Francisco 96602



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: ,



CENSORSHIP . 1001. General. In the event censorship is implemented, current Armed Forces Censorship Regulations and other applicable instructions issued b.1 the Area Commanders or Senior Officers present will apply. FMFPacO ,,30.1_, supplements and amplifies those instructions on Primar,y Censor­ship applicable to the 1st Marine Division, and prescribes the manner in which Primary Censorship is established.




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EMEhGENCY DESTRUCTION _____ .,a ............ .

1101. lssllF-l.s~_ of_.l.E.£endi.Bry_ Grenades. Upon entering a hostile areal. 40 0-900 incendiary rrenades hand (A~-m4) will·be requisitioned by the Division Postal Officer fOl' the emergency destruction of mail and equip­ment in the Main Post Offjce and 16 unit post off1.ces.

• I J, , '~~~'''''';'' \

1. Upon :notif:i I". ,:,.'L:i :)n, by t,hjr.: Headquf\rtEll'S or other';li!.~i():1~~ln~~

ft.:t,.· :j~~~i~t.i·'ll(l..:ll,~'·\9l\iJ;f1).tl I,. d, S, Ned 1 mid pODt off:i.ce equipment w:l.l.1"be HceolapUr.;li<;ci by tl\c T:lHrh'lE' (;(n'ps CIE;rk/Assl.stant HEtrj .. ne Corpf3 Postnl Cl.~rk in Chm"[€, on1y as a last resort, when evacuation has already been effected, and in accordance with the following priority:

a. Officiel registered mail

b. D:i rectory service cards (if applicable)

c • Postage stamps

d. Currency and coins

e. Blank money order forms

f, Pr:tnt purw h machine

f' Acco\l.ntnblc man other tha.n offjcial

h. All r'emainin[ mail

i. P. 0, Department Money Order Control Forms, all-purpose, and csncelline stamps

j . Rotary keys, LA keys B.nd locks

k. All at,her records" equipment, mail sacks , furniture, etc.

1. Whenever por,~)i bJ,(J, the clefltructi.on of postal effects and funds 1illl be witnessed by tbl'flO offjt;crs, ot.herwise by other personnel as avail­able.

2. A report. of iteltlD destroyed is of [rea.t value and" whenever possible" the Marine Corps Postal Clerk/Assistant J.1arine Corps Postal Clerk in Chare,(') will prepare and item:i.~.e a list :lndicatinr the following:



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a. Number, originator, addresB8s, and description of contents, if . other than personal letter mail, on all registered, certified and j nsure.d matter.

b. Inclusive moneY' order serial numbers 0:£ money order forms cles­trO"'lcd.

e. Serial number (s) ot money order machine (s) •

d. Stamps, checks, cllrrency flnd coins shall. be listed in acccf'd­ence with destruct:ion schedules contained in NAVCOHPIMAN, psre.eraph 042,,53.

e. Serial number' of each Rotary and I.A key destroyed.

:£ • Deflcript 1. on end quent1. ty of other postal equipment destroyed.




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, ~UARTERS Headquarters Battalion (Reinforced)

1st }!arine Division (Reinfol:'Ced) , FMF .. FPO San Franoisco, 96602 .


From: Officer To : Dis'~ribution List

Subj: Promotion to Oorporal and Lance Corporal

Ref: (a) (b) (0) ~d)


CG, ls"lillJarDi v msg 1l0648Z Aug69 MOBul l418 of 28J an69 HOO 1418.9E MARCORPROMAN, par 3035 en, FMl?Pac mag 230432Z Apr69 Ne131,1l l4l0 of 6Jan69

Ehcl: - (1) Selection Criteria Form

BnBul :J.4l8 l/HSH/wfb l'·,A,ug 1969

1. !]!'poss. To promulagate the procedure for meritorious promotion to corporal and to puolish quotas for promotion to lance corporal.

2. Background. Heferc3llce (a) authorizes 12 111eritorious promotions to corpora! wi tiiin Headquarters Battalion during the month of August 1969 •

.3. Inf'Ol.''1na-Ii:i.on

a. Naritorious promotion to corporal.

(1) Nomination quotas to corporal are assigned as follows:

Headquarters Company 6 Service Oompany 8 Oommunioation Coy,lpany 6 Nili tar,! Pol:!_ca Compruw 2

(2) 'l'he service record boolt,t the compaJV connnanderls recommend .. ation (not to e.:lCceed two inches of typewrit-oen material), and a completed solection cri·~erio. form (enclosure 1) on eaoh nominee will be submitted to the battalion adjutant.

(3) The service record book and a completed selection critcria form will also bo submit.ted on oach lance corporal who has twelvo or more months in Crado and Vi£l.S not nominated for meritorious promotion under paragraph 3a(2) abovo.

b. Lance corporal promotions wlll be mll10unced at a latter date,




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BnBlU 1418 15 AU3 1969


4. Action. Company commander will:

ao submit nOnLtnations f0r meritorious promotion to corporal to the battaJ.ion adjutant not later than 1300, 25 August. 1969 j

b. propare promotion certifica.tes in t'.ccordance With reference (d). The date of rank will be 1 August 1969 and date 0 f promotion will be 25 August 1969. RcfcrenC0S (0) and (f) will be cit~d as authority for pro­motion to corporal.

31 August 1969.




::,;' . ;"

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HEADQUARTJol\S 1 st Marine D1 vi sion (Rein) J tW

l"PO, San (I'ranci seQ, California 9i602


'roml COlllllanding veneral TOI Distribution List

Subj I Policy for General WALT Vietnamese Scholarships

Ret, (a) ICCI 5080. 5_

iI1 w .5080.60 46!JPJ!rjb 16 Aug 19b9

Report Required; 1. Monthly total of f\lld. distributed and signatures of recipients (Report ~)'IIbol 46-5\)80-1) par 5.

1. Purpose. To publish procedures and guidance for the distribution and control of General WALT Scholarships for needy and desening Vietnamese students. .

2. Cancellation. DivO 5080.6B.

3. Backgro und

a. Statistics available show that of the many children who enter the lowest grade of primary school in I Corps, only a ver,y few remain to grad­uate from high school. Surveys have shown that theungle most important factor causin~ dropouts is the lack of sufficient funds within the in­dividual Vietnamese family.

b. The General WALT Scholarship is designed to benefit those needy student. who show promise as future leaders as indicated by their good academic standing. The benefits are in the form of a monthly payment to the parents of these deserving children to help defray the co st of send­ing the child to school.

c. Because the aJOOWlt of funds for General WAJ.-T Scholarships is limited, commanders are encouraged to set up \Ilit funds with donations coming from the unit itself.

d. In view of the fact that approximately 20~ of the present student population attends secondary schools, at least thatpercenta&e of available scholarships should be awarded to that level. ivery consider­ation should be given to keeping secondary school students in school.




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DiVO S080.6C l' Aug 1969

4. A<?tion


a. Conmanders within the 1St Harine llivisioD Civic Action Area ot. ResponlibilitT will continUQusly canvass their areas of responsibility for enrollment of deserving Vietnamese students in this worthwhile pro­gram. The hamlet/village chiefs or elders are a good source for locat­ing students for this program.

b. Suggested guidelines for selecting students for the program, instructions re gEl r din~ the amowt of the grant to be awarded, pre­sentation of the first months payment, and the signing of the scholar­ship agreement are outlined in reference (a).

c. Forms for the administration and presentation of scholarships are contained in enclosures (1) through (3) of reference (a). 'orms may be reproduced locally or ubtained from this Headquarters (G-5).

d. The completed Scholarship Application form (enclo sure (1) of reference (a» "frill be delivered to the f\lld Custodian, located in the Division 0-5, for issuance of funds. Fmds for each succeeding month of the scholarship will be picked up from the Custodian during the preceding month.

e. The approval or disapproval of the application lies with the local unit commander.

5. ReP9rt. On the 25th day of each month, during the scholarship period, a report will be forwarded to this Headquarters (Attn: 0-5) indicating the total amunt of the funds expended for that month, along with the names of the recipients, their signatures, and the signatures of their parents or school teachers. Scholarships supported by unit fwd. are to be reported separately.

4'0h~ ( ;r. f. IW.ti.hl<l{

Chief of Staff DISTRIBUTION l "All & liB'"

Copy ws Yt.::J-,,;




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HEAllQUARrERS 1st Marine Division (Rein), FUF

FPC, San Francisco, Califomia 96602


P!'Oml Commanding General TOI Distribution List

Sub j a Report of Personal Eft ec ts Handling

Ref a (a) DivO 4050.1B

Encla J{ 1l Persona.l Effects Handling for ~1ay 69 J(2 Personal Effects Handling for June 69 .1(; Personal EC'f'ects Handling for July 69

DiVBul 4050 21/JU3/bem 18 Aug 1969

1. EUnvAe. To promulgate the results of monitoring the persona.l effects handling of KIA's and WI! ts within the First Marine Division.

2 • Info;me.tion

a. The enolosed. reports on personal effects handling list the c~es of KIA's and WIA's for the months of M9.y., June and. July in which personal e~fects were inventoried and shipped. Not included would be WIA's who retumed to their \mits without having personal effects shipped. Major errors are those in which personal effects are lost, damaged, fonrarded to incorrect colleotion point, sent directly to NOK or inordinately delayed due to the fault of the unit handling them. Minor errors are administrative ones involying failure or delay in submitting required reports, but the :p,u:'Sonal effects themselves were handled correctly and timely_ An inorease in major errors indioates serious trouble in the methods and prooedures in h'..Il1.dling personeJ. effects. Minor errors cause an administrative burden a.t all echelons of command.

b. Speoifio cases in which major erl.'OrB occurred are listed following the cllart.

;. Aotion. Reference (a) govems the handling of personal effects.

4. Self'-canoellation. 31 January 1970.





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HA.J ,HIN . 1/1 3 0 2

2/1 1~ 0 13

~/1 1q 0 6 TO'l'AL ,~ 0 21

RQ/5 1 0 0

1/5 15 0 11

2/5 34 0 20

;/r; . -:s6 0 ~6 TOTAL 86 0 67

HQ/7 . 2 0 1

1/7 6 3 1

2/7 6 0 5

~/7 12 0 1 TOTAL 26 :; 8

RQ/11 0 0 0

1/11 1 0 0

2/11 2 0 2

3/11 0 0 0

AI11 0 0 0 JarAL 3 0 2

RQ.l3N 0 0 0 ,



WIA 'l' 0 'l' A. L .o.IS ERRORS . CAS' ERroRS


17 1 3 20 1 5

13 0 11 26 0 24

AS 0 1q 67 0 21) 78 1 ;3 113 1 54

:; 0 0 4 0 0

30 0 14 45 0 25

32 0 18 66 0 38

17 0 1A _'i3. J). ~. 82 0 46 168 0 11~'

2 0 1 4 0 2

30 0 13 36 3 14

24 0 8 30 0 13

AI) .0. _t6 1)7 0 17 101 0 38 127 3 46

1 0 1 1 0 1

8 0 2 9 0 2

11 0 5 13 0 7

1 0 1 1 0 1

2 0 2 2 J>. 2 23 0 11' 26 0 13

:; 0 0 :5 0 0



Di vBu1 '4050 18 Aug 1969



5 25

0 92

6' ~7

.8 47

0 0

0 55

0 57 '

j). .q..1 0 67

0 50

e 38

0 43

0 2q 2 36

0 100

0 22

0 53

0 100

0 100 0 50

0 0




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D1 v:Bul 40':> 18 Aug 1969


18r ENGR




1Br ~xs

1Sl SP

UNIT -1/1





e PERSON4,L PEXlTS REFORI'S FOR 1'~4 (Cont fa)



1 0 1 6 0 1 1 0 ~ 0 28

1 0 1 5 0 3 6 0 4 0 66

6 0 5 4 0 2 10 0 7 0 70

0 0 0 ~ 0 O' ~ 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 10 0 6 12 0 6 0 50 , 0 1 0 0 o· 3 0 1 0 33

, 107 322 1 146 486 4 253.~ 52%


~1CBRIDE, J. S. ]cPL



LEIGHTon, G. \/.







Persone.l effeots missent to Ca.mPen VB 3d. FSR (W!A)

Items missing after invento ry (KIA.)

Impro~r ~ventory, items lost ~KIA)

Impro~r inventory, items lost lIW)

:r;:'; I, J .,':,:)' j



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l-l'A.J NIN

HQ/1 1 0 1

1/1 4 0 ;

2/1 2 0 2

~11 27 o. 10 ;arAL 34 0 16

.1/5. 17 0 14

2/5 9 0 7

.,,/r; Ii 0 .1. TO'l!AL 30 0 25

HQ/i 1 0 0

1/7 4 0 2

2/7 1 0 0

~h B 0 2.

TOl'AL 14 0 4

1/111 0 0 0

2/11 0 0 0

~/11 0 0 0 TarAL 0 0 0

HQ.'BN 0 0 0

'tar ElGR 1 0 1

7TH ENGR 2 0 1

9TH ErmR 1 0 0




0 0 0 1 0 1

24 0 8 28 0 11

12 0 11 14 0 1;

.~ 0 Q 117 0 _t9.

56 0 28 90 0 44

21 0 11' 38 0 25

9 0 6 1'8 0 1;.

'I) n . 1 1 . 0 c:;

33 0 18 63 0 43

2 0 1 ; 0 1

2; 0 7 27 0 9

2 0 0 ; 0 o.

.2'; n .1 ~3. 0 3.

52 0 9 66 0 13

2 0 2 2 0 2

3 0 1 3 0 1

.1 0 1 1 0 t

6 0 4 6 0 4

9 0 6 9 0 6

1 0 1 2 0 2

0 0 0 2 0 1

9 0 6 10 0 6



Divl3ul. 4050 18 Aug 1969



0 100

0 ~9

0 92

_0. AO 0 48

0 65

0 72

0 71: 0 68

0 33

0 33

0 0

0 Q

0 19

0 100

0 3;

0 .100

0 66

0 66

0 100

0 50

0 60



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Di·rBul 4050 18 Aug 1969 e PEROOHAL Ell'.FlOCl'l'S Mroms FOR JONE (Cont Id)


I l·lA.J MIN MA.J l<o:N MA.J lfiN l>fAJ MIN t;;,\( ~,

'. '\ '

1eI' RIDon 1 0 0 4 0 'f 5 0 1 0 20 ! '.~''';


FOR RIDON 1 0 0 ; 0 0 4 0 0 0 0

1m' SP:aN 0 0 0 4 0 ~ 4 0 ; 0 75 1er ML' BN 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 100

1Sr TICS 1 0 1 ; 0 ; 4 0 4 0 100

1eI' HElD 0 0 0 2 0 _1 2. ~ _t 0 s;o DIVISION

TOTAL I 85 0 48 184 0 82 269 0 130 0 48"






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1/1 6 0 6 :;1 0 14 "57 0 20

2/1 24 0 10 63 0 6; 87 0 1;

-"/1 Q 1 ~ ~8 '3 U A7 -.4 ~ TOl'ALS 39 1 21 132 3 91 171 4 112

HQ/5 1 0 1 t ~) 1 2 0 2

1/5 2 0 1 61 0 25 6; 0 26

215 5 0 3 20 0 8 25 0 11'

-,./~ A Q 0 1~ Q 11 17 0 '11 ~:g1ALS 12 0 5 95 0 45 107 0 50

·HQ/7 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 1 .'

1/7 6 0 ; 26 1 1~ :;2 1 16

47 4 0 4 7 0 6 11 0 10

~h -,. Q ~ 28 0 12 '31 0 -~ TOl'ALS 1; 0 10 6; 1 ;2 76 1 42

1/11 1 1 0 4 0 1 5 1 1

2/11 ; 0 11 4 0 2 7 0 3

3/11 0 0 0 5 0 1 5 0 1 TOl'AL 4 1 1 1; 0 4 17 1 5

HQ13N 1 0 1 5 0 1 6 0 2

19rIRGR 4 0 '3 2 0 2 6 0 5

7TH ENGR 1 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 5

gl'n l!IfGR 1 0 1 10 0 0 11 0 t

18l' U::Oll 0 0 0 4 0 2 4 0 2

1ar SP:all 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0



DivBul 4050 18 Aug 1969

,P ERe E:N '! . ERRORS


0 . 54

0 8; B JlO_ 2 65

0 100

0 41

0 44

0 65 .0 46


0 50

3 50

0 SO

1) -..4ft 1 55

20 20

0 42

0 20

5 29 0 ;;

0 8;

0 62

0 9

0 50

0 0


',t ,.'j


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J. n' ~. 'i ".(1,: :


DivBu14050 18 Aug 1969 e




18r TKS 1 0 1 1 o· 1 2 0 2 0 100

3JJ ~~BAC 1 0 0 2 0 2 -; 0 2 0 66 ,. 175GUN 0 0 O· 1 0 1 1 0 l' 0 100 I

1m NED BN 0 0 (} 1 0 O· 1 0 0 0 0

8" HOWMRY 10 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 .Q 100 DIVISION TarAL I 77 2 44 339 ·4 186 416 6 230 1% 55%



3/1 DEES, T. C. PFC 2490043 Grout III ~ret mailed direct to e HOK \IIA)

3/1 DELPRm'E, D.D. 2531470 Grouf III Peret mailed. direot to NOK Wll.)

;/1 NaB LEY , P. L. lDPL 2336491 Groul III Pare! mailed direot to NOK WIA.)

3/1 FlOIm, R. D. 2443761'. Failure to tum-in one of two seahags of Paref to Colleotion IUint, NSA., DNG (KIA)

1/7 XUKLENSKI, H. J. :8727552 Pare! not fwd UP9n notifioation of medevao. (WIA)

1/11 TOl'H, R.G. 2359752 Peret not twd upon notifioation . of (KIA)-Lapse time of one year


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irom: 'J'o:




1 st 1'ia:cinc .l)ivision (Hain), i,Nt }'j;;U, ~o.n jt'runcisco. Califomia 96b02

G OI~:JI;/Jll ciJr.g GenDral D:!:lt.~·ib,-,t:i on List

.i!.lncJ.: J ('i) 1969 'l'ubulation or Het::nlistmen"t Hesults

l.Iiv.uu1 1 n3 54/VlJ)'d/spa :n hf' 1969

1. PU~"'pos<:. '1'0 p\~bliGh rlhmlistrnont rosul.ts and pnroenta.c;cs for the [r.nnth of July 1969.

a. .~'i.["st t.e.r·,.: :ce,;nli:ltmcmts contin.wd to rine dUl'ing July reaohing­another nfM hieh for ibn l)i v isi-on. liontlnucd COIUIIltUHl inte.s:-e~; r, Lind a l; vely IWl'",: professional Ct:.I'uc:r· Plannil1e~ effort resulted in 116 first t,:~.L'l" ;'lUr:ines reen] i:.;iing or executing care or leng·th extensions. T1.o rHwl ts Ilre con~;jd.e.rud. l1i(~hly ljl:j.tisi'actory.

b. '.'he final rUGnlbLlYltlllt results for July 1969 are:

c. .'ilC].OSW·u (1) pr:ovJd.c;s a tabulation of l'eenliutll,ent l'o:'lul tti for: rogi.m0nts '!.n.o b~lttaliof.d~"" N/a on tho ljsti~ indic!itus tlmt the:ce was

LO attrition during tte month and consequently no cor:"plltation of Ii

l'cenl ir,tr;:.:::: t rnt0. O.()/o l.'conlisti;H:mt rate indicates that tnel'e wus attl'i.tion dl;.::i.l~i; the ·r:~onth. and yl:t no reenlitltr;;cnts we .. 'o effected.

H. ~ o;:.:,;.f;.:.~:ir:b 'jffic.;!l's will c0r'~iHl<.e to place. emphasis •. attaining !.l C llreu' i'l anci. liE Progra:n whicfl pj>()V it! ()8 maxi. mum re,::;nlis.i;men t of 4. ual ifi.a{1 t ;_:killcd. flf.l.C. ~~:·<::>~;!:i~)I~Ct\d ha.r:~nen.




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»1vBul. 11" , 21 Aug ,,"


b. CClllJll8Jlders with low reenlistment ratel and/or who 41d. DO' meet their allisned. quota will review their procedure. and take aotton that will insure a viable program 18 initiated..

4. S.lf-gangellatigp. }1 August 1969.

~b~ r'l.r'~~

Chi.t ot Statt

DISTRlin1rIONa "A" /Ie "13" plus 54(50)






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UNl'f AT'!' ELIG Ht.:EliL ~

H~N 21 12 ~ 25.0 1 ST lluutI1i.b:s 29 29 24 82,7 H-tG Of 1 SThAl{ 1 1 1 luO 1 ~TliN t l;;iTNJili 9 9 7 77.7 2llliN f 11 11 8 72.7 }llliN. 8 fj 8 100 jT!L~~INl!:S 22 ~2 '2 86&~

HiotCO, 5THMAH. 2 2 2 100 1 ::iTHN f 51'H NAR 9 9 7 77.7 2llliN 9 9 8 Bo.9 3DtiN 2 2 2 100 7'L'H ,'JAH I.NES 22 2d 12 6Z.2

H~C 0, 7Tlli"l.Iili 2 1 1 100 l~TBNt 7THMAR 8 , 5 100 'WBN 11 11 5 45.4 ;.IlBN 11 11 fj T2.7 n T ~ HA.d Il'i l!:ti 1{t 1~ 1 22.'l H~bTHY t l1Thl'iAR 2 2 0 0.0 1.jrrrlJ.~ , l1THHAR 2 2 1 50 21lHN 6 6 , 50 500N 4 } } 100 .4:Tlft:SN --..._ ... ---- 3 2 .Q - 0,0 5D 6" HOw jj'rdY ~ 2 0 0.0 1 ST 175 GUN HTHY 1 1 0 0.0 :'ill 115 t.rUN .bTitY £ 1 0 0.0 1,)T. :::iP HN NA Nit NA- NA 1 ;;)'1' HJ:,:.l) lii'i 1 1 0 u.o 1:.-)T J::1~Uti .clr~ 5 4 1 25.0 '{Tl! .h:1~ liti HN 16 1} 4 ~0.8 9Th UWH HN B fj 6 75 1 ciT t'tr .BN 1 1 0 0.0 11 T H ivfi' .di'l 5 4 3 75 1 ST 1{~GUN lh~ 20 20 Hi 90 1;')T TK H" 6 8 6 75 )D Al"fl'HAC .di'l 7 8 6 '15



ATT .l!.ti.IG li.~1

7 7 6 1 1 1 NJ\ &I. & 1 1 1 NA !iII. NA & NJ\ !'4A ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 NA NA- NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NA NA l~A

~ 2 2 l~A NA h 1 1 2 2 2 Nil. NA & NA NA IliA

1 1 1 NJ\ NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 .NA l~A & } 2 2 4 , , Nil. Nil. NA NJ\ NJ\ NA 1 1 1 l~.I~ NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1




7').7 100 MA 100 NA !'4A '20

100 MA 100 100

19Q 100 100 100 M ]\& NA 100 lOU t4A NA

100 NA 100 100 LU 100 100 NA & 100 Nil. 100 100

.1I1"lh11 1 U, 21 Ava 1969


ATT 4IG ,,~

~ij 19 9 '0 '\I 22

1 1 1 10 10 8 11 11 a 8 6 6 2~ 2~ 22

} , , 9 9 7

10 10 9 , j j

~~ ~l ,,2 , 2 2

9 6 6 12 II 6 11 11 a JZ 12 lQ 2 2 0 , , 2 8 8 5 4 , , ~ ~ 0 , , 1 1 1 0 , 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 6 ~

u 16 7 b a 6 1 1 0 b , 4

20 20 16

9 9 7 10 9 7


,. 47.~ ij~ .. 3 .a 100 00 7~.7 100 66.0

100 77.7 90 100

71'~ 100 100 50 7';..7 62,4 0.0 00.6 63~' 100 0,0

)"j 0.0 50 100 0.0 50 4}.7 75 0.0 80 90 77 .r(

77.7 )

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1 st Marine Division (Rein), FMF FPO San F'ranc:i.sco, Cal Hornia 96602

From~ Commanding General To ~ Distribution IJ.,st

D:i.vl1ul 6710 , :', "T)' f'

~5 .ll.ue: 1969

Subj~ Phases 1 and II Stocks of Anti-EW/CW Materials, Division-wide inventory of

Ref~ (a) BUMEDINST 67tO,50A

Encl~ (1) Report of Inventory of Chemical Warfare Pl'otection and Treatment Agents

Report Required~ Report of Inventory of Chemical Warfare Protection and Treatment Agents (Fteport Symbol 1st MarDiv 6710-2) par. 5b

I, ~tE2!~' To direct a thorough and accurate inventory of Phases 1 and II stocks of anti-Gv/CW materials.

2, ~':!:.~;lS:f?,rQY!Lg,o Refer-ence (a) established the material objective of rb1)(\S T and 11 of the Department of DefflOse Material Program for !)~:;fEmS€l aeai.nst Biological and Chemical Agents, It also established ~,n ,'wnual requirement for :inventories of Phases I and II, dUng t.ho mnnber of individual items listed in paragraphs 3 and 4 oj' th];:-. Ib~.letin"

a, f'SN 9L 6505-823.,8041, Atropine Injec:tl.on, 2 mg (1/32 gr) :in 8utomat:l.c pla,st:l.c injectoro Three units or 6 mg r~uired for each pf:fSOn (tv1o uni.ts as Phase I material and one unit as a component cd' Prot.ective Set" Chemical Agent, FSN 6850-753-4876 (T/A 42260»" Aut.horized Bubstitution :i.tems for FSN 6505-823-8041 are:

(1) FSN 9L 6505-108-4,965; Injection~ 2 mg (1/32 gr), 1 cell in collapsible tubeso

(2) FSN 91, 6505-584-3067 i Atropine Injection, .2 DIg (1/32 gr)~ :in automati.c metal injector.




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Di vEul 67 1 f)

25 aug 1969


• (3) F5N 91. 6505-687 .. 44 t 7 ~ Atropine Injection, 2 mg (1/32 g1') J

1 CC;! 12~8.

(4) Fonnerly FSN 9L 6505-1oa-'4975~ Atropine Injection, 2 mg (1/32 gr), 1 cc~ 4'8 (deleted).

(5) Formerly- FSN 650,5-108",5050. Atropine Sulfate Injeetion$ 2 mg (1/32, gr)$ 1 cell 4'8 (deleted).

b. FSN 9L 6505-109~,6016s Atropine Sulf'ate Tablets, 1 DIg (1/60 g,.), 200' s. On~ unit (one bottle ot 200 tablets) required for 20 perBonnel or 10 mg tor ea,ch person. Surplus assets ot Atropine Injection shall be used to reduce activi.ty rer-iuh'ements tor Atropine Tablets; howevel'g 8urplu~ assets of Atropine Tablets shall not be considered a,s ott­setting irlitial req1dr'ement,s of 6 mg per pereon for Atropine Injection~

c. FSN 9L 6505-299-8276, Oxytetracycline Tablets, '0025 Om (4 gr)~ 100We~ One bottle for each person supported. Authorized substi­tution for FSN 9L 6505-299-8276 are:

(1) FSN 9L 6505-159-6575, Chlortetracy-cline Hydrochloride Capsules 9 USP.

(2) FSN 9L 6505-160-0495 j Chloramphenicol Capsules, USPo

(3) FSN 9L 6505-286-7302, Tetracycline Hydrochloride Tablets,

(4) FSN 9L 6505-662-9790, ErythrollVcin Tablets, USP"

d. Organizations shall consider as assets, material contained in operating stocks, disaster control stocks, exoess Btockl~ insurance stocks:; and other preposi.tioned war reserve stocks o

4. ~e II .• MateriElfJe9u1remen!:s Computationo FSN 9L 6505-082-2456$ Pl"alidoxirne Chloride, 5 Om. Stockage requirements are 2~5 Om per man tor 90% ot the personnel supported or one unit toY.' everr two indivi,duals for 90% of the personnel supported? :., .. . ,

5. ~.2!2

a. All units under the administrative control of the 1st Marine Division shall conduct a physical inventory of the aforementioned Chemical Wartare Protection and Treatment Agents on hand as of 30 September 1969. The items and computations of quantities required shall be based on the criteria in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Bulletino






DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (137)

., -,


Dj vBul 6710 25 .. 1fJ:J« 1969

b. Report Required. Those organizations listed above ~~·ill report JJ.n triplicate) the results of the inventory and computation, utilizing

<,~jl\clo.,ure (1). Reports to reach this Headquarters (Attn: Division 'l::;:~j~"Surgeon) not later t.han fO October 1969 •

. "!~'\.

.#' ." . , 6. Self-cancellation. When results of the required inventory have been reported and for record purposes on 31 Octob~r 1969 •

~ Chief of Staff





DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (138)


• D:\ v\:h'l un (,1

25 . AVe" 119$

,~O~T OF INVENTORY or CH?MICAL WARFARE PROTI!;CTJQJLMill.J.ill.::!!"J..rn';~!,L!::l~._!s:lli ""'"~

"":I~bRGANIZATlON ~ .. '

Strength computed as, on basis of M!L-:'r., --....--1, ATROPINE CONTAINED IN pnOTECTIVh s}.~r, CHEMICAL AGENTS, F'SN 6~v)o-"'7~)3'" J~876 (T/A l.2260)(Orga.nj(~ Supply)

B.. RfllUIRED (stl'ength x f pet' Pl'~':;(lll)

P) ON HAND (Total of (a) I.,nd (b»)

(a) At.ropine FSN 6)05,wH;;:3~eOltf

(b) SubsUtuLes

FSN 650,5-584-3067

b. Shortagea/ex((!mH:>

2, ATROPINE INJECTION (Medical Supply)

a. REQUIRED (st:rongth x 2 p~r person)

(i) ON HAND (,r'ota] of (Ij) and (b»

(u) At.ropine f'SN 6505-,823-8041

(b) SUb~$1,itutes

Atl'opli.Tln F5N 6;05~·I08-4965

Eo. ---


l<a ---" Ea. ---

. __ Ea

Ea ~~ .. ,-

___ E!l

__ ---.;Ea

F'3N 6,Ofj,,:iS4··3067 ____ Ea

__ ...... Ea

~H'FSN 650,,-108-5050 __ Ea





DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (139)



• b. Shortac-/exceI8

<~~ ,. ATJI)PlJE SULPA'I TABl.ltTS, /. ;I (Medioal SupplJ)

a. ~UlRED (1 bottle of 200 p ... 20 persona)


b. Shortago/exce88


a. REQUIRF.:D (1 bottle ot 100 per peIrson)

(1) ON HAND (Total ot (a) and (bi))

(a> OXytetracyeliJ)e Tat.s F"SN 6505-299-8276

(b) Subs'to, tutela

Chlort,etracycllne HCl Caps FSN 6505-159-6575

Chloramphenicol Capa FSN 6505-160-0495 Tetrac1Cline HCl Taba FSN 6505-286-7302

l~rythromy'Cl.n Tabs FSN 6~o,-662-9790

b. Shortage/excess

PHASE II ......--- ..

__ .Bt

__ __..oBt

____ Bt

___ at

at. --_.

5. PRAIJ.OOXOO CHlORIDE. 5 CD un1 ta (Medical Supply)


_._. __ ,at

Bt --_. -_ .. ____ at

_tWby Bt -

a. ~UIRED (2.$ Om. per person for 90% of strength) at -(1) ON HAND at.

b. Shortage/excess _at.

Signature of Reporting Officer ____ _

Rank and Title _, __________ Date of Report _. ____ _




DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28· • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (140)


• • .

* Medical Battalion and HOlPital CoIIpanJ' 11111 add the ,. ... of ... orbed patient. bede into Itren,th computation ••

**Report l1UIlber ot 1nc11v1dual spettel. ~ not report a. Box, ,kg, etc.

'J J


,,·IJt~ • .'



DECLASSIFIED 2010-09-28 · • DECLASSIFIED • LIST -.-----.-----OF MISSING DOCUMENTS 1. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not - [PDF Document] (2024)


What are the exceptions to declassifying documents? ›

Records that contain information, the release of which should clearly and demonstrably be expected to reveal the identity of a confidential human source or a human intelligence source, or key design concepts of weapons of mass destruction, are exempt from automatic declassification at 50 years.

How do I declassify Top Secret documents? ›

(b) Information shall be declassified or downgraded by the official who authorized the original classification, if that official is still serving in the same position; the originator's successor; a supervisory official of either; or officials delegated such authority in writing by the agency head or the senior agency ...

How do I find declassified government documents? ›

Declassified documents freely available on the web can be found at federal agencies' web sites (search the agency's site for "FOIA" or "electronic reading room"), from presidential libraries, research institutes, or other sites, sometimes presented by subject.

How can you tell if a document has been declassified? ›

The document should not be marked as declassified. A declassification marking should look like an official stamp that indicates the name and office of the person who authorized the declassification action.

How many years does it take to declassify documents? ›

The originating agency assigns a declassification date, by default 25 years. After 25 years, declassification review is automatic with nine narrow exceptions that allow information to remain as classified. At 50 years, there are two exceptions, and classifications beyond 75 years require special permission.

Who declassifies documents? ›

The President has the authority to declassify documents in the public interest that originated in any department or agency of the executive branch.

How do you know if the CIA has a file on you? ›

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a US citizen or a lawful permanent resident of the US seeking notification of whether the CIA maintains a record on you in any non-exempt system of records or non-exempt portion of a system of records, you may provide identifying information and current citizenship status and make a request under ...

How do I find my government files? ›

Subscription Research Databases

HeinOnline, Lexis, and Westlaw are great places to check for other documents including agency decisions and federal register notices. Each database has slightly different collections and years covered so you may need to check multiple.

How to access CIA files? ›

The documents will be available on and in the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. CREST currently houses over 10 million pages of declassified Agency documents.

Where can I find leaked government documents? ›

The Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) contains the most comprehensive set of declassified government documents available.

What is a secret document called? ›

classified document, any document or other record, whether in paper, electronic, or other form, that contains information regarded as sensitive by a national government and which, for that reason, is legally accessible only to persons with an appropriate government-issued security clearance.

Are declassified documents open to the public? ›

Overview. NSA reviews records and makes them publicly available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Mandatory Declassification Review provisions of Executive Order 13526.

Which type of information is exempt from downgrade and declassification instructions? ›

Declassification and downgrading instructions shall not be used for information containing Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data.

What is exemption 3 information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal law? ›

As amended, Exemption 3 allows the withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute only if one of two disjunctive requirements are met: the statute either "(A) requires that the matters be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on the issue, or (B) establishes ...

What is mandatory declassification? ›

In addition to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, records may be released via a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR). MDRs are authorized under Executive Order 13526, which allows the public to request a classification review of a withdrawn, classified document.

What are the different types of declassification process? ›

There are three primary ways by which classified information is declassified: Automatic Declassification. Systematic Review. Mandatory Review.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.