Pasta Alla Norma Recipe (2024)



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Thomas Burke

Cut unpeeled eggplant into 1" cubes. In baking dish, combine eggplant, olive oil, 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes, and sea salt. Bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes, tossing occasionally. Eggplant will be custard-like.

For sauce: in skillet combine 3-4 tomatoes coarsely chopped, 2 tbs each of olive oil and tomato paste; and red pepper flakes and sea salt to taste. Simmer for 3/4 hours until it has a tomato jam-like consistency.

We use various cheeses: ricotta salata, Parmesan, or chevre.


This was delicious due in large part to some of the comments I read ahead of time. I, too, roasted the eggplant cubes that I'd tossed w/s+p for 25 minutes at 400. They came out perfect. For the sauce I used a large can of San Marzano tomatoes and 2 TBS tomato paste. I added red pepper flakes instead of the dried chiles. To my good fortune our local grocery had ricotta salata and that was a wonderful finishing touch. I will surely make this again with these modifications to the recipe.


An old favorite, reimagined a bit and just as good. I'd suggest roasting the eggplant (cubed) in the oven at around 400F for about 25 minutes or so, tossed with oil and seasonings, on a sheet lined with parchment paper. Make the tomatoes while it's roasting, cook the pasta too and then assemble. Buon appetito!


1) Using Japanese eggplants (those with the purple, not green, calyx) will greatly improve the flavor: Japanese eggplants are much less bitter.2) For pasta alla Norma, it is essential to shield as much as possible the cooked eggplant from the tomato sauce: for reasons that perhaps a chemist could explain, the tomato sauce destroys the flavor of eggplants. Therefore, do not reheat the eggplant in the tomato sauce. Toss the past in the tomato sauce, add basil and only then add the eggplants.

Doug Johnston

If, on the front end, you cut the eggplant into cubes, salt lightly and then spread the cubes out on a microwave safe plate, lined with paper coffee filters, and microwave for 10 minutes on high power--a lot of the moisture in the eggplant is drawn out--the end result are cubes that brown better AND soak up less of the EVOO...

Linda O

This dish is even better with slow roasted tomatoes. Halfway through roasting, drizzle the tomato olive oil over the eggplant. Replenish the olive oil for the tomatoes. Continue roasting. Then you have this amazing eggplant with roasted tomato oil.


Frying eggplant requires higher heat to reduce the amount of oil required. Roasting is easier and/or safer.

Joel Nydahl


Diced tomatoes commonly come in 14.5 oz. cans, whole tomatoes in 28 oz. cans. Which do you mean? I'm guesssing the 28 oz. one--but who can be sure? Thanks for all the great recipes over the years!

Sue Llewellyn

DEFINITELY cubed, unpeeled, oven-roasted eggplant, tossed with olive oil, S&P, red pepper flakes and even some dried oregano--but FORTY mins @ 400 degrees is far too long; the result should still have a little textural integrity, or all you'll be left with is bits of peel in the tomato sauce! (And speaking of latter, if--like me--you make the occasional batch of your own tomato sauce and freeze it in smaller portions, you can easily use some of it in the recipe.)

Beth Bochnak

The last time I made this I brushed the eggplant slices w olive oil and grilled them. It used a lot less olive oil and the eggplant was very tasty and not dry.


Am I the only person out there with a panini grill? Brush your eggplant with oil and grill them until browned & soft. BTW, these machines are great for grilling peppers, onions, zucchini, etc. A nice perk: put the grilling surfaces in the dishwasher - easy cleanup.

Ricotta Salata can be hard to find, but coarsely grated Pecorino Romano is great with this dish. It has the saltiness required. San Marzano tomatoes rule. Try adding an onion; use crushed red pepper flakes to taste.


I cut the eggplant in cubes and roasted them with EVOO, salt and pepper. Used canned whole San Marzano tomatoes,a spoonful of tomato paste, red pepper flakes and added a couple of sardines for depth. Didn't have ricotta salata so used combo feta and fresh Parmesan. Great and fast. Recommend pasta with shape to hold the sauce better.

Christine F.

Roasted the eggplant and fresh tomatoes for ~30 minutes at 400. Tasty!


I loved it, but and this is a big one. Eggplant absorbs a lot of oil, if the idea is to consume 1/2 a gallon of olive oil in one sitting then this is a great recipe. I squeezed the eggplants with the tongues I used to flip them. This released a lot of the oil and made the eggplant less oil saturated. After all is a pasta dish it should not cost $30.00 dollars in olive oil


Very tasty! I think 1 pound of pasta is way to much for the sauce that is prepared. I was digging through a pile of pasta looking for the goodies.


Roast the eggplant in an air fryer after tossing with a little olive oil.

Elizabeth Thomas

Lovely recipe. The olive oil is the point!It makes this recipe unctuous . Making the recipe as it is written will result in a rich and decadent pasta, so if that’s what you want, just follow the recipe. This is not diet food, but it does not claim to be . Delicious!


Roasted the eggplant in an air fryer at 400 for 20 minutes.

Laura Di Battista, Toronto

I was lucky to eat this pasta dish in Sicily a couple of years ago. This recipe is Italian cooking personified. There are just a few ingredients, but they turn into a delicious dish. I fried the eggplant...stop being so afraid of oil you New Yorkers! I halved the pasta and added the same amount of eggplant. Great vegetarian dinner (and I'm not vegetarian)


Deserves its 5 stars for flavor, ease and adaptability(more garlic, please). Follow the notes on eggplant prep in the oven -- 25-30 minutes.


Like others, I also roasted my eggplant, then for the tomatoes used a 28 oz can of San Marzano tomatoes. I let it simmer for around 40 minutes (didn’t have more time). Dish was delicious, especially with the pecorino romano sprinkled on top.

Ann B.

I made this almost exactly as directed, although only a half recipe, and it was spectacular. The only difference: I used about a third of a pound of linguine instead of a half pound for two servings. Yes, the eggplant soaks up olive oil, but while it’s cooking it releases a lot of it too. So it’s not oily. My husband ate an entire plate (which he NEVER does with anything—how he was brought up). The only question I had was at what temp do you cook the eggplant? I tried a lot of temps.


I have made this twice. It is absolutely delicious and one of my favorites. Frying the eggplant is time-consuming and requires a large quantity of oil. I recommend putting on the lid when frying the egg plant to help reduce the quantity of oil. I've tried it with fresh and canned tomatoes (large can, diced, and strained); fresh tomatoes are preferred. I plan on taking others' advice and baking the eggplant in the future to reduce the amount of oil used.

roast eggplant

Roast eggplant at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.


Thanks for all the suggestions. I will definitely roast the eggplants. Do I need to salt, wait and drain the eggplant cubes before roasting? Thanks

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In a pinch I used TJs canned eggplant and onion combo and a large can of whole Cento tomatoes. Had that nice depth from the eggplant and was a great and super fast weeknight dinner. I hope to make the full version soon!


Oh wow, this is good. I almost took all the reader suggestions and roasted the eggplant but I decided to follow the recipe. I’ll try roasting instead at some point but I can’t imagine it would yield remotely the same result. Done Mark Bittman’s way, the eggplant basically breaks down into the sauce. At least it did for me. I couldn’t find ricotta salata so I used pecorino as recommended. Delish!

Lisa T

I made this tonight and it was delicious. I cut the eggplant into 1" cubes and combined them with olive oil, 1/2 a tsp of red pepper flakes, salt and pepper. Then I baked them for 40 minutes at 400 degrees. After about 12 minutes, I added my chopped tomatoes, garlic and oregano to the pan. I continued roasting for an additional 25 - 30 minutes. Finally, I added the basil and pasta. Roasting it all together makes it an easy dish.


I listened to a lot of the comments below (about throwing the eggplant in the oven), but frying in the same pan as the sauce gets made adds an extra oomph to the flavor and recommend sticking with that.


Cube eggplant and roast for 20 minutes

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Pasta Alla Norma Recipe (2024)


What is Pasta alla Norma made of? ›

Originally from Catania, a city on the eastern coast of Sicily, Pasta alla Norma is a delicious Sicilian pasta made with tender eggplant and tossed in a herby tomato sauce and a sprinkle of ricotta salata cheese. This eggplant pasta recipe makes a satisfying vegetarian dinner that even meat lovers enjoy!

What does a la Norma mean? ›

The name Pasta alla Norma is said to have originated from the cry of joy and approval that people cannot repress after they eat this Sicilian specialty: “This pasta is a NORMA!” meaning a masterpiece.

In which part of Italy was the Pasta alla Norma invented? ›

Here, we take a deeper dive into the history of this intriguing dish. The story of Pasta alla Norma originates from Catania, a bustling port city on the east coast of Sicily, which is also the birthplace of the renowned 19th-century composer Vincenzo Bellini.

What wine goes with Pasta alla Norma? ›

Nero d'Avola, a red wine from Sicily, would be a natural pairing for Pasta alla Norma. This wine is known for its bold fruit flavors, often reminiscent of black cherries and plums, which would complement the tomato-based sauce of the dish.

Why is it called pasta Norma? ›

Pasta alla norma is a celebrated dish from Catania that they say got its name from the opera by Vincenzo Bellini: “Chista è 'na vera Norma!”, meaning, “This is a real Norma (i.e.: masterpiece)”, is what the famous Catanese comedy writer Nino Martoglio exclaimed when he tasted it.

Why is pasta alla vodka so good? ›

Wine works, too, but a clean-tasting vodka has mostly water and ethanol (a solvent), which is excellent at carrying aromatic compounds — like those in tomatoes. In other words, the vodka in this dish can help you smell, and in turn taste, the sauce's flavors in a heightened way.

Is Pasta alla Norma the same as melanzane? ›

Pasta Alla Norma is a traditional eggplant and pasta dish from Sicily in Italy made of fried eggplant tossed with pasta and tomato sauce and topped with ricotta salata. In the past, it was called "pasta con le melanzane" which literally means "pasta with eggplant".

What is a substitute for ricotta salata? ›

Try using Feta cheese instead. Although feta is saltier and tangier, the texture is very similar to Ricotta Salata. If you'd like to stick with an Italian cheese, Pecorino Romano can also be used in place of Ricotta Salata. The Greek cheese Mizithra is also a decent substitute for Ricotta Salata.

What country of origin is Norma? ›

Norma is a female name. It is of Germanic and Romance origin. A single instance of the name Norma is recorded 1203, where it perhaps derives from the Latin word norma, meaning "precept".

Where did Italians steal pasta from? ›

Noodles existed in China and Asia long before pasta appeared in the Mediterranean world, and the legend goes that Marco Polo brought pasta to Italy from China in the 13th century.

What is the oldest pasta factory in Italy? ›

The origins of pasta-making in Gragnano can be traced back to the early 14th century, when the first pasta factories began to emerge in the area. By the 16th century, Gragnano had become one of the leading producers of pasta in Italy, thanks to its ideal location and the skill of its pasta makers.

Who was making pasta in Italy more than 2000 years ago? ›

Origins. Although popular legend claims Marco Polo introduced pasta to Italy following his exploration of the Far East in the late 13th century, pasta can be traced back as far as the 4th century B.C., where an Etruscan tomb showed a group of natives making what appears to be pasta.

Do Italians add wine to pasta sauce? ›

The acidity of the wine will instead be very useful if you want to give a sour, astringent flavor to the dish. This is the reason why in Italian cuisine it is not common to add wine to a tomato sauce, where the tomato already has a strong acidity.

What pasta shape goes best with pasta alla vodka? ›

Dried penne pasta: Use a good-quality dried pasta here. Penne is the classic pasta shape to use, but rigatoni is another favorite. Something bite sized with lots of surface area for the vodka sauce to cling to is the key. For a bit of added nutrition, explore whole wheat pastas, or pasta made with lentils or chickpeas.

What wine is best for Italian tomato sauce? ›

Tomato-based sauces are powerfully tasting and highly acid – and are often blended with rich, red meats. Because of the acidity in tomatoes, a relatively tart red wine with middle-weight body (like a Pinot Noir) is your best option.

Why does pasta alla vodka have vodka? ›

In a vodka sauce, the vodka helps maintain a cohesive texture, allowing the creaminess to meld with the tomato base. And sure, you could use wine to the same effect, but in a sauce as rich as vodka sauce, it's better to use a small amount of alcohol that will impart as little of its own flavor as possible.

What is pasta alla carbonara made of? ›

Carbonara (Italian: [karboˈnaːra]) is a pasta dish made with eggs, hard cheese, fatty cured pork, and black pepper. It is typical of the Lazio region of Italy. The dish took its modern form and name in the middle of the 20th century. The cheese is usually pecorino romano.

Why is it called pasta alla vodka? ›

Vodka sauce was definitively invented in by Armando Mei for his midtown restaurant Fontana di Trevi, debuting on the menu in 1967. Mei called his penne alla vodka, as the dish most often known as in the United States. It was a combination off tomatoes, vodka, and cream.

What does Alla mean in pasta? ›

In some cases, like "pasta alle vongole", "pasta alla salsiccia" it just means "with" (so it's translated "pasta with clams", "pasta with sausage"), in other cases it refers to a style of cooking, sometimes it's about a place (pasta all'amatriciana means "pasta in the way they make it in the city of Amatrice", "alla ...

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